2000 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Senator(s) White (29th), Smith, Horhn
Senate Concurrent Resolution 563
(As Adopted by Senate and House)
WHEREAS, John Paul "Jack" Jones of Jackson, Mississippi, a retired musician, music teacher and conductor of the 41st Army Band, passed away on Saturday, February 12, 2000; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jones was a native of Tallulah, Louisiana, and moved to Jackson at an early age; he was a 1945 graduate of Central High where he was a member of the band; he received his bachelor's degree in music from Millsaps College, his master's degree in music education from the University of Southern Mississippi and his doctorate from Jackson State University; and
WHEREAS, over the years, Mr. Jones was the band director at Enochs, Bailey and Hardy Junior High Schools and Murrah and Provine High Schools; at Provine, he led the band to top honors
at the National Band Competition; he was a music professor at Jackson State University for more than 25 years; and
WHEREAS, he was a Marine veteran of World War II; he also served in the Mississippi Army National Guard; he directed the 41st Army Band from 1960 until his retirement; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jones was active in local and state affairs, often playing at ceremonies and festivals; for many years, he provided the music for the Dixie National Rodeo and operated The Clarion-Ledger Talent Tent at the Mississippi State Fair; he was one of the original members of the Jackson Symphony Orchestra and was responsible for starting the Jackson Municipal Band; he also directed the Wahabi Shrine Band for several years; and
WHEREAS, he was recognized by several Governors for his service; in 1992, Governor Kirk Fordice, in particular, recognized him for his "exemplary patriotism and sincere goodwill" for taking the 41st Band on a goodwill trip to Morocco; and
WHEREAS, survivors include: wife, Wendy; daughters, Elizabeth Jones of Louisville and Jacqueline Bledsoe of Little Rock; stepdaughters, Gail Madden and Jeri Flinn, both of Jackson; and ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; and
WHEREAS, Jack played with the Capitol City Stage Band for the Inaugural Ball performance for four different Governors, and everyone considered him a person of the highest character and attitude to be around; he always picked band members up with his humor and it's hard to imagine a musical performance in Jackson without Jack Jones:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend the life of Professor John Paul "Jack" Jones and express the sympathy of the Legislature on his passing.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be presented to the family of Jack Jones and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.