1998 Regular Session

To: Education; Appropriations

By: Senator(s) Carter, Farris, Hall, Dearing, Carlton, Tollison, Mettetal, Browning, Bean, Huggins, Scoper, Ross, Johnson (19th), Robertson, Stogner, Dickerson, Hawks, Nunnelee, Moffatt, Burton, Hewes, Smith, Gollott

Senate Bill 2932

(As Passed the Senate)



SECTION 1. Section 37-19-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

[From and after July 1, 1998, and until July 1, 1999, Section 37-19-7 will read as follows:]

37-19-7. (1) The allowance in the minimum education program for teachers' salaries in each county and separate school district shall be determined and paid in accordance with the scale for teachers' salaries as provided in this subsection for the number of teachers employed not in excess of the number of teacher units allotted. For teachers holding the following types of licenses or the equivalent as determined by the State Board of Education, and the following number of years of teaching experience, the scale shall be as follows:

1998-1999 School Year

Less than 25 Years of Teaching Experience

AAAA $23,895.00

AAA 23,045.00

AA 22,195.00

A 21,145.00

25 or More Years of Teaching Experience

AAAA $24,895.00

AAA 24,045.00

AA 23,195.00

A 22,145.00

It is the intent of the Legislature that any state funds made available for salaries of licensed personnel in excess of the funds paid for such salaries for the 1986-1987 school year shall be paid to licensed personnel pursuant to a personnel appraisal and compensation system implemented by the State Board of Education. The State Board of Education shall have the authority to adopt and amend rules and regulations as are necessary to establish, administer and maintain the system. 

All teachers employed on a full-time basis shall be paid a minimum salary in accordance with the above scale. However, no school district shall receive any funds under this section for any school year during which the local supplement paid to any individual teacher shall have been reduced to a sum less than that paid to that individual teacher for performing the same duties from local supplement during the immediately preceding school year. The amount actually spent for the purposes of group health and/or life insurance shall be considered as a part of the aggregate amount of local supplement but shall not be considered a part of the amount of individual local supplement.

For teachers holding a Class AAAA license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Six Hundred Thirty Dollars ($630.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty-four (24) years of teaching experience.

For teachers holding a Class AAA license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Five Hundred Seventy Dollars ($570.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty-four (24) years of teaching experience.

For teachers holding a Class AA license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Five Hundred Five Dollars ($505.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty-four (24) years of teaching experience.

For teachers holding a Class A license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Four Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($415.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty (20) years of teaching experience.

The level of professional training of each teacher to be used in establishing the salary allotment for the teachers for each year shall be determined by the type of valid teacher's license issued to those teachers on or before October 1 of the current school year.

(2) * * * Beginning with the next school year following the school year in which a teacher meets the standard requirements, any licensed teacher who shall have met the requirements and acquired a Master Teacher certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and who is employed by a local school board or the State Board of Education as a teacher and not as an administrator shall receive a salary supplement in the amount of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), in addition to any other compensation to which the teacher may be entitled. The teacher shall be reimbursed one (1) time for the actual cost of completing the process of acquiring the Master Teacher certificate, regardless of whether or not the process resulted in the award of the Master Teacher certificate.  All such salary supplements and process reimbursement shall be paid directly by the State Department of Education to the local school district and shall be in addition to its minimum education program allotments and not a part thereof in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education, and subject to appropriation by the Legislature. Local school districts shall not reduce the local supplement paid to any teacher receiving such salary supplement, and the teacher shall receive any local supplement to which teachers with similar training and experience are otherwise entitled.

[From and after July 1, 1999, Section 37-19-7 will read as follows:]

37-19-7. (1) The allowance in the minimum education program for teachers' salaries in each county and separate school district shall be determined and paid in accordance with the scale for teachers' salaries as provided in this subsection for the number of teachers employed not in excess of the number of teacher units allotted. For teachers holding the following types of licenses or the equivalent as determined by the State Board of Education, and the following number of years of teaching experience, the scale shall be as follows:

1999-2000 School Year

and School Years Thereafter

Less Than 25 Years of Teaching Experience

AAAA $24,445.00

AAA 23,595.00

AA 22,745.00

A 21,695.00

25 or More Years of Teaching Experience

AAAA $25,445.00

AAA 24,595.00

AA 23,745.00

A 22,695.00

It is the intent of the Legislature that any state funds made available for salaries of licensed personnel in excess of the funds paid for such salaries for the 1986-1987 school year shall be paid to licensed personnel pursuant to a personnel appraisal and compensation system implemented by the State Board of Education. The State Board of Education shall have the authority to adopt and amend rules and regulations as are necessary to establish, administer and maintain the system. 

All teachers employed on a full-time basis shall be paid a minimum salary in accordance with the above scale. However, no school district shall receive any funds under this section for any school year during which the local supplement paid to any individual teacher shall have been reduced to a sum less than that paid to that individual teacher for performing the same duties from local supplement during the immediately preceding school year. The amount actually spent for the purposes of group health and/or life insurance shall be considered as a part of the aggregate amount of local supplement but shall not be considered a part of the amount of individual local supplement.

For teachers holding a Class AAAA license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Six Hundred Fifty-five Dollars ($655.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty-five (25) years of teaching experience.

For teachers holding a Class AAA license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Five Hundred Ninety Dollars ($590.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty-five (25) years of teaching experience.

For teachers holding a Class AA license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Five Hundred Twenty Dollars ($520.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty-five (25) years of teaching experience.

For teachers holding a Class A license, the minimum base pay specified in this subsection shall be increased by the sum of Four Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($425.00) for each year of teaching experience possessed by the person holding such license until such person shall have twenty-one (21) years of teaching experience.

The level of professional training of each teacher to be used in establishing the salary allotment for the teachers for each year shall be determined by the type of valid teacher's license issued to those teachers on or before October 1 of the current school year.

(2) * * * Beginning with the next school year following the school year in which a teacher meets the standard requirements, any licensed teacher who shall have met the requirements and acquired a Master Teacher certificate from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and who is employed by a local school board or the State Board of Education as a teacher and not as an administrator shall receive a salary supplement in the amount of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00), in addition to any other compensation to which the teacher may be entitled. The teacher shall be reimbursed one (1) time for the actual cost of completing the process of acquiring the Master Teacher certificate, regardless of whether or not the process resulted in the award of the Master Teacher certificate.  All such salary supplements and process reimbursement shall be paid directly by the State Department of Education to the local school district and shall be in addition to its minimum education program allotments and not a part thereof in accordance with regulations promulgated by the State Board of Education, and subject to appropriation by the Legislature. Local school districts shall not reduce the local supplement paid to any teacher receiving such salary supplement, and the teacher shall receive any local supplement to which teachers with similar training and experience are otherwise entitled.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1998.