We, the undersigned conferees, have had under consideration the amendments to the following entitled BILL:


S. B. No. 2501:  Motor vehicles; provide for various distinctive motor vehicle license tags.


  We, therefore, respectfully submit the following report and recommendation:



  1.  That the House recede from its Amendment No. 1.


  2.  That the Senate and House adopt the following amendment:


     Amend by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:


     SECTION 1.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a member of Lions of Mississippi, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a member of Lions of Mississippi.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of Lions of Mississippi, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to Lions Sight Foundation of Mississippi, Inc.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 2.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag in recognition of his support for the Mississippi Veterans Monument.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as may be determined finally by the State Tax Commission based upon three (3) recommendations presented to the State Tax Commission by the Mississippi Veterans Monument Commission, and ranked in order of preference by the Mississippi Veterans Monument Commission.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector as a processing fee, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.  Distinctive license tags issued under this section shall be issued within forty-five (45) days after application is made.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, or if the owner sells or transfers the vehicle, he may surrender the license tag to the local county tax collector and receive a certificate of credit toward the purchase of a tag on another vehicle as otherwise provided by law.  Distinctive license tags issued under this section may be transferred by the owner to any other vehicle owned by him upon payment of the regular taxes and fees for a license tag for that vehicle.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of distinctive license tags under this section.  The State Treasurer

shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the special fund created in subsection (7) of this section.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     (7)  There is established in the State Treasury a special fund which shall consist of monies required to be deposited therein under subsection (4) of this section.  Monies in the special fund, upon Legislative appropriation, may be expended by the Mississippi Veterans Monument Commission for the purpose of performing any of the duties of the commission under Chapter 15 of Title 55, Mississippi Code of 1972.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the special fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.

     SECTION 3.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of Mississippi public education.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the State Board of Education, may prescribe, and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Public Education Support Fund created under Section 4 of Senate Bill No. 2501, 2002 Regular Session.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed proportionately in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 4.  There is established in the State Treasury a fund known as the "Mississippi Public Education Support Fund" (hereinafter referred to as "fund").  The fund shall consist of monies required to be deposited therein under Section 3 of Senate Bill No. 2501, 2002 Regular Session, and such other monies as the Legislature may authorize or direct to be deposited into the fund.  Monies in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, may be expended by the Mississippi Department of Education for classroom supplies, instructional materials and equipment, including computers and computer software, to be distributed to all school districts in the proportion that the average daily attendance of each school district bears to the average daily attendance of all school districts within the state.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.

     SECTION 5.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe commemorating September 11, 2001, and containing the phrase "Mississippi Remembers and Cares."  The tag shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (b)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (c)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed proportionately in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 6.  (1)  In recognition of the patriotic services rendered the United States, Mississippi and the citizens thereof, any resident of the state who is on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive motor vehicle license plate or tag identifying him as an active duty member of the United States Armed Forces.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  Applicants for the distinctive license tag shall present proof of their active duty membership in the United States Armed Forces to the county tax collector.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into a special fund that is created in the State Treasury.  Monies in the fund may be expended by the Mississippi State Veterans Affairs Board for the maintenance, operation and administration of state veterans homes.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 7.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a duly elected constable, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying the person as a constable.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued under this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created under Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued under this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 8.  (1)  In recognition of their patriotic services rendered the state and the citizens thereof, any owner of a motor vehicle who is a member of the Mississippi State Guard established under Section 33-5-51, upon application and payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying the person as a member of the Mississippi State Guard.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Mississippi State Guard, may prescribe, shall bear the words "Mississippi State Guard," and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  The distinctive license tags authorized in this section shall be prepared by the State Tax Commission and shall be issued through the tax collectors of the several counties of the state in the same manner as are other motor vehicle license tags, and the tax collectors shall be entitled to their regular fees for their services.  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  Applicants for the distinctive license tags shall present to the tax collector proof of their membership in the Mississippi State Guard by means of a certificate signed by the commanding officer of the applicant on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of a fund to be administered by the board overseeing the veterans nursing homes in this state for the benefit of indigent veterans who are residents of such nursing homes.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  The distinctive license tags shall be used only upon and for personally or jointly owned private passenger vehicles (including station wagons, recreational motor vehicles and pickup trucks) registered in the name, or jointly in the name, of the member making application therefor, and when so issued to the applicant, shall be used upon the vehicle for which issued in lieu of the standard license tag normally issued for the vehicle.

