1997 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representatives Moody, Ford, Bailey, Banks, Barnett (116th), Barnett (92nd), Blackmon, Bourdeaux, Bowles, Bozeman, Broomfield, Brown, Cameron, Capps, Chaney, Clark, Clarke, Coleman (29th), Coleman (65th), Comans, Compretta, Cummings, Davis (102nd), Davis (7th), Dedeaux, Denny, Dickson, Eaton, Ellington, Ellis, Ellzey, Endt, Evans, Flaggs, Formby, Foster, Franks, Fredericks, Frierson, Gadd, Gibbs, Green (34th), Green (72nd), Green (96th), Grist, Guice, Hamilton, Henderson (26th), Henderson (9th), Holden, Holland, Horne, Howell, Huddleston, Hudson, Huskey, Janus, Johnson, Ketchings, King, Livingston, Malone, Manning, Maples, Martinson, McBride, McCoy, McElwain, McInnis, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mitchell, Moak, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Moss, Myers, Nettles, Peranich, Perkins, Perry, Read, Reeves, Reynolds, Richardson, Robertson, Robinson (63rd), Robinson (84th), Rogers, Ross, Rotenberry, Ryan, Saucier, Schoby, Scott (17th), Scott (80th), Short, Shows, Simmons (100th), Simmons (37th), Simpson, Smith (27th), Smith (35th), Smith (39th), Stevens, Straughter, Stribling, Stringer, Taylor, Thornton, Vince, Walker, Wallace, Warren, Watson, Weathersby, Wells-Smith, Williams, Woods, Young

House Concurrent Resolution 35


WHEREAS, Jim Majure, author of The Delta Triangle and Reluctant Reunion, has established his place among noted Mississippi writers; and

WHEREAS, his first book, The Delta Triangle, which vividly depicts life in the Mississippi Delta, nearly sold out of its first two printings, totaling 12,500 copies, and is being made into a movie; and

WHEREAS, he decided to begin work on the book after hearing the lines from the Garth Brooks' song, "The River": "Too many times we stand aside and let the water slip away, 'til what we put off 'til tomorrow has now become today." Jim said, "It was just something about that song that made me say, 'I'm not going to wait any longer to do the things I really want to do.'"; and

WHEREAS, Jim Majure's writing ability was highly praised by J.C. Patterson in an article published in "The Clarion-Ledger" entitled "Majure league--Mississippi author hits a home run with Reluctant Reunion." Patterson states, "Reading a Jim Majure novel is like watching a good movie. All the pieces seem to fall neatly in place at just the right times. Protagonists are likable (much like the author), but these folks are more tangible than on the silver screen. Villains are cunning, elusive and ever-menacing. Locales are fun and familiar. And plots unwind into something much deeper than you first expected. * * * Just when you think you've figured it all out, Majure throws yet another literary curveball, making the reader cry out in surprise or wince at someone else's pain. Jim Majure's style is like a well-worn coat: comfortable, down-home and fun to kick around in."; and

WHEREAS, Jim, who was writing the screenplay for The Delta Triangle, had an idea for a third book. If he had written about the music business, he would have combined his two greatest loves, writing and music; and

WHEREAS, his wife, Liz Majure, the daughter of Representative Mary Ann Stevens, said that Jim, who was always doing something on the creative lines, wrote songs and wrote books; and

WHEREAS, in 1992, Jim Majure won the Governor's Songwriting Contest and a trip to Nashville for a tune called "Cowboys, Cap Guns and Cracker Jackson," which he wrote for his five-year-old son, Matthew. Jim said, "I wanted him to know a little about me, about the things I loved growing up. And maybe one of these days, he can play it for his son. That, to me, would be the ultimate."; and

WHEREAS, Jim Majure has left us an invaluable legacy and his writings will keep him with us always.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby commend the life and accomplishments of Jim Majure for the honor he has brought to our state and express our deepest and most heartfelt sympathy to his family upon his passing.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Mrs. Liz Majure and members of the Capitol Press Corps.