MARCH 28, 2025 |
1. |
Appropriation; Archives and History, Department of. |
2. |
Appropriation; Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Registration for Professional. |
3. |
Appropriation; Environmental Quality, Department of. |
4. |
Appropriation; Foresters, Board of Registration for. |
5. |
Appropriation; Forestry Commission. |
6. |
Appropriation; Grand Gulf Military Monument Commission. |
7. |
Appropriation; Port Authority, State. |
8. |
Appropriation; Marine Resources, Department of. |
9. |
Appropriation; Oil and Gas Board. |
10. |
Appropriation; Pat Harrison Waterway District. |
11. |
Appropriation; Pearl River Valley Water Supply District. |
12. |
Appropriation; Public Service Commission. |
13. |
Appropriation; Public Utilities Staff. |
14. |
Appropriation; Soil and Water Conservation Commission. |
15. |
Appropriation; Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Department of. |
16. |
Appropriation; Yellow Creek State Inland Port Authority. |
17. |
Appropriation; Child Protection Service, Department of. |
18. |
Appropriation; Board of Cosmetology and Barbering. |
19. |
Appropriation; Health, Department of. |
20. |
Appropriation; Human Services, Department of. |
21. |
Appropriation; Fire Academy. |
22. |
Appropriation; Insurance, Department of. |
23. |
Appropriation; Medicaid, Division of. |
24. |
Appropriation; Medical Licensure, Board of. |
25. |
Appropriation; Nursing, Board of. |
26. |
Appropriation; Optometry, Board of. |
27. |
Appropriation; Physical Therapy Board. |
28. |
Appropriation: Real Estate Commission. |
29. |
Appropriation; Rehabilitation Services, Department of. |
30. |
Appropriation; Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists, Board of Examiners for. |
31. |
Appropriation; Athletic Commission. |
32. |
Appropriation; Attorney General. |
33. |
Appropriation; Capital Post-Conviction Counsel, Office of. |
34. |
Appropriation; District attorneys and staff. |
35. |
Appropriation; Legislative expenses. |
36. |
Appropriation; Public Employees' Retirement System. |
37. |
Appropriation; State Public Defender, Office of. |
38. |
Appropriation; Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and trial judges services. |
39. |
Appropriation; Veterans' Home Purchase Board. |
40. |
Appropriation ; Reappropriation, DFA - Bureau of Building - FY 2025. |
41. |
Appropriation; Arts Commission. |
42. |
Appropriation; Education, Department of. |
43. |
Appropriation; Educational Television, Authority for. |
44. |
Appropriation; Library Commission. |
45. |
Appropriation; Transportation, Department of. |
46. |
Appropriation; Additional appropriation for various state agencies. |
47. |
Appropriation; IHL - General support. |
48. |
Appropriation; IHL - Subsidiary programs. |
49. |
Appropriation; IHL - Alcorn State - Agricultural programs. |
50. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. |
51. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Cooperative Extension Service. |
52. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Forest and Wildlife Research Center. |
53. |
Appropriation; IHL - Mississippi State University - Veterinary Medicine, College of. |
54. |
Appropriation; IHL - Student Financial Aid. |
55. |
Appropriation; IHL - University of Mississippi Medical Center. |
56. |
Appropriation; Community and Junior Colleges Board - Administrative expenses. |
57. |
Appropriation; Community and Junior Colleges Board - Support for community and junior colleges. |
58. |
Appropriation; Employment Security, Department of. |
59. |
Appropriation; Ethics Commission. |
60. |
Appropriation; Judicial Performance Commission. |
61. |
Appropriation; Public Safety, Department of. |
62. |
Appropriation; Mental Health, Department of. |
63. |
Appropriation; Transportation, Department of - State Aid Road Construction, Office of. |
64. |
Appropriation; Funeral Services Board. |
65. |
Appropriation; Geologists, Board of Registered Professional. |
66. |
Appropriation; Counselors, Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional. |
67. |
Appropriation; Accountancy, Board of Public. |
