81st CALENDAR DAY | MARCH 28, 2025 | NUMBER 49 |
1. |
S. B. No. 3257: |
Marshall County; authorize contributions to 501(c)(3) organizations operating food pantries. |
2. |
H. B. No. 1959: |
Wayne County; reenact and extend repealer on assessments on misdemeanor convictions to fund Wayne County Justice Complex. |
3. |
H. B. No. 1953: |
Union County; authorize assessments on justice court convictions and nonadjudications for capital improvements. |
4. |
H. B. No. 1963: |
Panola County; authorize to construct or acquire jail anywhere in county and authorize certain lease-purchase agreement. |
5. |
H. B. No. 1986: |
Lee County; authorize to enter 30-year lease and finance 30-year certificates of participation for public safety facility. |
6. |
H. B. No. 1988: |
Coahoma County; authorize contribution to Clarksdale-Coahoma County Ministries, Inc. |
7. |
H. B. No. 1995: |
Tunica County; authorize contributions to the Tunica County Economic Development Foundation, Inc. |
8. |
H. B. No. 1954: |
Union County; authorize certain assessments in justice court to fund maintenance of county law enforcement center. |
9. |
H. B. No. 1961: |
City of Verona; authorize a tax on restaurants to promote tourism, parks and recreation. |
10. |
H. B. No. 1965: |
Lee County; authorize assessments on convictions for maintenance to historic county courthouse. |
11. |
H. B. No. 1777: |
City of Ridgeland; authorize to levy tax on restaurants, hotels and motels to promote tourism, parks and recreation. |
12. |
Appropriation; Archives and History, Department of. |
13. |
Appropriation; Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for Professional. |
14. |
Appropriation; Environmental Quality, Department of. |
15. |
Appropriation; Foresters, Board of Registration for. |
16. |
Appropriation; Forestry Commission. |
17. |
Appropriation; Grand Gulf Military Monument Commission. |
18. |
Appropriation; Port Authority, State. |
19. |
Appropriation; Marine Resources, Department of. |
20. |
Appropriation; Oil and Gas Board. |
21. |
Appropriation; Pat Harrison Waterway District. |
22. |
Appropriation; Pearl River Valley Water Supply District. |
23. |
Appropriation; Public Service Commission. |
24. |
Appropriation; Public Utilities Staff. |
25. |
Appropriation; Soil and Water Conservation Commission. |
26. |
Appropriation; Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Department of. |
27. |
Appropriation; Yellow Creek State Inland Port Authority. |
28. |
Appropriation; Child Protection Service, Department of. |
29. |
Appropriation; Board of Cosmetology and Barbering. |
30. |
Appropriation; Health, Department of. |
31. |
Appropriation; Human Services, Department of. |
32. |
Appropriation; Fire Academy. |
33. |
Appropriation; Insurance, Department of. |
34. |
Appropriation; Medicaid, Division of. |
35. |
Appropriation; Medical Licensure, Board of. |
36. |
Appropriation; Nursing, Board of. |
37. |
Appropriation; Optometry, Board of. |
38. |
Appropriation; Physical Therapy Board. |
39. |
Appropriation: Real Estate Commission. |
40. |
Appropriation; Rehabilitation Services, Department of. |
41. |
Appropriation; Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists, Board of Examiners for. |
42. |
Appropriation; Athletic Commission. |
43. |
Appropriation; Attorney General. |
44. |
Appropriation; Capital Post-Conviction Counsel, Office of. |
45. |
Appropriation; District attorneys and staff. |
46. |
Appropriation; Legislative expenses. |
47. |
Appropriation; Public Employees' Retirement System. |
48. |
Appropriation; State Public Defender, Office of. |
49. |
Appropriation; Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and trial judges services. |
50. |
Appropriation; Veterans' Home Purchase Board. |
51. |
Appropriation ; Reappropriation, DFA - Bureau of Building - FY 2025. |
52. |
Appropriation; Arts Commission. |
53. |
Appropriation; Education, Department of. |
54. |
Appropriation; Educational Television, Authority for. |
55. |
Appropriation; Library Commission. |
56. |
Appropriation; Transportation, Department of. |
57. |
Appropriation; Additional appropriation for various state agencies. |
58. |
Appropriation; IHL - General support. |
59. |
Appropriation; IHL - Subsidiary programs. |
60. |
Appropriation; IHL - Alcorn State - Agricultural programs. |
61. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. |
62. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Cooperative Extension Service. |
63. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Forest and Wildlife Research Center. |
64. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Veterinary Medicine, College of. |
65. |
Appropriation; IHL - Student Financial Aid. |
66. |
Appropriation; IHL - University of Mississippi Medical Center. |
67. |
Appropriation; Community and Junior Colleges Board - Administrative expenses. |
68. |
