1998 Regular Session

To: Ways and Means

By: Representative Moore

House Bill 179



SECTION 1. Section 27-65-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-65-15. Upon every person engaging or continuing within this state in the business of mining, quarrying, drilling or otherwise producing, or causing to be produced for sale, profit, or commercial use, limestone, sand, gravel, dirt, coal, lignite or other mineral or natural resource products, except timber, oil, natural gas and salt, there is hereby levied and assessed and shall be collected taxes as follows:

(a) Sales to consumers within this state shall be taxed under Section 27-65-17 or Section 27-65-19, as the case may be.

(b) Sales defined as wholesale or exempt, used by the producers as a component material of a contract taxable under Section 27-65-21, as a raw material of a manufactured product, or delivered outside this state, shall be taxed at six percent (6%) of the gross proceeds of sales, exclusive of delivery charges, or value when converted to use, whichever is greater, but not to exceed Five Cents (54) per ton with respect to sand, gravel, dirt, clay or limestone.

The commission shall prescribe equitable and uniform rules for ascertaining value.

All privilege taxes levied upon persons engaged in the production of natural resource products by this chapter shall be a lien upon all such products so produced and such lien shall be entitled to preference over all judgments, executions, encumbrances or liens, whensoever created. All persons to or through whom the title to such products pass shall be jointly and severally liable for such tax until the same is paid in full.

The tax imposed in this section shall be collected by the commissioner from the person in charge of the production operations, and the commissioner is hereby authorized to make such investigations and inspections of the production operations, from time to time, as he may deem necessary for the purpose of ascertaining the correct amount of tax due.

SECTION 2. Section 27-65-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-65-17. (1) Upon every person engaging or continuing within this state in the business of selling any tangible personal property whatsoever there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to six percent (6%) of the gross proceeds of the retail sales of the business, except as otherwise provided herein.

Retail sales of farm tractors shall be taxed at the rate of one percent (1%) when made to farmers for agricultural purposes. Retail sales of other self-propelled farm implements, or farm implements used as attachments to or drawn by a tractor, or implements which are drawn by animals, when made to farmers for agricultural purposes shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%). The three percent (3%) rate shall also apply to retail sales of brooders, feeders and waterers to chicken farmers for use in chicken houses to produce poultry for the market, sales of mechanical and gravity feeders and waterers to livestock producers, sales of mechanical milking machines, milk tanks and coolers used in the production of milk for sale and sales of aerators to domestic fish farmers for use in the raising of domesticated fish as defined in Section 69-7-501. The three percent (3%) rate shall also apply to all equipment used in logging, pulpwood operations or tree farming which is either (a) self-propelled or which is (b) mounted so that it is (i) permanently attached to other equipment which is self-propelled or (ii) permanently attached to other equipment drawn by a vehicle which is self-propelled.

Retail sales of aircraft, automobiles, trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers and mobile homes shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%).

Sales of manufacturing machinery or manufacturing machine parts when made to a manufacturer or custom processor for plant use only when said machinery and machine parts will be used exclusively and directly within this state in manufacturing a commodity for sale, rental or in processing for a fee shall be taxed at the rate of one and one-half percent (1-1/2%).

Sales of materials for use in track and track structures to a railroad whose rates are fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Mississippi Public Service Commission shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%).

Sales of tangible personal property to electric power associations for use in the ordinary and necessary operation of their generating or distribution systems shall be taxed at the rate of one percent (1%).

Wholesale sales of beer shall be taxed at the rate of six percent (6%), and the retailer shall file a return and compute the retail tax on retail sales but may take credit for the amount of the tax paid to the wholesaler on said return covering the subsequent sales of same property, provided adequate invoices and records are maintained to substantiate the credit.

Wholesale sales of food and drink for human consumption to full service vending machine operators to be sold through vending machines located apart from and not connected with other taxable businesses shall be taxed at the rate of eight percent (8%).

A manufacturer selling at retail in this state shall be required to make returns of the gross proceeds of such sales and pay the tax imposed in this section.

