2000 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Representatives Peranich, Fredericks
House Concurrent Resolution 85
(As Adopted by House and Senate)
WHEREAS, Mrs. Edna K. Boone has devoted most of her professional and civic career to the cause of equal rights and opportunity, particularly to those issues related to education; and
WHEREAS, after graduating from Moss Point High School, Mrs. Boone furthered her education at Millsaps College, earning a bachelor's degree in English, and the University of Southern Mississippi, where she earned a master's degree in adult education; and
WHEREAS, after serving 14 years as a public school English teacher, YWCA youth program director and kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Boone moved to Washington, D.C., where she began working as the Assistant Director for LAOS, Inc., an ecumenical social justice agency; and
WHEREAS, during her employment with the LAOS, Inc., Mrs. Boone was actively involved in the Methodist Church, the civil rights movement, the peace movement and the women's movement; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Boone returned to Mississippi in the 1980's and in 1984, designed, developed and directed a nationally recognized model training program for displaced homemakers on the Jackson County Campus of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College; and
WHEREAS, in 1985, Mrs. Boone was hired by Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College in Gulfport, Mississippi, where she provided the Gulf Coast community with a vision for improved educational, employment and economic opportunities for displaced homemakers; and
WHEREAS, as coordinator of the New Horizons Program at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, Mrs. Boone has served thousands of adults, providing educational, career and personal counseling; basic skills and GED classes; workshops and short courses on life skills, employability skills and career exploration; access to scholarships and financial aid; crisis intervention and hope and encouragement; and
WHEREAS, in addition, Mrs. Boone codeveloped the Opportunity Seminar and accompanying manual, a personal and professional development short course; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Boone also codeveloped and sponsors the annual Gulf Coast Women of Achievement Awards and the Women in Science and Technology Conference, which encourages high school girls to achieve their career potential; and
WHEREAS, in 1990, Mrs. Boone joined the American Association of University Women (AAUW), an organization designed to promote education and equity for women and girls through research, fellowships and grants, activism, voter education and support for sex discrimination lawsuits; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Boone was appointed the first state chair of the Initiative for Equity in Education of AAUW, requiring her to coordinate the Mississippi Roundtable on Gender Equity in Education: Shortchanging Girls; Shortchanging America, an event which was recognized at the National Convention of AAUW that year with an honorable mention for excellence in visibility; and
WHEREAS, as a member of AAUW-Gulf Coast, Mrs. Boone has served as Equity Chair, Public Policy Chair and currently serves as President; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Boone has made numerous contributions to her community including her founding membership in ALPS, a coalition of literacy providers and volunteers on the Coast; and
WHEREAS, in addition, Mrs. Boone has served or currently serves on many advisory boards such as Gulf Coast Women's Center, Moore Community House, IAM Cares, USM-Gulf Park School of Social Work, The Family Self-Sufficiency Program, Harrison County Extension Service and the Center for Non-Profits; and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of this Legislature to recognize and commend outstanding Mississippians such as Mrs. Edna K. Boone, who has devoted her life to improving the quality of education and life for so many people:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend Mrs. Edna K. Boone for her many outstanding accomplishments and extend heartiest wishes for success in all her future endeavors.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Mrs. Edna K. Boone and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.