Appropriation; Community and Junior Colleges Board - Support for community and junior colleges. |
69. |
Appropriation; Employment Security, Department of. |
70. |
Appropriation; Ethics Commission. |
71. |
Appropriation; Judicial Performance Commission. |
72. |
Appropriation; Public Safety, Department of. |
73. |
Appropriation; Mental Health, Department of. |
74. |
Appropriation; Transportation, Department of - State Aid Road Construction, Office of. |
75. |
Appropriation; Funeral Services Board. |
76. |
Appropriation; Geologists, Board of Registered Professional. |
77. |
Appropriation; Counselors, Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional. |
78. |
Appropriation; Accountancy, Board of Public. |
79. |
Appropriation; Contractors, Board of. |
80. |
Appropriation; Veterinary Examiners, Board of. |
81. |
Appropriation; Dental Examiners, Board of. |
82. |
Appropriation; Pharmacy, Board of. |
83. |
Appropriation; Corrections, Department of. |
84. |
Appropriation; Emergency Management Agency. |
85. |
Appropriation; Agriculture and Commerce, Department of. |
86. |
Appropriation; Fair and Coliseum Commission - Livestock shows. |
87. |
Appropriation; Animal Health, Board of. |
88. |
Appropriation; Gaming Commission. |
89. |
Appropriation; Information Technology Services, Department of. |
90. |
Appropriation; Personnel Board. |
91. |
Appropriation; Military Department. |
92. |
Appropriation; Veterans Affairs Board. |
93. |
Appropriation; Revenue, Department of. |
94. |
Appropriation; Secretary of State. |
95. |
Appropriation; Tax Appeals Board. |
96. |
Appropriation; Workers' Compensation Commission. |
97. |
Appropriation; Treasurer's Office. |
98. |
Appropriation; Debt Service-Gen. Obli. |
99. |
Appropriation; Audit, Department of. |
100. |
Appropriation; Banking and Consumer Finance, Department of. |
101. |
Appropriation; Finance and Administration, Department of. |
102. |
Appropriation; Governor's Office and Mansion. |
103. |
Appropriation; Development Authority, Mississippi. |
104. |
Appropriation; Gulf Coast Restoration Funds to the Mississippi Development Authority. |
105. |
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund; FY2026 reappropriate to certain agencies. |
106. |
Appropriation; additional appropriations for various state agencies for FY2025 and FY2026. |
107. |
Appropriation; Tourism, Department of. |
108. |
H. B. No. 920: |
Distinctive motor vehicle license tag; authorize issuance to supporters of the Declaration of Independence Center for the Study of American Freedom. |
109. |
H. B. No. 1201: |
Income tax and ad valorem tax; create incentives for developers to improve tax forfeited, blighted properties in MS. |
110. |
H. B. No. 1239: |
Data center enterprises; revise certain definitions and other provisions relating to tax exemptions. |
111. |
H. B. No. 1341: |
MS Health Care Industry Zone Act; extend repealer on act and related tax incentives. |
112. |
Capital improvements; revise definition of under local governments capital improvements revolving loan program. |
113. |
H. B. No. 1880: |
Income tax; authorize tax credit for companies engaged in television productions. |
114. |
H. B. No. 1894: |
Bonds; authorize issuance for various purposes. |
115. |
H. B. No. 1896: |
Kratom product; impose excise tax on. |
116. |
Local Option Alcoholic Beverage Control Law; revise definition of "qualified resort area." |
117. |
Municipal and county fire funds; increase funds transferred to by DOR from the collection of certain taxes. |
118. |
Alcoholic beverages; allow persons to bring onto premises with on-premises retailer's permits in certain qualified resorts. |
119. |
Tourism Project Incentive Program; renew, extend and update investment requirements for hotel projects. |
120. |
S. B. No. 2968: |
Ad valorem tax; specify provisions for determining the true value of rural structures. |
121. |
S. B. No. 3095: |
Tax; cut income and grocery taxes, increase fuel excise tax, and adjust distribution of certain fuel and sales taxes. |
122. |
S. B. No. 3126: |
Income tax; authorize credit for added tax revenue from certain nongaming capital investment projects at casinos. |
123. |
S. B. No. 3165: |
Bonds; authorize issuance for various Mississippi Development Authority programs. |
124. |
S. B. No. 3167: |
Income tax; authorize credits for certain in-state television productions, or alternative rebate for 75% of credit amount. |
125. |
S. B. No. 3258: |
Washington County; extend the repeal date on the Washington County Convention and Visitors Committee and tourism tax. |
126. |
Budget process; bring forward sections relating to and provide for transfers of funds. |
127. |
ARPA funds programs; bring forward sections of. |
128. |
2024 Local Improvements Project Fund; clarify and correct names and purposes of certain. |
129. |
State budget; bring forward code sections related to and provide for transfers. |
