2000 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Smith

Senate Resolution 50


WHEREAS, Pearl, Mississippi, has recently celebrated "T.C. McLaurin, Sr., Day" to recognize the career and civic contributions of one of its outstanding citizens; and

WHEREAS, Mr. McLaurin was born September 26, 1903, at the home of his parents in Braxton, Mississippi; he was the first child born to James Calvin and Dorcas Taylor McLaurin; he grew up a happy child along with his brothers and sister; their parents taught them the value of hard work and the value of education; and

WHEREAS, Mr. McLaurin attended Rock Hill Missionary Baptist Church in Braxton from an early age and it was there that he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior; he was baptized at the age of eight and kept his membership at Rock Hill for more than 65 years; and

WHEREAS, Mr. McLaurin's early education began at Rock Hill School which he attended through the fourth grade; in those days it could take two years to complete one grade because of very short school years; when he was old enough to walk to school, he attended Piney Woods Country Life School, Piney Woods, Mississippi; he walked six miles each way to and from school everyday; after completing eighth grade at Piney Woods School, he transferred to Alcorn College, Lorman, Mississippi, where he spent eight years (four years of high school and four years of college); his parents were able to contribute only a portion of the total expense of attending Alcorn, therefore, soon after he arrived on campus he found a job -- in the cafeteria; all of the money he earned was used to help pay his tuition, room and board; he kept that job the entire eight years he spent at Alcorn, working year round; he went home for visits only occasionally as his finances would allow and when he was not needed to work; and

WHEREAS, in May, 1934, Mr. McLaurin graduated from Alcorn College with a bachelor's degree in Agriculture Education; two months later he was hired as Principal and Agriculture teacher at New Hope Vocational High School, Florence, Mississippi; several years later he married the former Almeda Lockett who later became a teacher at New Hope; two children were born to this union, Eva and T.C., Jr.; Mr. McLaurin continued his education and in 1958 earned a master's degree in School Administration from Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee, Alabama; and

WHEREAS, in 1959, a new school building was constructed at another location near Florence and New Hope Vocational High School was moved and renamed McLaurin High School; Mr. McLaurin's career in Education spanned 38 years during which thousands of students were educated who continued on to greater endeavors; he retired from Education in 1972 and moved his church membership to New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Pearl, Mississippi, several years thereafter; he has remained very active physically and mentally, serving his church, serving his community, engaging in personal hobbies and enjoying his family which includes three granddaughters, Kristen, Karen and Monica; and

WHEREAS, it is with great pride that we join the City of Pearl, Mississippi, in recognizing the accomplishments and civic and charitable contributions of this individual who is an example to, and has brought honor to his church, his community and to the State of Mississippi:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend the career and civic contributions of Mr. T.C. McLaurin, Sr., of Pearl, Mississippi, and wish him continued success in his future endeavors.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be presented to Mr. McLaurin and his family, and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.