     (6)  The distinctive license tags issued under this section shall not be transferable between motor vehicle owners.  If the owner of a vehicle bearing a distinctive license tag sells, trades, exchanges or otherwise disposes of the vehicle, the tag shall be retained by the owner to whom issued and returned by the owner to the tax collector of the county.

     (7)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (8)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 9.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a supporter of community social services programs sponsored by the Institute of Community Services, Incorporated, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Institute of Community Services, Incorporated.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Institute of Community Services, Incorporated, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Institute of Community Services, Incorporated.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 10.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a member of Knights of Columbus, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a member of Knights of Columbus.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of Knights of Columbus, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to Knights of Columbus of Mississippi.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 11.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a member of any society such as academic, professional, honorary, Masonic, or so-called Greek letter fraternities or sororities, or similar organization whether of a local or connectional character that is established under Section 37-111-1 et seq., upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a member of such a society or organization.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 12.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a graduate of the United States Naval Academy, a student enrolled at the United States Naval Academy, a parent of a graduate of the United States Naval academy or a parent of a student enrolled at the United States Naval Academy, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag which displays the emblem of the United States Naval Academy.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Thirty-one Dollars and Fifty Cents ($31.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Fourteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($14.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 13.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the 4-H Club.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Mississippi 4-H Club Foundation, Inc., may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Mississippi 4-H Club Foundation, Inc.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 14.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Mississippi Future Farmers of America Association.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Mississippi Future Farmers of America Association, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Mississippi Future Farmers of America Association.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 15.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the North Delta Museum.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the North Delta Archeological Association, Inc., may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the North Delta Archeological Association, Inc.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 16.  (1)  Owners of motor vehicles who are residents of this state, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag in recognition of their support for People Against Litter, the statewide litter prevention program and subsidiary of Keep Mississippi Beautiful, Inc.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as may be determined finally by the State Tax Commission based upon three (3) recommendations presented to the State Tax Commission by People Against Litter, the statewide litter prevention program and subsidiary of Keep Mississippi Beautiful, Inc., and ranked in order of preference by People Against Litter, the statewide litter prevention program and subsidiary of Keep Mississippi Beautiful, Inc.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, plus Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector as a processing fee, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.  Distinctive license tags issued under this section shall be issued within forty-five (45) days after application is made.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, or if the owner sells or transfers the vehicle, he may surrender the license tag to the local county tax collector and receive a certificate of credit toward the purchase of a tag on another vehicle as otherwise provided by law.  Distinctive license tags issued under this section may be transferred by the owner to any other vehicle owned by the person upon payment of the regular taxes and fees for a license tag for that vehicle.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of distinctive license tags.  The State Treasurer shall distribute an amount equal to Seventeen Dollars ($17.00) of the additional fees collected for each such distinctive license tag issued under this section to the Statewide Litter Prevention Fund created under Section 65-1-167.  Monies in the special fund, upon legislative appropriation, may be expended as provided in Section 65-1-167.  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected for each such distinctive license tag issued under this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of Senate Bill No. 2501, 2002 Regular Session.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 17.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is an aircraft pilot licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a private aircraft pilot or a commercial aircraft pilot.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Air Safety Foundation of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 18.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, a student enrolled at the United States Military Academy, a parent of a graduate of the United States Military Academy or a parent of a student enrolled at the United States Military Academy, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag which displays the emblem of the United States Military Academy.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Thirty-one Dollars and Fifty Cents ($31.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Fourteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($14.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 19.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy, a student enrolled at the United States Coast Guard Academy, a parent of a graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy or a parent of a student enrolled at the United States Coast Guard Academy, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag which displays the emblem of the United States Coast Guard Academy.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Thirty-one Dollars and Fifty Cents ($31.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Fourteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($14.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 20.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy, a student enrolled at the United States Merchant Marine Academy, a parent of a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy or a parent of a student enrolled at the United States Merchant marine Academy, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag which displays the emblem of the United States Merchant Marines Academy.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Thirty-one Dollars and Fifty Cents ($31.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Fourteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($14.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 21.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, a student enrolled at the United States Air Force Academy, a parent of a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy or a parent of a student enrolled at the United States Air Force Academy, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag which displays the emblem of the United States Air Force Academy.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Thirty-one Dollars and Fifty Cents ($31.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Fourteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($14.50) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag issued under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit in the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 22.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Mississippi Institute for Arts and Letters.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 23.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Mississippi Walking Horse Association.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Mississippi Walking Horse Association, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Mississippi Walking Horse Association.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 24.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive trauma care license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council created under Section 41-59-7, may prescribe.  The words "Preventing Injuries" shall be centered at the bottom of the license tag.  The State Tax Commission shall prescribe such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Trauma Care Systems Fund established in Section 41-59-75.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 25.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a retired member of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol and who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a retired member of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag and may, in the discretion of the State Tax Commission, display the county name.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  Applicants for such distinctive license tags shall present proof that they are a retired member of the Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol by presentation of a signed and notarized affidavit from the Commissioner of Public Safety.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of distinctive license tags.  The State Treasurer shall distribute an amount equal to Seven Dollars ($7.00) of the additional fees collected for each such distinctive license tag issued under this section to the State General Fund, and an amount equal to One Dollar ($1.00) of the additional fees collected for each distinctive license tag issued under this section to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of Senate Bill No. 2501, 2002 Regular Session.  The remainder of such additional fees collected shall be distributed by the State Treasurer to the credit of the special fund created in Section 45-2-1.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00). The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 26.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a member of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Mississippi, Free and Accepted Ancient Yorkrite Masons, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional annual fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be entitled to a special license tag which displays the Prince Hall Grand Lodge Mason emblem and displays the letters "F&AAYM."  The tags shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission shall prescribe subject to the approval of the Mississippi License Tag Commission.