130. |
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds; amend provisions related to. |
131. |
2024 Local Improvements Projects Fund; clarify and correct names and purposes of certain projects funded from. |
132. |
Educational Facilities Revolving Loan Fund Program; provide for DFA to receive payments on approved loans from. |
133. |
Mississippi Burn Care Fund; provide that SBH shall equitably divide funds among all certified health centers. |
134. |
State Budget process; revise provisions related to and transfer certain funds. |
135. |
"Statewide Digital Services and Procurement Modernization Act"; establish for MDITS. |
136. |
Congressional primaries; change time for holding in years without presidential election. |
137. |
State Workforce Investment Board; require to create, through Office of Workforce Development, list of certain industry certifications. |
138. |
Crawfish and seafood; provide country of origin labeling requirements for. |
139. |
H. B. No. 608: |
Licensure of land surveyors; merge into licensure of engineers. |
140. |
H. B. No. 674: |
Interstate Dental & Dental Hygiene Licensure Compact; create. |
141. |
H. B. No. 733: |
"Property Cleanup Revolving Fund"; establish. |
142. |
H. B. No. 809: |
Students of active duty service members and civilian personnel; clarify "active duty" status for purpose of school enrollment and transfers. |
143. |
Candidate qualifications; revise process for. |
144. |
Sexual offense; provide immunity for reporting. |
145. |
Meat labeling; require accurate labeling of meat and nonmeat products by processors, retail and food establishment prior to final sale. |
146. |
Creating Logic for Efficiency and Accountability (CLEAR) Act; create. |
147. |
H. B. No. 953: |
Harvest permits; extend repealer on provisions establishing maximum weight and approved routes of vehicles. |
148. |
Department of Information Technology Services; revise certain provisions relating to acquisition of technology services. |
149. |
MS Inmate Labor Accountability and Rehabilitation Act; enact. |
150. |
Dental hygienists; authorize to provide services to patients under the general supervision of dentists under certain conditions. |
151. |
Kratom products; prohibit sale to persons under 21. |
152. |
Oyster bottoms; bring forward code sections related to. |
153. |
Pharmacy benefit managers and pharmacy services administrative organizations; provide certain regulations for. |
154. |
Public adjusters licensure; revise provisions related to. |
155. |
Public K-12 and Postsecondary schools; prohibit DEI statements and practices. |
156. |
Camping; prohibit on public property. |
157. |
MBI and local law enforcement; require certain notification upon the escape of inmate or detainee. |
158. |
Memorial highways; designate various segments of public roadway as upon certain conditions. |
159. |
Preneed establishments; reduce amount of fine that Secretary of State may impose upon for late filing of their reports. |
160. |
Grooming of a child; establish as a criminal offense. |
161. |
County depositories; revise interval of time for accepting bids from financial institutions in certain years. |
162. |
Banks; authorize investments in SBICs incorporated outside MS and in LLCs and LLPs. |
163. |
Unmarked vehicles; revise provisions that regulate. |
164. |
Judicial office allowance and court fees; revise. |
165. |
Cybersecurity; governmental and certain commercial entities substantially complying with standards not liable for incidents relating to. |
166. |
Small Loan Regulatory Law; authorize licensee to charge fee for nonrecording insurance in lieu of recording cost. |
167. |
Department of Health; require to conduct a review of quality of medical care provided to inmates of Department of Corrections. |
168. |
Cloud Center of Excellence; establish for phased-in cloud computing and storage by state agencies and governing authorities. |
169. |
H. B. No. 1502: |
MS Hemp Cultivation Act; revise provisions of and legalize manufacture and sale of hemp beverages. |
170. |
Construction manager at risk law; revise provisions related to selection of contractors and vendors for IHL. |
171. |
District Attorneys; revise salaries to certain amount below chancery and circuit courts. |
172. |
Judicial districts; bring forward for purposes of amendment. |
173. |
Consumer Protection Act; exempt certain pharmaceutical distributors from. |
174. |
MS Curriculum Alignment Task Force; create. |
175. |
Fire trucks and fire funds; bring forward code sections related to. |
176. |
Expungement; clarify for pardon and human trafficking convictions. |
177. |
S. B. No. 2181: |
Public Records Act; exempt school district Test Security Plans for administration of Statewide Student Assessment Program. |
178. |
Driver's license; amend provisions related to. |
179. |
Sexual assault victim's rights; amend provision related to in order to qualify for federal STOP Grant funds. |