Any person exercising any privilege taxable under Section 27-65-15 and selling his natural resource products at wholesale or to exempt persons shall pay the tax levied by said section in lieu of the tax levied by this section.

(2) From and after January 1, 1995, retail sales of private carriers of passengers and light carriers of property, as defined in Section 27-51-101, shall be taxed an additional two percent (2%).

SECTION 3. Section 27-65-19, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-65-19. (1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, upon every person selling to consumers, electricity, current, power, potable water, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to six percent (6%) of the gross income of the business. Provided, gross income from sales to consumers of electricity, current, power, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel for residential heating, lighting or other residential noncommercial or nonagricultural use, and sales of potable water for residential, noncommercial or nonagricultural use shall be excluded from taxable gross income of the business. Provided further, upon every such seller using electricity, current, power, potable water, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel for nonindustrial purposes, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to six percent (6%) of the cost or value of the product or service used.

(b) There is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) of the gross income of the business when the electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel is sold to or used by a manufacturer, custom processor or public service company for industrial purposes, which shall include that used to generate electricity, to operate an electrical distribution or transmission system, to operate pipeline compressor or pumping stations or to operate railroad locomotives; provided, however, that:

(i) From and after July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2001, sales of fuel used to produce electric power by a company primarily engaged in the business of producing, generating or distributing electric power for sale shall be taxed at the rate of one and one-eight percent (1.125%);

(ii) From and after July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2002, sales of fuel used to produce electric power by a company primarily engaged in the business of producing, generating or distributing electric power for sale shall be taxed at the rate of three-fourths of one percent (0.75%);

(iii) From and after July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2003, sales of fuel used to produce electric power by a company primarily engaged in the business of producing, generating or distributing electric power for sale shall be taxed at the rate of three-eighths of one percent (0.375%);

(iv) From and after July 1, 2003, sales of fuel used to produce electric power by a company primarily engaged in the business of producing, generating or distributing electric power for sale shall be exempt from sales tax as provided in Section 27-65-107.

(c) The one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) industrial rate provided for in this subsection shall also apply when the electricity, current, power, steam, coal, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel is sold to a producer or processor for use directly in the production of poultry or poultry products, the production of livestock and livestock products, the production of plants or food by commercial horticulturists, the processing of milk and milk products, the processing of poultry and livestock feed, and the irrigation of farm crops.

(d) The one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) rate provided for in this subsection shall not apply to sales of fuel for automobiles, trucks, truck-tractors, buses, farm tractors or airplanes.

(e) Upon every person operating a telegraph or telephone business for the transmission of messages or conversations between points within this state, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected, a tax equal to six percent (6%) of the gross income of such business, with no deduction or allowance for any part of an intrastate rate charge because of routing across a state line.

(2) Persons making sales to consumers of electricity, current, power, natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas or other fuel for residential heating, lighting or other residential noncommercial or nonagricultural use or sales of potable water for residential, noncommercial or nonagricultural use shall indicate on each statement rendered to customers that such charges are exempt from sales taxes.

(3) There is hereby levied, assessed and shall be paid on transportation charges on shipments moving between points within this state when paid directly by the consumer, a tax equal to the rate applicable to the sale of the property being transported. Such tax shall be reported and paid directly to the State Tax Commission by the consumer.

SECTION 4. Section 27-65-22, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-65-22. (1) Upon every person engaging or continuing in any amusement business or activity, which shall include all manner and forms of entertainment and amusement, all forms of diversion, sport, recreation or pastime, shows, exhibitions, contests, displays, games or any other and all methods of obtaining admission charges, donations, contributions or monetary charges of any character, from the general public or a limited or selected number thereof, directly or indirectly in return for other than tangible property or specific personal or professional services, whether such amusement is held or conducted in a public or private building, hotel, tent, pavilion, lot or resort, enclosed or in the open, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to six percent (6%) of the gross income received as admission, except as otherwise provided herein. In lieu of the rate set forth above, there is hereby imposed, levied and assessed, to be collected as hereinafter provided, a tax of three percent (3%) of gross revenue derived from sales of admission to publicly owned enclosed coliseums and auditoriums (except admissions to athletic contests between colleges and universities). There is hereby imposed, levied and assessed a tax of six percent (6%) of gross revenue derived from sales of admission to events conducted on property managed by the Mississippi Veterans Memorial Stadium, which tax shall be administered in the manner prescribed in this chapter, subject, however, to the provisions of Sections 55-23-3 through 55-23-11.

