

Senate Bill NO. 2599

By Representative(s) Ellington

AMEND by striking lines 13 through 15 in their entirety and by inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"the stream when its annual flow meets the requirements of this section, and not when the level of the annual flow results in exposure of all or part of its bed, and the right to fish and engage in water sports or recreational activity on the water. Such persons exercising the"

AMEND FURTHER by striking lines 39 and 40 in their entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

"include the use of motorized vehicles in or on the bed of a stream, when the annual flow of the stream does not meet the requirements of this section and all or part of the bed is exposed, except that motorized vehicles may be so used when the vehicle is engaged in agricultural or timber-harvesting activities. Any person who uses a motorized vehicle in or on the bed of such a stream is"

AMEND FURTHER by inserting the following after the period on line 42:

"For purposes of this violation, "motorized vehicle" means a vehicle that is self-propelled by means of a motor and includes a motor vehicle, truck, recreational vehicle, bus, all-terrain vehicle, motorcycle or motor scooter."