180. |
S. B. No. 2242: |
Inmate work release program; authorize to perform services for MDOT. |
181. |
Fresh Start Act; revise. |
182. |
Harvest permits; delete repealer on provisions establishing maximum weight and approved routes of vehicles. |
183. |
Approval of oyster leases by the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources; clarify authority. |
184. |
Mississippi Statewide Data Exchange Act; establish. |
185. |
Mississippi Wireless Communication Commission; move to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. |
186. |
State employee telework policies; amend. |
187. |
S. B. No. 2328: |
Property; authorize removal of squatters, amend eviction statutes and prohibit discrimination. |
188. |
MDOC contract with Greenwood-Leflore-Carroll Economic Development Foundation for Delta Work Release Program; authorize. |
189. |
Medicaid reimbursement, services, beneficiaries, hospital assessment & related provisions; bring forward sections related to. |
190. |
Child support; create presumption that support continues past the age of majority for a disabled child. |
191. |
Mississippi Electronic Court System; revise provision related to access. |
192. |
S. B. No. 2489: |
Appellate court expense allowance; authorize receipt for judicial duties performed in any area of the state. |
193. |
Gaming; include online, interactive and computerized versions thereof, increase penalties, and authorize forfeiture. |
194. |
S. B. No. 2517: |
"MS Intercollegiate Athletics Compensation Rights Act" and "Uniform Athletes Agent Act"; bring forward. |
195. |
Public-private partnerships; allow IHL board to lease on behalf of public institutions of higher learning. |
196. |
Department of Tourism; create. |
197. |
In-person early voting; allow. |
198. |
S. B. No. 2704: |
Annual inspection of the infirmary at the State Penitentiary at Parchman; require State Department of Health to conduct. |
199. |
S. B. No. 2741: |
Professional music therapists; provide for licensure by State Department of Health. |
200. |
The Mississippi Opioid Settlement Fund Advisory Council; create. |
201. |
Judicial redistricting; revise provisions related to chancery and circuit courts. |
202. |
S. B. No. 2835: |
Mississippi Emergency Communications Act; create. |
203. |
Economic development incentives; require agreements to secure employee freedom and privacy regarding unionization decisions. |
204. |
S. B. No. 2869: |
Mississippi Native Spirit Law; revise to include craft spirits. |
205. |
Mississippi Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team Law; enact. |
206. |
James E. (Jay) Carney, II, Tupelo, Mississippi, Mississippi Charter School Authorizer Board to represent the Third Supreme Court District, three year term effective June 3, 2024 and ending August 31, 2026, vice Mr. Lee Durrett. |
207. |
Charles Edward Cowan, Madison, Mississippi, Educational Television Authority (MS Public Broadcasting BD), remainder of a four year term effective June 3, 2024 and ending June 30, 2027, representing the state at large, vice Mrs. Whitney Lipscomb. |
208. |
Cory Joseph Custer, Jackson, Mississippi, Educational Television Authority (MS Public Broadcasting BD), four year term effective July 3, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, representing the state at large, vice Mr. Russ Latino. |
209. |
Cammack A. (Cam) Roberds, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, MS Advisory Commission on Marine Resources as the Recreational Sports Fisherman representative, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028. |
210. |
Matthew Bowen Mayfield, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, Mississippi Advisory Commission on Marine Resources, remainder of a four year term effective July 8, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026, representing a Commercial Fisherman. |
211. |
Kent Gerard (Kent) Nicaud, Pass Christian, Mississippi, Gaming Commission, four year term effective October 1, 2025 and ending September 30, 2029. |
212. |
James E. Ceranti, Greenville, Mississippi, MS Motor Vehicle Commission, seven year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2031, representing the Second Congressional District. |
213. |
David Shane Livingston, Bogue Chitto, Mississippi, Appeals Board of the Mississippi Transportation Commission, remainder of a four year term effective February 3, 2025 and ending June 30, 2028, vice David Wansley. |
214. |
Carrie K. Coggins, LMSW, Tupelo, Mississippi, MS State Board of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists, four year term ending June 30, 2028. |
215. |
Sabrina Marie Turner, Flowood, Mississippi, BD of Directors for the Mississippi Industries for the Blind as an individual who has at least five years' actual experience in marketing or related field, term effective immediately and will end June 30, 2028. |
