2000 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Walls, Furniss, Horhn

Senate Resolution 5


WHEREAS, Wade Walton, Sr., was born October 10, 1923, in Lumbardy, Sunflower County, Mississippi, to the late Mr. Frank and Lubertha Walton; and

WHEREAS, "Wade," as he was known by most, operated a barber shop in Clarksdale, Mississippi, in the Issaquena and 4th Street area from May 17, 1943 (about 55 years), until he departed this life on Monday, January 10, 2000; and

WHEREAS, "Wade" was one of the original Delta Blues pioneers, having performed with Ike Turner, Sonny Boy Williams, Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Gate Mouth Moore, and others; and

WHEREAS, in the early 1950's he made live appearances on the radio show of the first Black disc jockey in the State of Mississippi, his lifelong friend "Early" Wright of Clarksdale, Mississippi; and

WHEREAS, in 1958 he released a blues album entitled "The Blues of Wade Walton - Shake-'em On Down" which was recorded in Bergen Field, New Jersey, and released in the United States, Europe and Australia. He also made local recordings at Stack House Records on the Rooster Blues Label in Clarksdale, Mississippi, during the late 1980's, entitled "Leaving 4th Street" and "Razor Strap Boogie." Although "Wade," as most people called him, received numerous offers to travel and perform and entertain the world over, could have traveled the world over as a blues entertainer, he chose to operate all of his life from his barber shop in Clarksdale, Mississippi. One of the highlights of getting a haircut at Wade's Barber Shop was to be entertained by his renditions of Rhythm & Blues rhythms with the use of a razor and strap, and "picking" the guitar and singing the blues; and

WHEREAS, he became nationally known for his barbering, singing, picking the guitar, playing the harmonica and the musical razor strap; and

WHEREAS, a very religious man, Wade Walton was responsible for giving an encouraging word and precepts for life to many, many young people with whom he came in contact that helped them to become productive citizens, including, but not limited to, Senator Johnnie E. Walls, Jr., the author of this resolution; and

WHEREAS, during the late 1950's and 1960's Wade participated in the "Civil Rights Movement" with such notable people as his friend, Dr. and State Representative Aaron E. Henry, Medgar Evers and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as making sure that they had neat haircuts when in his presence; and

WHEREAS, Wade will be missed by his many customers, friends and admirers and mourned by his surviving wife, Rose Walton:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend the life of Delta Blues performer Wade Walton, Sr., and express the sympathy of the Legislature on his passing.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be presented to the family of Wade Walton, Sr., and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.