     (2)  Application for the special license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  Applicants for such distinctive license tags shall present to the issuing official documentation from the Free and Accepted Ancient Yorkrite Masons, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Mississippi as prescribed by the State Tax Commission showing their membership in the Free and Accepted Ancient Yorkrite Masons, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Mississippi.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day received.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on special license tags shall be deposited in a special fund hereby created in the State Treasury to the credit of the Free and Accepted Ancient Yorkrite Masons, Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Mississippi.  The funds shall be available for expenditure at the discretion of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Mississippi.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

          (c)  The remainder of each such additional fee shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 27.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state and who is a member of the clergy, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a member of the clergy.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Mississippi state office of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to be distributed evenly among the Boys and Girls Clubs of America located in the State of Mississippi.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 28.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state and who is a member or supporter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a member or supporter of such organization.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall display the Greek letters of the organization, shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe, and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Oxford Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 29.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Boys Scouts of America.  Subject to the approval of the State Tax Commission, the distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the Andrew Jackson Council, Boy Scouts of America, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Andrew Jackson Council, Boys Scouts of America, or its successor by merger or otherwise.  The Andrew Jackson Council shall distribute the fees so received to the councils of the Boy Scouts of America with council boundaries covering any part of the State of Mississippi, including the Andrew Jackson Council, with the fees to be distributed to each of those councils on the basis of the fees generated by the purchase of the distinctive license tags within the counties covered by the particular council boundary.  The State Tax Commission shall furnish to the Andrew Jackson Council such information as is necessary for the Andrew Jackson Council to distribute the fees in the manner herein provided.  The Andrew Jackson Council is authorized to deduct an administrative fee from the fees distributed to the councils in such amount as is approved by the individual councils receiving the fees to be distributed.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 30.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional annual fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be privileged to obtain one distinctive motor vehicle license plate or tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying him as a supporter of Mississippi agriculture.  The tags shall depict the image of a cotton boll, shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission shall prescribe, subject to the approval of the Mississippi License Tag Commission, and shall consist of such letters or numbers or both as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day received.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued under this section shall be deposited into a special fund that is created in the State Treasury to be known as the "Agriculture Distinctive License Tag Fund."  Monies in the fund may be expended, upon legislative appropriation, by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture to help defray the operating expenses of the department.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 31.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional annual fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be entitled to a special license tag that demonstrates the applicant's support for autism awareness.  The tags shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission shall prescribe subject to the approval of the Mississippi License Tag Commission; however each tag shall display the design of an interlocking puzzle strip with the name  "Autism Awareness," and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the statewide nonprofit organization, "Together Enhancing Autism Awareness in Mississippi" (TEAAM).