216. |
Eddie Eugene Turner, Brandon, Mississippi, BD of Directors for the Mississippi Industries for the Blind as a legally blind individual, term effective immediately and will end June 30, 2027. |
217. |
Bennie Lee Adkins, Union, Mississippi, State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering as a barber representing the First Supreme Court District as it existed on July 1, 2024, two year term effective July 8, 2024 and ending July 31, 2026. |
218. |
Clelly Ray Farmer, Poplarville, Mississippi, State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering as a barber representing the Second Supreme Court District as it existed on July 1, 2024, three year term effective July 8, 2024 and ending July 31, 2027. |
219. |
Michael Lee (Mike) McBunch, Tupelo, Mississippi, State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering as a barber representing the Third Supreme Court District as it existed on July 1, 2024, four year term effective July 8, 2024 and ending July 31, 2028. |
220. |
Linell Palmer, Jr., Jackson, Mississippi, State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering as a cosmetologist representing the First Supreme Court District as it existed on July 1, 2024, two year term effective July 8, 2024 and ending July 31, 2026. |
221. |
Warren Gilbert Rossi, Corinth, Mississippi, State Board of Cosmetology and Barbering as a cosmetologist representing the Third Supreme Court District as it existed on July 1, 2024, four year term effective July 8, 2024 and ending July 31, 2028. |
222. |
Sherry A. Bouldin, Madison, Mississippi, State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors, remainder of a five year term effective July 2, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, representing the 2nd Congressional District, vice Dr. Kerri McKnatt. |
223. |
Dr. Shelbi R. Bradley, Gulfport, Mississippi, State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors, remainder of five year term effective July 2, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, vice Dr. Lewis A. Bullock. |
224. |
Elizabeth JeanMarie (Liz) McLain, Ridgeland, Mississippi, Mississippi State Board of Massage Therapy as a Licensed Massage Therapist, four year term effective September 24, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, vice Mr. Michael Scott Parker. |
225. |
Dr. Harvey Allen (Allen) Gersh, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, MS State Board of Medical Licensure to represent the Second Supreme Court District, six year term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2030. |
226. |
Dr. Kirk L. Kinard, Oxford, Mississippi, MS State Board of Medical Licensure to represent the Third Supreme Court District, six year term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2030. |
227. |
Andrew Christopher (Drew) Calhoun, RN, Meridian, Mississippi, MS Board of Nursing as the Registered Nurse at large, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, vice Mr. William Alton Shaw. |
228. |
Dr. Lacey Thompson Gentry, DNP, RN, CNE, Courtland, Mississippi, MS Board of Nursing as an Educator, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028. |
229. |
Beverly Eaves Oliver, MBA, MSN, FNP, Clinton, Mississippi, MS Board of Nursing as the Registered Nurse Practitioner, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, vice Dr. Melissa King. |
230. |
Christopher Brian (Chris) Threadgill, Ackerman, Mississippi, MS State Board of Nursing Home Administrators as the Hospital Administrator, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, vice Mr. James Taylor Williams, Jr.. |
231. |
Dr. Hilary Melby Parrish, Vicksburg, Mississippi, MS State Board of Optometry, five year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2029, representing the Fourth Congressional District as it existed on January 1, 1980. |
232. |
Courtney Denton Jones, Brandon, Mississippi, BD of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, vice Dr William Jeffrey Hinton. |
233. |
Courtney Phillips, Indianola, Mississippi, State Board of Mental Health, seven year term effective July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2032, representing the First Supreme Court District. |
234. |
Elizabeth A. (Beth) Tinnon, Ph.D., RN, CNE, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, MS State Board of Nursing Home Administrators as the Educator with expertise in the field of health care, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028. |
235. |
Billy Crisler (Cris) Bourn, PT, DPT, MHS, Flora, Mississippi, MS State Board of Physical Therapy as a physical therapist representing the 3rd Congressional District, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028. |
236. |
Dr. Robert Carrington Dews, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, MS State Board of Physical Therapy as the representative of physicians, four year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028. |
