Mississippi Legislature
2005 Regular Session


As of 04/26/05 at 09:11

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HB 103  Gasoline; prohibit the use of MTBE as a gasoline          Fleming
        additive and revise labeling requirements.             
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 168  Gasoline excise tax; increase and deposit portion of      Fleming
  $%    proceeds into Mississippi Highway-Railroad Grade       
        Crossing Safety Account.                               
           02/23 (H) Died In Committee
HB 572  Price gouging and predatory pricing; prohibit on          Fleming
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 960  Bio-diesel production; clarify that the same state        Mayo
        incentive payments for ethanol are available for       
           03/15 Approved by Governor
HB1292  Gasoline excise tax; eliminate evaporation deduction      Franks
   %    allowed distributors of gasoline.                      
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee

KEY: * = Amended % = 3/5ths Vote Required V = Vetoed
  $ = Revenue @ = Exempted From Deadline P = Partially Vetoed

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