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 32.  (1)  In recognition of the patriotic services rendered by Mississippians who are recipients of the Bronze Star or the Silver Star, any such person, upon complying with the motor vehicle laws relating to registration and licensing of motor vehicles, and upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional annual fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be privileged to obtain one distinctive motor vehicle license plate or tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying him as a recipient of the Bronze Star or the Silver Star.  The tags shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission shall prescribe, subject to the approval of the Mississippi License Tag Commission, and shall consist of such letters or numbers or both as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  Applicants for such distinctive license tags shall present to the issuing official written proof that the applicant is a recipient of the Bronze Star or Silver Star.  The application and the additional fee, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day received.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued under this section shall be deposited in the State Treasury to the credit of a special fund to be administered by the board overseeing the veterans nursing homes in this state for the benefit of indigent veterans who are residents of such nursing homes.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 33.  (1)  Upon application by any legal resident of the State of Mississippi who is diabetic, the State Tax Commission shall prepare and issue through the county tax collectors a special license plate for not more than one (1) vehicle that is registered in the applicant's name.  The initial application shall be accompanied by the certification of a licensed physician that the applicant meets the definition of a diabetic as set forth in subsection (2) of this section.  An applicant for the special license plate shall not be required to pay any fee or charge for the issuance of such license plate separate from or in addition to the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees otherwise required by law to be paid for the issuance of a regular license plate for the vehicle.  The special license plate shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe and shall consist of such letters, numbers or both as may be necessary to distinguish each license plate.

     (2)  For the purpose of this section, the term "diabetic" means a person who is affected with diabetes, including, Type I, Type II, Gestational or any secondary form of diabetes regardless of mode of treatment, age of onset or duration of the disease.

     SECTION 34.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Petal, Mississippi, School District.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall display the words "Petal School District" and shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Petal Education Foundation, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the special fund created in subsection (7) of this section.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     (7)  There is established in the State Treasury a special fund which shall consist of monies required to be deposited therein under subsection (4) of this section.  Monies in the special fund, upon legislative appropriation, may be expended by the Mississippi Department of Education for classroom supplies, instructional materials and equipment, including computers and computer software, to be distributed to all school districts in the proportion that the average daily attendance of each school district bears to the average daily attendance of all school districts within the state.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the special fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.

     SECTION 35.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the DeSoto County, Mississippi, School District.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall display the words "DeSoto County School District" and shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the DeSoto County, Mississippi, School District, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the special fund created in subsection (7) of this section.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     (7)  There is established in the State Treasury a special fund which shall consist of monies required to be deposited therein under subsection (4) of this section.  Monies in the special fund, upon legislative appropriation, may be expended by the Mississippi Department of Education for classroom supplies, instructional materials and equipment, including computers and computer software, to be distributed to all school districts in the proportion that the average daily attendance of each school district bears to the average daily attendance of all school districts within the state.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the special fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.

     SECTION 36.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Simpson County, Mississippi, School District.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall display the words "Simpson County School District" and shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Simpson County, Mississippi, School District, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the special fund created in subsection (7) of this section.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     (7)  There is established in the State Treasury a special fund which shall consist of monies required to be deposited therein under subsection (4) of this section.  Monies in the special fund, upon legislative appropriation, may be expended by the Mississippi Department of Education for classroom supplies, instructional materials and equipment, including computers and computer software, to be distributed to all school districts in the proportion that the average daily attendance of each school district bears to the average daily attendance of all school districts within the state.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the special fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.