68. |
Appropriation; Contractors, Board of. |
69. |
Appropriation; Veterinary Examiners, Board of. |
70. |
Appropriation; Dental Examiners, Board of. |
71. |
Appropriation; Pharmacy, Board of. |
72. |
Appropriation; Corrections, Department of. |
73. |
Appropriation; Emergency Management Agency. |
74. |
Appropriation; Agriculture and Commerce, Department of. |
75. |
Appropriation; Fair and Coliseum Commission - Livestock shows. |
76. |
Appropriation; Animal Health, Board of. |
77. |
Appropriation; Gaming Commission. |
78. |
Appropriation; Information Technology Services, Department of. |
79. |
Appropriation; Personnel Board. |
80. |
Appropriation; Military Department. |
81. |
Appropriation; Veterans Affairs Board. |
82. |
Appropriation; Revenue, Department of. |
83. |
Appropriation; Secretary of State. |
84. |
Appropriation; Tax Appeals Board. |
85. |
Appropriation; Workers' Compensation Commission. |
86. |
Appropriation; Treasurer's Office. |
87. |
Appropriation; Debt Service-Gen. Obli. |
88. |
Appropriation; Audit, Department of. |
89. |
Appropriation; Banking and Consumer Finance, Department of. |
90. |
Appropriation; Finance and Administration, Department of. |
91. |
Appropriation; Governor's Office and Mansion. |
92. |
Appropriation; Development Authority, Mississippi. |
93. |
Appropriation; Gulf Coast Restoration Funds to the Mississippi Development Authority. |
94. |
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund; FY2026 reappropriate to certain agencies. |
95. |
Appropriation; additional appropriations for various state agencies for FY2025 and FY2026. |
96. |
Appropriation; Tourism, Department of. |
1. |
Budget process; bring forward sections relating to and provide for transfers of funds. |
2. |
ARPA funds programs; bring forward sections of. |
3. |
2024 Local Improvements Project Fund; clarify and correct names and purposes of certain. |
4. |
Fire trucks and fire funds; bring forward code sections related to. |
5. |
State budget; bring forward code sections related to and provide for transfers. |
6. |
Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds; amend provisions related to. |
7. |
2024 Local Improvements Projects Fund; clarify and correct names and purposes of certain projects funded from. |
8. |
Educational Facilities Revolving Loan Fund Program; provide for DFA to receive payments on approved loans from. |
9. |
Mississippi Burn Care Fund; provide that SBH shall equitably divide funds among all certified health centers. |
10. |
State Budget process; revise provisions related to and transfer certain funds. |
1. |
H. B. No. 920: |
Distinctive motor vehicle license tag; authorize issuance to supporters of the Declaration of Independence Center for the Study of American Freedom. |
2. |
H. B. No. 1201: |
Income tax and ad valorem tax; create incentives for developers to improve tax forfeited, blighted properties in MS. |
3. |
H. B. No. 1341: |
MS Health Care Industry Zone Act; extend repealer on act and related tax incentives. |
4. |
Capital improvements; revise definition of under local governments capital improvements revolving loan program. |
5. |
H. B. No. 1880: |
Income tax; authorize tax credit for companies engaged in television productions. |
6. |
H. B. No. 1894: |
Bonds; authorize issuance for various purposes. |
7. |
H. B. No. 1896: |
Kratom product; impose excise tax on. |
8. |
Municipal and county fire funds; increase funds transferred to by DOR from the collection of certain taxes. |
9. |
Tourism Project Incentive Program; renew, extend and update investment requirements for hotel projects. |
10. |
S. B. No. 3095: |
Tax; cut income and grocery taxes, increase fuel excise tax, and adjust distribution of certain fuel and sales taxes. |
11. |
S. B. No. 3126: |
Income tax; authorize credit for added tax revenue from certain nongaming capital investment projects at casinos. |
12. |
S. B. No. 3165: |
Bonds; authorize issuance for various Mississippi Development Authority programs. |
13. |
S. B. No. 3167: |
Income tax; authorize credits for certain in-state television productions, or alternative rebate for 75% of credit amount. |
