1997 Regular Session

To: Ways and Means

By: Representative Clark

House Bill 1095



SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any section of Title 27 or 67, Mississippi Code of 1972, it shall be lawful for any person to transport and possess in any part of the state, for his or her personal use and consumption, alcoholic beverages, light wine and beer, in the limited amounts specified herein, regardless of whether (a) the county or municipality in which the transportation or possession takes place has voted for or against coming out from under the dry law, or (b) the transportation, storage, sale, distribution, receipt or manufacture of light wine and beer otherwise is prohibited. The amounts that may be transported and possessed are no more than one (1) gallon of alcoholic beverages, and no more than three (3) gallons of light wine or beer.

The provisions of this section shall not be construed as amending, repealing or otherwise affecting any statute or any lawfully adopted ordinance, rule or regulation that prohibits or restricts the location at which, or the premises upon which, alcoholic beverages, light wine or beer may be sold or consumed.

SECTION 2. Section 27-71-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-71-15. Except as otherwise provided in (a) Section 67-9-1 for the transportation of limited amounts of alcoholic beverages for the use of an alcohol processing permittee, and (b) Section 1 of this act for the transportation of limited amounts of alcoholic beverages for personal consumption, if transportation requires passage through a county which has not authorized the sale of alcoholic beverages, such transportation shall be by a sealed vehicle. Such seal shall remain unbroken until the vehicle shall reach the place of business operated by the permittee. The operator of any vehicle transporting alcoholic beverages shall have in his possession an invoice issued by the commission at the time of the wholesale sale covering the merchandise transported by the vehicle. The commission is authorized to issue regulations controlling the transportation of alcoholic beverages.

When the restrictions imposed by this section and by the regulation of the commission have not been violated, the person transporting alcoholic beverages through a county wherein the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited shall not be guilty of unlawful possession and such merchandise shall be immune from seizure.

SECTION 3. Section 27-71-315, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

27-71-315. Except as otherwise provided in (a) Section 67-9-1 for the transportation of limited amounts of alcoholic beverages for the use of an alcohol processing permittee, and (b) Section 1 of this act for the transportation of limited amounts of alcoholic beverages for personal consumption, it shall be unlawful for any person to transport from any point outside of this state to any point within this state, any light wines or beer except for delivery to a licensed wholesaler or distributor in this state; and except by common carrier. The commissioner may, however, upon application of a licensed wholesaler or distributor in this state, and under rules and regulations duly promulgated by him, issue a permit for the transportation by a licensed wholesaler or distributor of light wines and beer in trucks owned by such licensee, from without the state to the place of business of such licensee within the state, for distribution by said licensee. Such permit shall be granted for a specified period, not to exceed one (1) year.

Any person engaged in transporting any light wines or beer from any point outside of this state to any point within this state, shall have in his possession during the entire time he is engaged in transporting such light wines or beer, an invoice, bill of sale, or bill of lading, showing the true name and address of the consignor, and also the true name and address of the licensed wholesaler or distributor to whom such light wines or beer is to be delivered, and the quantity of such light wines or beer, unless such common carrier maintains a permanent office within this state where complete records of all light wines or beer transported from without this state to points within this state are kept, and open to inspection by the commissioner or his duly authorized agent, at all reasonable times.

It is hereby made the duty of all common carriers, and licensed wholesalers and distributors, transporting light wines or beer from without the State of Mississippi into the State of Mississippi, to furnish the commissioner on or before the fifteenth day of each month, a report showing the amount of beer transported within the state during the preceding month, the consignor, the consignee, and the quantity of light wines or beer so transported.

SECTION 4. Section 67-1-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-1-7. (1) Except as otherwise provided in (a) Section 67-9-1 for the transportation and possession of limited amounts of alcoholic beverages for the use of an alcohol processing permittee, and (b) Section 1 of this act for the transportation and possession of limited amounts of alcoholic beverages for personal consumption, and subject to all of the provisions and restrictions contained in this chapter, the manufacture, sale, distribution, possession and transportation of alcoholic beverages shall be lawful, subject to the restrictions hereinafter imposed, in those counties and municipalities of this state in which, at a local option election called and held for that purpose under the provisions of this chapter, a majority of the qualified electors voting in such election shall vote in favor thereof. The manufacture, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages shall not be permissible or lawful in counties except in (a) incorporated municipalities located within such counties, (b) qualified resort areas within such counties approved as such by the State Tax Commission, or (c) clubs within such counties, whether within a municipality or not. The manufacture, sale, distribution and possession of native wines shall be lawful in any location within any such county except those locations where the manufacture, sale or distribution is prohibited by law other than this section or by regulations of the commission.

