HB 154 Depositions; allow elderly who are victims of financial Fleming exploitation, abuse or neglect to take at home. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB1572 Income tax exemption; allow for taxpayers providing Holland $% support for certain relatives 65 years of age or older. 02/23 (H) Died In Committee HB1689 Ad valorem tax; provide exemption for certain owners of Janus $% manufactured or mobile homes who are 65 or older or totally disabled. 02/23 (H) Died In Committee SB2843 Elderly; enhance penalties for certain crimes against. Jackson (11th) 02/01 (S) Died In Committee
KEY: | * = Amended | % = 3/5ths Vote Required | V = Vetoed |
$ = Revenue | @ = Exempted From Deadline | P = Partially Vetoed |
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