1. |
"Statewide Digital Services and Procurement Modernization Act"; establish for MDITS. |
2. |
Congressional primaries; change time for holding in years without presidential election. |
3. |
State Workforce Investment Board; require to create, through Office of Workforce Development, list of certain industry certifications. |
4. |
Crawfish and seafood; provide country of origin labeling requirements for. |
5. |
H. B. No. 608: |
Licensure of land surveyors; merge into licensure of engineers. |
6. |
H. B. No. 674: |
Interstate Dental & Dental Hygiene Licensure Compact; create. |
7. |
H. B. No. 733: |
"Property Cleanup Revolving Fund"; establish. |
8. |
H. B. No. 809: |
Students of active duty service members and civilian personnel; clarify "active duty" status for purpose of school enrollment and transfers. |
9. |
Candidate qualifications; revise process for. |
10. |
H. B. No. 856: |
Pharmacy Practice Act; extend repealer on. |
11. |
Sexual offense; provide immunity for reporting. |
12. |
Meat labeling; require accurate labeling of meat and nonmeat products by processors, retail and food establishment prior to final sale. |
13. |
Creating Logic for Efficiency and Accountability (CLEAR) Act; create. |
14. |
H. B. No. 953: |
Harvest permits; extend repealer on provisions establishing maximum weight and approved routes of vehicles. |
15. |
Department of Information Technology Services; revise certain provisions relating to acquisition of technology services. |
16. |
MS Inmate Labor Accountability and Rehabilitation Act; enact. |
17. |
Dental hygienists; authorize to provide services to patients under the general supervision of dentists under certain conditions. |
18. |
Kratom products; prohibit sale to persons under 21. |
19. |
Oyster bottoms; bring forward code sections related to. |
20. |
Pharmacy benefit managers and pharmacy services administrative organizations; provide certain regulations for. |
21. |
Public adjusters licensure; revise provisions related to. |
22. |
Public K-12 and Postsecondary schools; prohibit DEI statements and practices. |
23. |
Camping; prohibit on public property. |
24. |
MBI and local law enforcement; require certain notification upon the escape of inmate or detainee. |
25. |
H. B. No. 1239: |
Data center enterprises; revise certain definitions and other provisions relating to tax exemptions. |
26. |
Memorial highways; designate various segments of public roadway as upon certain conditions. |
27. |
Preneed establishments; reduce amount of fine that Secretary of State may impose upon for late filing of their reports. |
28. |
Grooming of a child; establish as a criminal offense. |
29. |
County depositories; revise interval of time for accepting bids from financial institutions in certain years. |
30. |
Banks; authorize investments in SBICs incorporated outside MS and in LLCs and LLPs. |
31. |
Unmarked vehicles; revise provisions that regulate. |
32. |
Judicial office allowance and court fees; revise. |
33. |
Cybersecurity; governmental and certain commercial entities substantially complying with standards not liable for incidents relating to. |
34. |
Small Loan Regulatory Law; authorize licensee to charge fee for nonrecording insurance in lieu of recording cost. |
35. |
Department of Health; require to conduct a review of quality of medical care provided to inmates of Department of Corrections. |
36. |
Cloud Center of Excellence; establish for phased-in cloud computing and storage by state agencies and governing authorities. |
37. |
H. B. No. 1502: |
MS Hemp Cultivation Act; revise provisions of and legalize manufacture and sale of hemp beverages. |
38. |
Construction manager at risk law; revise provisions related to selection of contractors and vendors for IHL. |
39. |
District Attorneys; revise salaries to certain amount below chancery and circuit courts. |
40. |
Judicial districts; bring forward for purposes of amendment. |
41. |
Consumer Protection Act; exempt certain pharmaceutical distributors from. |
42. |