(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing, within any state park or any state park facility which has been declared a qualified resort area by the commission and any clubhouse that is a qualified resort area under Section 67-1-5(o)(iii), an on-premises retailer's permittee may lawfully sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on his licensed premises regardless of whether or not the county or municipality in which the park is located has voted in favor of coming out from under the dry law.

SECTION 5. Section 67-1-11, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-1-11. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, the legalizing provisions of this chapter, except as authorized under Section 67-9-1 and Section 1 of this act, shall not be effective, applicable or operative in any county unless and until a local option election shall be called and held in such county in the manner and with the results hereinafter provided.

(2) Upon presentation and filing of a proper petition requesting same signed by at least twenty percent (20%) or fifteen hundred (1,500), whichever number is the lesser, of the qualified electors of the county, it shall be the duty of the board of supervisors to call an election at which there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the county the question of whether or not the sale, distribution and possession of alcoholic liquors shall be permitted in such county as provided in this chapter. Such election shall be held and conducted by the county election commissioners on a date fixed by the order of the board of supervisors, which date shall not be more than sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of said petition. Notice thereof shall be given by publishing such notice once each week for at least three (3) consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in said county or, if no newspaper be published therein, by such publication in a newspaper in an adjoining county and having a general circulation in the county involved. The election shall be held not earlier than fifteen (15) days from the first publication of such notice.

(3) Said election shall be held and conducted as far as may be possible in the same manner as is provided by law for the holding of general elections. The ballots used thereat shall contain a brief statement of the proposition submitted and, on separate lines, the words "I vote FOR coming out from under the dry law in ________ County ( )" "I vote AGAINST coming out from under the dry law in ________ County ( )" with appropriate boxes in which the voters may express their choice. All qualified electors may vote by marking the ballot with a cross (x) or check (v) mark opposite the words of their choice.

(4) The election commissioners shall canvass and determine the results of said election, and shall certify same to the board of supervisors which shall adopt and spread upon its minutes an order declaring such results. If, in such election, a majority of the qualified electors participating therein shall vote in favor of the proposition, this chapter shall become applicable and operative in such county and the manufacture, sale, distribution and possession of alcoholic beverages therein shall be lawful to the extent and in the manner permitted hereby. If, on the other hand, a majority of the qualified electors participating in the election shall vote against the proposition, this chapter, except for Section 67-9-1 and Section 1 of this act, shall not become effective and operative in such county and, except as otherwise provided under Section 67-9-1 and Section 1 of this act, all laws prohibiting and regulating the manufacture, sale, distribution and possession of intoxicating liquor shall remain in full force and effect and be administered and vigorously prosecuted therein. In either case, no further election shall be held in said county under the provisions of this chapter for a period of two (2) years from the date of the prior election and then only upon the filing of a petition requesting same signed by at least twenty percent (20%) or fifteen hundred (1,500), whichever number is the lesser, of the qualified electors of the county as is otherwise provided herein.

SECTION 6. Section 67-1-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-1-13. (1) When this chapter has been made effective and operative in any county as a result of an election called and held as provided in Section 67-1-11, the same may be made ineffective and inapplicable therein by an election called and held upon a petition filed with the board of supervisors requesting same signed by at least twenty percent (20%) or fifteen hundred (1500), whichever number is the lesser, of the qualified electors of the county as is otherwise provided in Section 67-1-11, all of the provisions of which shall be fully applicable thereto. However, nothing herein shall authorize or permit the calling and holding of any election under this chapter in any county more often than once every two (2) years. If in such election, a majority of the qualified electors participating therein shall vote against the legalized sale of intoxicating liquor, then the prohibition laws of the State of Mississippi, except as otherwise provided under Section 67-9-1 and Section 1 of this act, shall become applicable in said county.

(2) Notwithstanding an election reinstating the prohibition laws in a political subdivision, the holder of a native wine producer's permit or a native wine retailer's permit is allowed to continue to operate under such permits and to renew such permits. Possession of native wines and personal property related to the activities of the native wine permit holder which would otherwise be unlawful under prohibition shall be allowed subject to regulations of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division.