     SECTION 37.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state and who is a member or supporter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a member or supporter of such organization.  The distinctive license tags so issued shall display the Greek letters of the organization, shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission may prescribe, and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Hinds County Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 38.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for any motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.  Subject to the approval of the State Tax Commission, the distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi, Girl Scouts of the United States of America, may prescribe and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi, Girl Scouts of the United States of America, or its successor by merger or otherwise.  The Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi shall distribute the fees so received to the councils of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America with council boundaries covering any part of the State of Mississippi, including the Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi, with the fees to be distributed to each of those councils on the basis of the fees generated by the purchase of the distinctive license tags within the counties covered by the particular council boundary.  The State Tax Commission shall furnish to the Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi such information as is necessary for the Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi to distribute the fees in the manner herein provided.  The Girl Scout Council of Middle Mississippi is authorized to deduct an administrative fee from the fees distributed to the councils in such amount as is approved by the individual councils receiving the fees to be distributed.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 39.  (1)  The State Tax Commission may enter into agreements for the purchase of distinctive National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing ("NASCAR") theme license tags.  The State Tax Commission may enter into any agreement with the supplier of such distinctive license tags, or other entity, necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.  The distinctive license tags shall be of such design as the supplier of the tags, with the advice of the State Tax Commission, may prescribe. 

     (2)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (4) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name a distinctive license tag displaying NASCAR themes.

     (3)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (5) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (4)  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection (4), beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  However, for the first one hundred (100) license tags issued displaying a particular NASCAR theme, the State Tax Commission may establish an auction or similar procedure for the purpose of determining the order in which such distinctive license tags are sold and the amount of the additional fee for the distinctive license tags which shall be due at the time the original application is made for such a distinctive license tag, and Thirty-five Dollars ($35.00) thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (5)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  A portion of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be distributed to the supplier of the license tags according to the terms of any agreement between the State Tax Commission and the supplier of the distinctive license tags. 

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of the additional fees collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the special fund created in Section 43 of Senate Bill No. 2501, 2002 Regular Session.

          (c)  The remainder of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the special fund created in subsection (8) of this section.

     (6)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (7)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed proportionately in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     (8)  There is established in the State Treasury a special fund which shall consist of monies required by law to be deposited therein.  Monies in the special fund, upon legislative appropriation, may be expended by the Mississippi Department of Archives and History for the purpose of paying the costs of repair and renovation of the New Capitol.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the special fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.

     SECTION 40.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (4) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name, which shall be produced in such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Choose Life Advisory Committee, may prescribe.  The words "Choose Life" shall be centered at the bottom of the license tag.  The State Tax Commission shall prescribe such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.    (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (4) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify the total fees collected under this section to the State Treasurer who shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be disbursed to the Choose Life Advisory Committee to be used as provided for in subsection (5) of this section.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  (a)  Funds disbursed to the Choose Life Advisory Committee under this section shall be used by such committee as follows:

              (i)  Seventy percent (70%) shall be used to provide for the material needs of pregnant women, including clothing, housing, medical care, food, utilities and transportation;

              (ii)  The remaining funds may only be used for adoption, counseling, training or advertising.

          (b)  Funds disbursed to the Choose Life Advisory Committee under this section shall not be used for administrative expenses, legal expenses, capital expenditures, attempting to influence any legislation or any political campaign on behalf or in opposition to any candidate for public office.

     (6)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) month and year license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the license tag.

     (7)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 41.  (1)  Any owner of a motor vehicle who is a resident of this state, upon payment of the road and bridge privilege taxes, ad valorem taxes and registration fees as prescribed by law for private carriers of passengers, pickup trucks and other noncommercial motor vehicles, and upon payment of an additional fee in the amount provided in subsection (3) of this section, shall be issued a distinctive license tag for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying such person as a supporter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).  The distinctive license tags so issued shall be of such color and design as the State Tax Commission, with the advice of the Mississippi State Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, may prescribe, and shall consist of such letters or numbers, or both, as may be necessary to distinguish each license tag.

     (2)  Application for the distinctive license tags authorized by this section shall be made to the county tax collector on forms prescribed by the State Tax Commission.  The application and the additional fee imposed under subsection (3) of this section, less Two Dollars ($2.00) thereof to be retained by the tax collector, shall be remitted to the State Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The portion of the additional fee retained by the tax collector shall be deposited into the county general fund.