237. |
Henry Presley Posey, Flora, Mississippi, State Board of Rehabilitation Services as the vocational rehabilitation client or client's parent representative, five year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2029. |
238. |
Dr. John (Johnny) Mitchell, Jr., Pontotoc, Mississippi, State Board of Mental Health, seven year term effective upon Senate confirmation and ending June 30, 2030, representing the Third Supreme Court District and a licensed medical doctor. |
239. |
Dr. Lucius Marion (Luke) Lampton, Magnolia, Mississippi, State Board of Health as a Licensed Physician, six year term beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2031. |
240. |
Dr. Thomas Edward (Tom) Joiner, Brandon, Mississippi, MS State Board of Medical Licensure to represent the First Supreme Court District, six year term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2030. |
241. |
Randy C. Roth, MD, Pascagoula, Mississippi, MS State Board of Medical Licensure to represent the Second Supreme Court District, remainder of a six year term effective October 3, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, vice W. David McClendon, MD. |
242. |
Sue B. Gallaspy, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, State Board of Mental Health, remainder of a seven year term effective January 31, 2025 and ending June 30, 2028, representing the Second Supreme Court District, vice Robert Landrum. |
243. |
Dr. Craig P. Orgeron, Madison, Mississippi, Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services, term effective July 1, 2024. |
244. |
Mark Edsel Henderson, Kiln, Mississippi, Information Technology Services Authority, five year term beginning January 21, 2025 and ending June 30, 2029. |
245. |
Dason Colin Maloney, Tupelo, Mississippi, Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, five year term effective July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2029, representing the 1st Congressional District as it existed on July 1, 1994, vice Mr. Bill Cossar. |
246. |
Mitchell Todd (Todd) Hairston, Gulfport, Mississippi, Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, remainder of a five year term effective June 27, 2024 and ending June 30, 2028, representing the 5th Congressional District, vice Leonard Bentz. |
247. |
Drew Thomas St. John, II, Madison, Mississippi, Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, five year term effective July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2030, representing the Second Congressional District, vice John Scott Coopwood. |
248. |
Gregory T. (Greg) Smith, Gulfport, Mississippi, State Board of Contractors as a Residential Builder representative, five year term effective July 3, 2024 and ending June 30, 2029. |
249. |
James Joseph Brantley, Brandon, Mississippi, MS Home Inspector Regulatory Board, initial three year term effective August 9, 2024 and ending June 30, 2027, representing the State At Large. |
250. |
John Stanley (Stan) McCay, Sr., Oxford, Mississippi, MS Home Inspector Regulatory Board, initial one year term effective August 9, 2024 and ending June 30, 2025, representing the First Congressional District. |
251. |
John Stanley (Stan) McCay, Sr., Oxford, Mississippi, MS Home Inspector Regulatory Board, four year term effective July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2029, representing the First Congressional District. |
252. |
Charles Martin (Marty) Pigott, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, MS Home Inspector Regulatory Board, initial three year term effective August 9, 2024 and ending June 30, 2027, representing the Fourth Congressional District. |
253. |
Gary Nelson Smith, Ridgeland, Mississippi, MS Home Inspector Regulatory Board, initial two year term effective August 9, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026, representing the Third Congressional District. |
254. |
John N. (Nick) Crutcher, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, MS Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board, four year term effective February 3, 2025 and ending December 31, 2028. |
255. |
Frank Barr (Barr) Biggs, Jr., MAI, Madison, Mississippi, MS Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board to represent the Third Congressional District, remainder of a four year term effective February 4, 2025 and ending December 31, 2026. |
256. |
James Brian Gomillion, Walnut Grove, Mississippi, Mississippi Real Estate Commission, four year term effective upon Senate confirmation and ending June 30, 2027, representing the First Supreme Court District. |
257. |
Joe William Stedman, Natchez, Mississippi, Mississippi Real Estate Commission, four year term beginning February 3, 2025 and ending June 30, 2028, representing the Second Supreme Court District. |