Mississippi Legislature
2007 Regular Session


As of 08/07/07 at 14:07

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HB 368  Sheriff's office; increase fees and clothing allowance.   Mayo
   %       01/30 (H) Died In Committee
HB 742  Sheriff's office; authorize boards of supervisors to      Akins
        include in budget funds for feeding personnel in       
        emergency operations.                                  
           03/07 (S) Died On Calendar
HB1165  Sheriff's plainclothes investigator; increase clothing    Coleman (29th)
           01/30 (H) Died In Committee
SB2516  Sheriff's Office; authorize boards of supervisors to      Tollison
 *      include in budget funds for feeding personnel in       
        emergency operations.                                  
           03/30 Approved by Governor
SB2552  Sheriffs; increase clothing allowance for plain clothes   Thames
        investigators employed by.                             
           01/30 (S) Died In Committee

KEY: * = Amended % = 3/5ths Vote Required V = Vetoed
  $ = Revenue @ = Exempted From Deadline P = Partially Vetoed

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