     (3)  Beginning with any registration year commencing on or after July 1, 2002, any person applying for a distinctive license tag under this section shall pay an additional fee in the amount of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) for each distinctive license tag applied for under this section, which shall be in addition to all other taxes and fees.  The additional fee paid shall be for a period of time to run concurrent with the vehicle's established license tag year.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive license tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  If the owner does not wish to retain the distinctive license tag, he must surrender it to the local county tax collector.

     (4)  The State Tax Commission shall deposit all fees into the State Treasury on the day collected.  At the end of each month, the State Tax Commission shall certify to the State Treasurer the total fees collected under this section from the issuance of the distinctive license tags issued under this section.  The State Treasurer shall distribute such collections as follows:

          (a)  Twenty-four Dollars ($24.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the special fund created in Section 39(8) of this act.

          (b)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited into the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created pursuant to Section 7-9-70.

          (c)  Two Dollars ($2.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the State Highway Fund to be expended solely for the repair, maintenance, construction or reconstruction of highways.

          (d)  One Dollar ($1.00) of each additional fee collected on distinctive license tags issued pursuant to this section shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.

     (5)  A regular license tag must be properly displayed as required by law until replaced by a distinctive license tag under this section.  The regular license tag must be surrendered to the tax collector upon issuance of the distinctive license tag under this section.  The tax collector shall issue up to two (2) license decals for each distinctive license tag issued under this section, which will expire the same month and year as the regular license tag.

     (6)  In the case of loss or theft of a distinctive license tag issued under this section, the owner may make application and affidavit for a replacement distinctive license tag as provided by Section 27-19-37.  The fee for a replacement distinctive license tag shall be Ten Dollars ($10.00).  The tax collector receiving such application and affidavit shall be entitled to retain and deposit into the county general fund five percent (5%) of the fee for such replacement license tag and the remainder shall be distributed proportionately in the same manner as funds from the sale of regular distinctive license tags issued under this section.

     SECTION 42.  (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, One Dollar ($1.00) of the additional fee for any distinctive or special tag that would otherwise be distributed to  a nongovernmental organization or entity, shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund created in Section 43 of this act.    (2)  Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to funds required to be deposited to the credit of the Mississippi Fire Fighter's Memorial Burn Center Fund created in Section 7-9-70. 

     (3)  Subsection (1) of this section shall not apply if a portion of the fee for any distinctive or special tag is required to be deposited to the credit of the fund created in Section 43 of this act by the law authorizing the issuance of the distinctive or special tag.

     SECTION 43.  (1)  There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special fund which shall consist of the portion of the additional fees paid for distinctive or special motor vehicle license tags that are required to be deposited into such fund.  Money in the fund shall be utilized by the State Tax Commission to defray the costs incurred by the commission in administering Chapter 19, Title 27, Mississippi Code of 1972.

     (2)  The State Tax Commission may escalate its budget and expend such monies in accordance with rules and regulations of the Department of Finance and Administration in a manner consistent with the escalation of federal funds.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the General Fund and investment earnings on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.

     SECTION 44.  Section 27-19-44, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-19-44.  (1)  For any distinctive license tag or plate authorized by the Legislature from and after July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2002, the requirements of this subsection must be met before the State Tax Commission may prepare or issue any such license tag or plate.  The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must submit proof satisfactory to the State Tax Commission that at least one hundred (100) of such license tags or plates will be purchased and must deposit with the commission an amount necessary to purchase one hundred (100) of such license tags or plates.  The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must satisfy the requirements of this subsection (1) within two (2) years after the effective date of the law authorizing the license tag or plate in order to permit the license tag or plate to be prepared and issued. 

     (2)  For any distinctive license tag or plate authorized by the Legislature from and after July 1, 2002, the requirements of this subsection must be met before the State Tax Commission may prepare or issue any such license tag or plate.  The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must submit proof satisfactory to the State Tax Commission that at least two hundred (200) of such license tags or plates will be purchased and must deposit with the commission an amount necessary to purchase two hundred (200) of such license tags or plates.  The organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate must satisfy the requirements of this subsection (2) within three (3) years after the effective date of the law authorizing the license tag or plate in order to permit the license tag or plate to be prepared and issued.