(2) The operator of any place of amusement in this state shall collect the tax imposed by this section, in addition to the price charged for admission to any place of amusement, and under all circumstances the person conducting the amusement shall be liable for, and pay the tax imposed based upon the actual charge for such admission. Where permits are obtained for conducting temporary amusements by persons who are not the owners, lessees or custodians of the buildings, lots or places where the amusements are to be conducted, or where such temporary amusement is permitted by the owner, lessee or custodian of any place to be conducted without the procurement of a permit as required by this chapter, the tax imposed by this chapter shall be paid by the owner, lessee or custodian of such place where such temporary amusement is held or conducted, unless paid by the person conducting the amusement, and the applicant for such temporary permit shall furnish with the application therefor, the name and address of the owner, lessee or custodian of the premises upon which such amusement is to be conducted, and such owner, lessee or custodian shall be notified by the commission of the issuance of such permit, and of the joint liability for such tax.

(3) The tax imposed by this section shall not be levied or collected upon:

(a) Any admissions charged at any place of amusement operated by a religious, charitable or educational organization, or by a nonprofit civic club or fraternal organization (i) when the net proceeds of such admissions do not inure to any one or more individuals within such organization and are to be used solely for religious, charitable, educational or civic purposes; or (ii) when the entire net proceeds are used to defray the normal operating expenses of such organization, such as loan payments, maintenance costs, repairs and other operating expenses;

(b) Any admissions charged to hear gospel singing when promoted by a duly constituted local, bona fide nonprofit charitable or religious organization, irrespective of the fact that the performers and promoters are paid out of the proceeds of admissions collected, provided the program is composed entirely of gospel singing and not generally mixed with hillbilly or popular singing;

(c) Any admissions charged at any athletic games or contests between high schools or between grammar schools;

(d) Any admissions or tickets to or for baseball games between teams operated under a professional league franchise;

(e) Any admissions to county, state or community fairs, or any admissions to entertainments presented in community homes or houses which are publicly owned and controlled, and the proceeds of which do not inure to any individual or individuals;

(f) Any admissions or tickets to organized garden pilgrimages and to antebellum and historic houses when sponsored by an organized civic or garden club;

(g) Any admissions to any golf tournament held under the auspices of the Professional Golf Association or United States Golf Association wherein touring professionals compete, if such tournament is sponsored by a nonprofit association incorporated under the laws of the State of Mississippi where no dividends are declared and the proceeds do not inure to any individual or group;

(h) Any admissions to university or community college conference, state, regional or national playoffs or championships;

(i) Any admissions or fees charged by any county or municipally owned and operated swimming pools, golf courses and tennis courts other than sales or rental of tangible personal property;

(j) Any admissions charged for the performance of symphony orchestras, operas, vocal or instrumental artists in which professional or amateur performers are compensated out of the proceeds of such admissions, when sponsored by local music or charity associations, or amateur dramatic performances or professional dramatic productions when sponsored by a children's dramatic association, where no dividends are declared, profits received, nor any salary or compensation paid to any of the members of such associations, or to any person for procuring or producing such performance; and

(k) Any admissions or tickets to or for hockey games between teams operated under a professional league franchise.