MS Curriculum Alignment Task Force; create. |
43. |
Expungement; clarify for pardon and human trafficking convictions. |
44. |
"Mississippi Student Funding Formula"; revise to clarify certain provisions related to. |
45. |
Local Option Alcoholic Beverage Control Law; revise definition of "qualified resort area." |
46. |
S. B. No. 2181: |
Public Records Act; exempt school district Test Security Plans for administration of Statewide Student Assessment Program. |
47. |
Driver's license; amend provisions related to. |
48. |
Sexual assault victim's rights; amend provision related to in order to qualify for federal STOP Grant funds. |
49. |
S. B. No. 2242: |
Inmate work release program; authorize to perform services for MDOT. |
50. |
Fresh Start Act; revise. |
51. |
Harvest permits; delete repealer on provisions establishing maximum weight and approved routes of vehicles. |
52. |
Approval of oyster leases by the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources; clarify authority. |
53. |
Mississippi Statewide Data Exchange Act; establish. |
54. |
Mississippi Wireless Communication Commission; move to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency. |
55. |
State employee telework policies; amend. |
56. |
S. B. No. 2328: |
Property; authorize removal of squatters, amend eviction statutes and prohibit discrimination. |
57. |
MDOC contract with Greenwood-Leflore-Carroll Economic Development Foundation for Delta Work Release Program; authorize. |
58. |
Medicaid reimbursement, services, beneficiaries, hospital assessment & related provisions; bring forward sections related to. |
59. |
Child support; create presumption that support continues past the age of majority for a disabled child. |
60. |
Mississippi Electronic Court System; revise provision related to access. |
61. |
S. B. No. 2489: |
Appellate court expense allowance; authorize receipt for judicial duties performed in any area of the state. |
62. |
Gaming; include online, interactive and computerized versions thereof, increase penalties, and authorize forfeiture. |
63. |
S. B. No. 2517: |
"MS Intercollegiate Athletics Compensation Rights Act" and "Uniform Athletes Agent Act"; bring forward. |
64. |
Public-private partnerships; allow IHL board to lease on behalf of public institutions of higher learning. |
65. |
Department of Tourism; create. |
66. |
In-person early voting; allow. |
67. |
S. B. No. 2704: |
Annual inspection of the infirmary at the State Penitentiary at Parchman; require State Department of Health to conduct. |
68. |
S. B. No. 2741: |
Professional music therapists; provide for licensure by State Department of Health. |
69. |
The Mississippi Opioid Settlement Fund Advisory Council; create. |
70. |
Judicial redistricting; revise provisions related to chancery and circuit courts. |
71. |
S. B. No. 2835: |
Mississippi Emergency Communications Act; create. |
72. |
Economic development incentives; require agreements to secure employee freedom and privacy regarding unionization decisions. |
73. |
Alcoholic beverages; allow persons to bring onto premises with on-premises retailer's permits in certain qualified resorts. |
74. |
S. B. No. 2869: |
Mississippi Native Spirit Law; revise to include craft spirits. |
75. |
Mississippi Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team Law; enact. |
1. |
S. B. No. 2016: |
City of Brookhaven; extend repeal date on the tax upon room rentals of hotels, motels and bed-and-breakfast establishments. |
2. |
S. B. No. 3057: |
City of Booneville; extend date of repeal on city's hotel, motel and restaurant tax. |
3. |
S. B. No. 3058: |
City of Petal; extend repealer on hotel/motel and restaurant/bar tourism taxes. |
4. |
S. B. No. 3059: |
City of Hattiesburg; extend repeal date on hotel, motel and restaurant tax. |
5. |
S. B. No. 3060: |
City of Greenwood; extend the repeal date on the tourism tax and the Greenwood Tourism Commission. |
6. |
S. B. No. 3063: |
City of Louisville; extend the hotel and motel tax repeal date to July 1, 2029. |
7. |
S. B. No. 3064: |
City of Byram; extend repeal date on hotel and motel tax. |