     (3)  If the organization or other entity for which the Legislature authorized the distinctive license tag or plate meets the requirements of subsection (1) or (2) of this section, the State Tax Commission shall prepare and issue the distinctive license tag or plate. 

     (4) * * *  The State Tax Commission shall review the number of distinctive or special license tags or plates issued pursuant to this chapter during the period for the license tag or plate series.  If the number of any distinctive or special license tag or plate issued pursuant to this chapter falls below one hundred (100) in the last year of the license tag or plate series, the distinctive or special license tag or plate shall be discontinued at the end of the period for the license tag or plate series.

     (5)  If a distinctive or special license tag or plate is discontinued under subsection (4) of this section, the organization or other entity for which the license tag or plate was discontinued may prepare a distinctive or special license tag or plate decal.  The distinctive or special license tag or plate decal shall be of such size, color and design as may be agreed upon by the organization or other entity and the State Tax Commission.  However, the State Tax Commission shall have final approval of the size, color and design of the decal.  The distinctive or special license tag or plate decals shall be prepared and sold by the organization or other entity, and the proceeds derived from the sale of such decals shall be retained by the organization or other entity for any use deemed appropriate by the organization or other entity.

     (4)  The provisions of this section shall not apply to distinctive or special license tags or plates:

          (a)  Which are issued under Section 27-19-45, 27-19-46, 27-19-47.1, 27-19-47.2, 27-19-48, 27-19-49, 27-19-53, 27-19-55, 27-19-56, 27-19-56.1, 27-19-56.2, 27-19-56.3, 27-19-56.5, 27-19-56.6, 27-19-56.9, 27-19-56.11, 27-19-56.12 or 27-19-56.13, or under Sections 32 and 39 of Senate Bill No. 2501, 2002 Regular Session; or

          (b)  For which no additional fee is required to be paid.

     SECTION 45.  Section 27-19-56.12, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-19-56.12.  In recognition of the patriotic service rendered by Mississippians who are honorably discharged veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces, any such person is privileged to obtain distinctive motor vehicle license plates or tags for each motor vehicle registered in his name identifying his status as a veteran.  The State Tax Commission, with concurrence by the State Veterans Affairs Board, shall develop decals to be affixed to the license tag indicating branch and period of military service.  The distinctive plates or tags shall be of a color and design designated by the Tax Commission with concurrence by the State Veterans Affairs Board.

     The distinctive license plates shall be prepared by the Tax Commission and shall be issued through the tax collectors of the counties in the same manner as are other motor vehicle license plates or tags.  An additional annual tag fee of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) shall be collected by the tax collector for such license plates or tags and shall be remitted to the Tax Commission on a monthly basis as prescribed by the commission.  The additional fee is due and payable at the time the original application is made for a distinctive tag under this section and thereafter annually at the time of renewal registration as long as the owner retains the distinctive license tag.  The State Tax Commission shall deposit such fee to the credit of a fund to be administered by the board overseeing the veterans nursing homes in this state for the benefit of indigent veterans who are residents of such nursing homes.

     An applicant for such distinctive plates shall present to the issuing official written evidence of the veteran's service.  Such evidence shall include a copy of the applicant's DD-214 form, a Report of Separation from Military Service, a military discharge document, or a written certification of military service from the State Veterans Affairs Board.  The distinctive license plates or tags so issued shall be used only upon a personally or jointly owned private passenger vehicle (to include station wagons, recreational motor vehicles and pickup trucks) registered in the name, or jointly in the name, of the person making application therefor, and when issued to such person shall be used upon the vehicle for which issued in lieu of the standard license plate or license tag normally issued for such vehicle.

     The distinctive license plates shall not be transferable between motor vehicle owners; and in the event the owner of a vehicle bearing a distinctive plate shall sell, trade, exchange or otherwise dispose of the vehicle, such plate shall be retained by such owner and returned to the tax collector.

     SECTION 46.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2002.

     Further, amend by striking the title in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:











William R. Minor

Bobby Moak





Alan Nunnelee

Tyrone Ellis





Richard White

Mary H. Coleman