SECTION 7. Section 67-1-14, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-1-14. (1) The legalizing provisions of this chapter may be effective, applicable and operative in any municipality located in a county which has voted against coming out from under the dry law if a local option election shall be called and held in such municipality in the manner and with the results hereinafter provided.

(2) (a) Any municipality in this state having a population of not less than six thousand (6,000) according to the latest federal census, all or any portion of which is located within five (5) miles of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway and which is located in a county which has voted against coming out from under the dry law, may, at an election held for the purpose under the election laws applicable to such municipality, either prohibit or permit, except as otherwise provided under Section 67-9-1 and Section 1 of this act, the sale, and the receipt, storage and transportation for the purpose of sale, of alcoholic beverages. An election to determine whether such sale and possession shall be permitted in municipalities wherein its sale and possession is prohibited by law shall be ordered by the municipal governing authorities upon the presentation of a petition to such governing authorities containing the names of at least twenty percent (20%) of the duly qualified voters of such municipality asking for such election. In like manner, an election to determine whether such sale and possession shall be prohibited in municipalities wherein its sale is permitted by law shall be ordered by the municipal governing authorities upon the presentation of a petition to such governing authorities containing the names of at least twenty percent (20%) of the duly qualified voters of such municipality asking for such election. No election on either question shall be held by any one (1) municipality more often than once in two (2) years.

Thirty (30) days' notice shall be given to the qualified electors of such municipality, in the manner prescribed by law, upon the question of either permitting or prohibiting such sale and possession, such notice to contain a statement of the question to be voted on at the election. The ballots to be used in the election shall have the following words printed thereon: "For the legal sale of alcoholic liquors," and the words "Against the legal sale of alcoholic liquors" next below. In marking his ballot the voter shall make a cross (X) opposite the words of his choice.

If in the election a majority of the qualified electors voting in the election shall vote "for the legal sale of alcoholic liquors," then the municipal governing authorities shall pass the necessary order permitting the legal sale of such alcoholic beverages in such municipality. If in the election a majority of the qualified electors voting in the election shall vote "against the legal sale of alcoholic liquors," then the municipal governing authorities shall pass the necessary order prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages in such municipality.

(b) The provisions of this subsection shall also apply to any municipality having a population of not less than six thousand (6,000) according to the latest federal census, a portion of which is located in a county which has voted against coming out from under the dry law and a portion of which is located in a county which has voted in favor of coming out from under the dry law. For the purpose of determining whether or not such a municipality meets the threshold population of six thousand (6,000) which will qualify the municipality to hold an election under this subsection, the entire population of the municipality shall be considered; however, the petition to hold the election authorized in this subsection shall be ordered by the municipal governing authorities upon the presentation of a petition to such governing authorities containing the names of at least twenty percent (20%) of the duly qualified voters of such municipality who reside in that portion of the municipality located in a county which has voted against coming out from under the dry law and the election shall be held only in that portion of the municipality. In all other respects, the authority for the holding of elections and the manner in which such elections shall be conducted shall be as prescribed in paragraph (a) of this subsection; and, after proper certification of election results, the municipal governing authorities shall pass the appropriate order to permit or prohibit the legal sale of alcoholic beverages in that portion of the municipality located in a county which has voted against coming out from under the dry law.

SECTION 8. Section 67-3-7, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-3-7. (1) If any county, at an election held for the purpose under the election laws of the state, shall by a majority vote of the duly qualified electors voting in the election determine that the transportation, storage, sale, distribution, receipt and/or manufacture of wine and beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight shall not be permitted in such county, then the same shall not be permitted therein except as authorized under Section 67-9-1 and Section 1 of this act. An election to determine whether such transportation, storage, sale, distribution, receipt and/or manufacture of such beverages shall be excluded from any county in the state, shall on a petition of twenty percent (20%) of the duly qualified electors of such county, be ordered by the board of supervisors thereof, for such county only. No election on the question shall be held in any one (1) county more often than once in five (5) years.

In counties which have elected, or may elect by a majority vote of the duly qualified electors voting in the election, that the transportation, storage, sale, distribution, receipt and/or manufacture of wine or beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight shall not be permitted in said county, an election may be held in the same manner as the election hereinabove provided on the question of whether or not said transportation, storage, sale, distribution, receipt and/or manufacture of said beverages shall be permitted in such county. Such election shall be ordered by the board of supervisors of such county on a petition of twenty percent (20%) of the duly qualified electors of such county. No election on this question can be ordered more often than once in five (5) years.