SECTION 5. Section 27-65-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-65-23. Upon every person engaging or continuing in any of the following businesses or activities there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to six percent (6%) of the gross income of the business, except as otherwise provided:

Air conditioning installation or repairs;

Automobile, aircraft, motorcycle, boat or any other vehicle repairing or servicing;

Billiards, pool or domino parlors;

Bowling or tenpin alleys;

Burglar and fire alarm systems or services;

Car washing--automatic, self-service, or manual;

Computer software sales and services;

Cotton compresses or cotton warehouses;

Custom creosoting or treating, custom planing, custom sawing;

Custom meat processing;

Electricians, electrical work, wiring, all repairs or installation of electrical equipment;

Elevator or escalator installing, repairing or servicing;

Film developing or photo finishing;

Foundries, machine or general repairing;

Furniture repairing or upholstering;

Grading, excavating, ditching, dredging or landscaping;

Hotels, motels, tourist courts or camps, trailer parks;

Insulating services or repairs;

Jewelry or watch repairing;

Laundering, cleaning, pressing or dyeing;

Marina services;

Mattress renovating;

Office and business machine repairing;

Parking garages and lots;

Plumbing or pipe fitting;

Public storage warehouses;

Refrigerating equipment repairs;

Radio or television installing, repairing, or servicing;

Renting or leasing personal property used within this state;

Services performed in connection with geophysical surveying, exploring, developing, drilling, producing, distributing, or testing of oil, gas, water and other mineral resources;

Shoe repairing;

Storage lockers;

Telephone answering or paging services;

Termite or pest control services;

Tin and sheet metal shops;

TV cable systems, subscription TV services, and other similar activities;

Vulcanizing, repairing or recapping of tires or tubes;

Welding; and

Woodworking or wood turning shops.

Income from services taxed herein performed for electric power associations in the ordinary and necessary operation of their generating or distribution systems shall be taxed at the rate of one percent (1%).

Income from services taxed herein performed on materials for use in track or track structures to a railroad whose rates are fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Mississippi Public Service Commission shall be taxed at the rate of three percent (3%).

Income from renting or leasing tangible personal property used within this state shall be taxed at the same rates as sales of the same property.

Persons doing business in this state who rent transportation equipment with a situs within or without the state to common, contract or private commercial carriers are taxed on that part of the income derived from use within this state. If specific accounting is impracticable, a formula may be used with approval of the commissioner.

A lessor may deduct from the tax computed on the rental income from tangible personal property a credit for sales or use tax paid to this state at the time of purchase of the specific personal property being leased or rented until such credit has been exhausted.

Charges for custom processing and repairing services may be excluded from gross taxable income when the property on which the service was performed is delivered to the customer in another state either by common carrier or in the seller's equipment.

When a taxpayer performs unitary services covered by this section, which are performed both in intrastate and interstate commerce, the commissioner is hereby invested with authority to formulate in each particular case and to fix for such taxpayer in each instance formulae of apportionment which will apportion to this state, for taxation, that portion of the services which are performed within the State of Mississippi.

SECTION 6. Section 27-65-25, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-65-25. Upon every person engaging or continuing within this state in the business of selling alcoholic beverages, the sales of which are legal under the provisions of Chapter 1 of Title 67, Mississippi Code of 1972, there is hereby levied, assessed and shall be collected a tax equal to six percent (6%) of the gross proceeds of the retail sales of the business. All sales at wholesale to retailers shall be taxed at the same rate as provided in this section for retail sales. A retailer in computing the tax on sales may take credit for the amount of the tax paid to the wholesaler at the rates provided herein and remit the difference to the commissioner, provided adequate records and all invoices are maintained to substantiate the credit claimed.

SECTION 7. Nothing in this act shall affect or defeat any claim, assessment, appeal, suit, right or cause of action for taxes due or accrued under the sales tax laws before the date on which this act becomes effective, whether such claims, assessments, appeals, suits or actions have been begun before the date on which this act becomes effective or are begun thereafter; and the provisions of the sales tax laws are expressly continued in full force, effect and operation for the purpose of the assessment, collection and enrollment of liens for any taxes due or accrued and the execution of any warrant under such laws before the date on which this act becomes effective, and for the imposition of any penalties, forfeitures or claims for failure to comply with such laws.

SECTION 8. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1998.