1998 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Cuevas, Lee, Moffatt, Woodfield, Robertson, Gollott, Hewes

Senate Resolution 22

(As Adopted by Senate)


WHEREAS, the Education Office at NASA's John C. Stennis Space Center in Southern Mississippi has developed an interactive, customer driven development process; and

WHEREAS, this model has been proven effective through the successful implementation of the Tri-State Education Initiative in Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, using this successful interactive, customer-first concept, Stennis Space Center has developed a global model for replication that is impacting not only the State of Mississippi, but the entire nation and world, establishing Stennis Space Center as a leader in the use and training of emerging technology; and

WHEREAS, through the Stennis Space Center Education Programs, the Tri-State Education Initiative has achieved a number of "firsts" and other distinctions, including being one of 27 sites in the nation to use "real time" weather receiving systems for curriculum or instruction, having been selected as one of seven sites in the nation selected by the United States Department of Education for Staff Development in Science, having been selected by the Southeastern Regional Vision for Education as "One-of-a-Kind" Program in the nation for education excellence in education reform, serving as a national site for satellite imagery curriculum development for K-12, having been designated as the only site to establish an Endangered Species Tracking Program nationwide and having been designated as the only site to use global positioning systems in schools by teachers and students to study interrelated disciplinary earth science systems; and

WHEREAS, the education program at Stennis Space Center has been recognized all the way to the White House, receiving five Hammer Awards from the Vice President's National Performance Review for reinventing government that works better but costs less; and

WHEREAS, the Stennis Space Center Education Program was also honored by Secretary of Education Richard Riley for leadership in systemic education reform and has received two Group Achievement Awards from NASA headquarters; and

WHEREAS, John C. Stennis Space Center's Education Program is expanding into other areas around the globe, utilizing the maximum resources of the premier space agency of the world to transfer knowledge to all levels of education and to the public; and

WHEREAS, under the leadership of Dr. David Powe, the education programs at Stennis Space Center are affecting the lives of thousands of teachers, students and their families throughout Mississippi, the nation and the world; and

WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Mississippi finds it most appropriate to pay special tribute to such an outstanding education program as the John C. Stennis Space Center's Education Program, for its work to improve the quality education for everyone:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do commend and congratulate the John C. Stennis Space Center Education Program as a shining example of how government and the private sector can work together for their mutual benefit and for the betterment of society as a whole.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to John C. Stennis Space Center and the Capitol Press Corps.