(2) Nothing in this section shall make it unlawful to possess beer or wine, as defined herein, in any municipality which has heretofore or which may hereafter vote in an election, pursuant to Section 67-3-9, in which a majority of the qualified electors vote in favor of permitting the sale and the receipt, storage and transportation for the purpose of sale of beer or wine as defined herein.

SECTION 9. Section 67-3-9, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-3-9. Any city in this state, having a population of not less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) according to the latest federal census, at an election held for the purpose, under the election laws applicable to such city, may either prohibit or permit, except as otherwise provided under Section 67-9-1 and Section 1 of this act, the sale and the receipt, storage and transportation for the purpose of sale of beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight. An election to determine whether such sale shall be permitted in cities wherein its sale is prohibited by law shall be ordered by the city council or mayor and board of aldermen or other governing body of such city for such city only, upon the presentation of a petition for such city to such governing board containing the names of twenty percent (20%) of the duly qualified voters of such city asking for such election. In like manner, an election to determine whether such sale shall be prohibited in cities wherein its sale is permitted by law shall be ordered by the city council or mayor and board of aldermen or other governing board of such city for such city only, upon the presentation of a petition to such governing board containing the names of twenty percent (20%) of the duly qualified voters of such city asking for such election. No election on either question shall be held by any one (1) city oftener than once in five (5) years.

Thirty (30) days' notice shall be given to the qualified electors of such city in the manner prescribed by law upon the question of either permitting or prohibiting such sale, said notice to contain a statement of the question to be voted on at said election. The tickets to be used in said election shall have the following words printed thereon: "For the legal sale of beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight"; and the words "Against the legal sale of beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight," next below. In making up his ticket the voter shall make a cross (X) opposite the words of his choice.

If in said election a majority of the qualified electors voting in the election shall vote "For the legal sale of beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight," then the city council or mayor and board of aldermen or other governing body shall pass the necessary order permitting the legal sale of such beer in such city. If in said election a majority of the qualified electors voting in the election shall vote "Against the legal sale of beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight," then the city council or mayor and board of aldermen or other governing body shall pass the necessary order prohibiting the sale of such beer in such city.

All laws or parts of laws in conflict with this section are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict only, this section being cumulative and supplementary.

SECTION 10. Section 67-3-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-3-13. (1) Except as authorized under subsection (2) of this section, under Section 67-9-1 and under Section 1 of this act, in any county which has at any time since February 26, 1934, elected, or which may hereafter elect, to prohibit the transportation, storage, sale, distribution, receipt, and/or manufacture of wine and beer of an alcoholic content of not more than four percent (4%) by weight in such county, it is hereby declared to be unlawful to possess such beverages therein. Any person found possessing any beer or wine of any quantity whatsoever in such county shall, on conviction, be imprisoned not more than ninety (90) days or fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or be both so fined and imprisoned.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, in any county or municipality in which the transportation, storage, sale, distribution, receipt and/or manufacture of light wine and beer is prohibited, it shall not be unlawful for a permitted wholesaler or distributor to possess light wine and beer when such light wine and beer is held therein solely for the purpose of storage and for distribution to other counties and municipalities in which possession of such beverages is lawful.

SECTION 11. Section 67-3-67, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

67-3-67. No county or any officer or agent thereof, nor any other officer, agent, or person, shall interfere with or impede the passage through such county of any light wine or beer moving in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the provisions of Section 67-9-1 and the provisions of Section 1 of this act, and which is in transit to or from any county of this state wherein the traffic in light wines and beer is not prohibited, any county prohibition of such traffic to the contrary notwithstanding.

SECTION 12. Section 97-31-47, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

97-31-47. It shall be unlawful for any transportation company, or any agent, employee, or officer of such company, or any other person, or corporation to transport into or deliver in this state in any manner or by any means any spirituous, vinous, malt, or other intoxicating liquors or drinks, or for any such person, company, or corporation to transport any spirituous, malt, vinous, or intoxicating liquors or drinks from one place within this state to another place within the state, or from one (1) point within this state to any point without the state, except in cases where this chapter, Section 67-9-1 or Section 1 of this act authorizes the transportation.

SECTION 13. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1997.