We, the undersigned conferees, have had under consideration the amendments to the following entitled BILL:


H. B. No. 1757:  Appropriation; Pat Harrison Waterway District.


  We, therefore, respectfully submit the following report and recommendation:



  1.  That the Senate recede from its Amendment No. 1.


  2.  That the House and Senate adopt the following amendment:


     Amend by striking all after the enacting clause and inserting in lieu thereof the following:


     SECTION 1.  The following sum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized and approved for expenditure out of any funds which are received by or otherwise become available to the Pat Harrison Waterway District, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2002, and ending June 30, 2003...

... $     5,582,049.00.

     SECTION 2.  Of the funds approved for expenditure under the provisions of Section 1, not more than the amounts set forth below shall be expended for the respective major objects or purposes of expenditure:


     Personal Services:

          Salaries, Wages and Fringe Benefits$     2,392,662.00

          Travel and Subsistence        25,000.00

     Contractual Services     1,209,668.00

     Commodities       406,736.00

     Capital Outlay:

          Other Than Equipment       235,650.00

          Equipment       176,251.00

     Subsidies, Loans and Grants     1,136,082.00

          Total$     5,582,049.00


     Permanent:    Full Time      60

                    Part Time      65

     Time-Limited:     Full Time       0

                    Part Time       0

     Funds are provided herein to adjust the Variable Compensation Plan to ensure that all full-time employees receive a pay increase equal to fifty percent (50%) of the realignment component of the Variable Compensation Plan or Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00), whichever is greater, beginning on January 1, 2003.

     With the funds herein appropriated, it is the intention of the Legislature that it shall be the agency's responsibility to make certain that funds required to be appropriated for "Personal Services" for Fiscal Year 2004 do not exceed Fiscal Year 2003 funds appropriated for that purpose, unless programs, positions or pay increases are added to the agency's budget by the Mississippi Legislature.  Based on data provided by the Legislative Budget Office, the State Personnel Board shall, on July 1, 2002, publish separate annual projection reports, based on July 1, 2002 data, for the period of July 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002, and January 1, 2003 through June 30, 2003, that project the annual cost to fully fund all appropriated positions in compliance with the provisions of this act.  It shall be the responsibility of the agency head to ensure that no single personnel action increases this projected cost and/or the Fiscal Year 2003 appropriation for "Personal Services," as annualized on a semi-annual basis in accordance with the provisions of this act.  If, at the end of any calendar month, the State Personnel Board determines that the agency has taken action(s) which would cause the agency to exceed this projected annual cost or the Fiscal Year 2003 "Personal Services" appropriated level, when annualized in compliance with the provisions of this act, then only those actions which reduce the projected annual cost and/or the appropriation requirement will be processed by the State Personnel Board until such time as the requirements of this provision are met.

     Any transfers or escalations shall be made in accordance with the terms, conditions and procedures established by law.

     No general funds authorized to be expended herein shall be used to replace federal funds and/or other special funds which are being used for salaries authorized under the provisions of this act and which are withdrawn and no longer available.

     SECTION 3.  The funds herein approved for expenditure, except and less an amount approved by the State Fiscal Officer which shall be sufficient to cover disbursements for current operations, shall be deposited at interest with any official depository of the state at a rate of interest numerically not less than one percent (1%) below the bank discount rate on United States Treasury bills of comparable maturity as determined by the State Treasurer.

     SECTION 4.  The money herein approved for expenditure shall be disbursed upon bank checks signed by the proper person, officer or officers, in the manner provided by law.

     SECTION 5.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2002.









Charlie Capps, Jr.

Jack Gordon





John Read

Tommy A. Gollott





Joe S. Ellzey

Billy Thames