Mississippi Legislature
2005 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/25/05

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House: Introductions

HB1559  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food.            Snowden
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1560  Sales tax; phase out on sales of certain food.            Snowden
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1561  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
        revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1562  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
        revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1563  Sales tax; provide for reduced tax on admissions to all   Snowden
        publicly owned facilities.                             
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1564  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
        revise diversion to municipalities.                    
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1565  Sales tax; reduce rate on sales of certain food and       Snowden
        revise certain diversions.                             
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1566  Sales tax; exempt sales of tangible personal property     Snowden
        and services to East Mississippi State Hospital        
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1567  Radar; authorize Town of Caledonia to use on municipal    Smith (39th)
        roads and streets.                                     
           01/25 (H) Referred To Local and Private Legislation;Transportation
HB1568  Motor vehicle ad valorem tax credit; include              Franks
        motorcycles in vehicles eligible to receive.           
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1569  Sales tax; authorize exemption for retail sales of        Snowden
        certain articles of clothing during the first weekend  
        in August.                                             
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB1570  Ad valorem tax; revise manner of valuing undeveloped      Chism
        land made part of recorded subdivision.                
           01/25 (H) Referred To Ways and Means

House: Double Referred Reports

HB 454  State Board of Cosmetology; extend repealer and exempt    Warren
        certain persons engaged in hair braiding.              
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDP: PH To AP
HB 610  Transfer of county/city property to nonprofit primary     Hamilton (6th)
        health care clinic; remove repealer.                   
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDP: CA To MU
HB 806  Child support; delete repealer on administrative fee on   Holland
        wage withholding (DHS).                                
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDPCS: PH To AP
HB 816  Garbage and rubbish; prohibit counties and cities from    Franks
        imposing fee or tax for collection or disposal         
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDP: CR To WM
HB 826  City of Gulfport; may pay health insurance premiums for   Ishee
        retired employees of city participating in group plan. 
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDP: AP To LP
HB 960  Bio-diesel production; clarify that the same state        Mayo
        incentive payments for ethanol are available for       
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDP: AG To AP
HB1313  Mississippi Fair Commission; name equine center in        Janus
        Jackson as "Kirk Fordice Equine Center."               
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDPCS: AG To PP
           01/25 (H) DR - TSDPCS: PP To AG

House: Committee Reports

HB 156  Agricultural seeds; remove repealer on specific           Warren
        enforcement responsibilities of Commissioner of        
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 220  Small Business Assistance; extend repealer.               Warren
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 469  State aid road funds; delete requirement for              Miles
        expenditure of certain amount on bridges.              
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 521  Hospital records; revise definition of custodian of       Frierson
        records for use in legal actions.                      
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB 617  Catfish; revise definition to mean any species within     Eaton
        the family Ictaluridae.                                
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 683  Public water system corrosion control requirements;       Holland
        extend date of repealer.                               
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB 697  Mississippi Agricultural Liming Materials Act;            Eaton
        authorize Agriculture Commissioner to promulgate       
        certain rules; add repealer.                           
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 734  Tinted motor vehicle windows; require inspection          Ward
        stations to test and issue labels.                     
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB 799  Public property; DFA to assign certain property to        Rogers (61st)
        Department of Military.                                
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 826  City of Gulfport; may pay health insurance premiums for   Ishee
        retired employees of city participating in group plan. 
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 835  Sam Dale State Park; authorize Department of Finance      Robinson (84th)
        Administration to sell.                                
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB 954  Public property; authorize DFA to sell certain property   Moss
        located in Alcorn County.                              
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB1003  Office of State Aid; authorize to escalate its budget     McBride
        for projects under Economic Development Highway Act.   
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB1041  Commercial driver's license; require additional fee for   Miles
        hazardous material endorsement (DPS).                  
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1175  MS State Veterans' Home; rename home in Jackson the       Holland
        General Hilton R. "Jack" Vance Veterans' Home.         
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB1272  Public property; name building at Columbia Training       Weathersby
        School the Donald R. Taylor Building.                  
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass
HB1294  Economic Redevelopment Act; create and provide            Flaggs
        incentives for development of certain property.        
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
HB1313  Mississippi Fair Commission; name equine center in        Janus
        Jackson as "Kirk Fordice Equine Center."               
           01/25 (H) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub

House: Floor Actions

HB 127  Scenic streams; designate Pascagoula River as eligible    Broomfield
        for nomination to scenic streams.                      
           01/25 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 524  University or community college students; clarify         Peranich
        residence status.                                      
           01/25 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           01/25 (H) Amended
           01/25 (H) Passed As Amended
HB 698  Department of Human Services; reestablish.                Evans
           01/25 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           01/25 (H) Passed
HB 769  Pearl River; designate portion as eligible for            Carlton
        nomination to Scenic Streams Stewardship Program.      
           01/25 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB 826  City of Gulfport; may pay health insurance premiums for   Ishee
        retired employees of city participating in group plan. 
           01/25 (H) Passed
           01/25 (H) Immediate Release
           01/25 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HB1345  Parole Board; allow to place offenders in intensive       Malone
        supervision program and increase fee of program.       
           01/25 (H) Motion to Reconsider Entered
           01/25 (H) Motion to Reconsider Tabled
HC  44  Mrs. Almeta Covington Snowden; commend life of.           Robinson (84th)
           01/25 (H) Adopted
           01/25 (H) Immediate Release
           01/25 (H) Transmitted To Senate
HR  13  Auschwitz concentration camps liberation; recognize       Reynolds
        60th anniversary of.                                   
           01/25 (H) Committee Substitute Adopted
           01/25 (H) Adopted
           01/25 (H) Immediate Release

House: Referred Other House

SB2288  Exemption from execution; clarify for proceeds accruing   Albritton
        to certain claims.                                     
           01/25 (H) Referred To Judiciary A
SB2480  Unemployment compensation employer contribution rate      Robertson
        reduction and workforce training assessment; provide   
        for (MDES).                                            
           01/25 (H) Referred To Labor;Ways and Means
SC 507  Commend life of former Governor Kirk Fordice.             Little
           01/25 (H) Referred To Rules

Senate: Introductions

SC 520  Recognize the 100th Anniversary of Rotary International   Little
        and designate "Rotary Day" in Mississippi.             
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 521  Interim joint study committee; create to study            Horhn
        Mississippi's tax code.                                
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 522  Commend Elbert R. Hilliard, Director Emeritus of MS       Little
        Department of Archives and History.                    
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 523  Commend life of William L. "Will" Denton.                 Dawkins
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 524  Commend NWMCC President David M. Haraway on retirement.   Mettetal
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 525  Commend Lucedale/George County Librarian, Beverly Janet   Walley
        Smith, for 33 years of service.                        
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules
SC 526  James R "Bobby" Rayburn; commend on presidency of         Hewes
        National Association of Home Builders.                 
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules
SN  94  Debra Lee Carr, Purvis, Mississippi, Board of Examiners   GOVERNOR
        for Licensed Professional Counselors, unexpired term   
        ending June 30, 2008, representing Fourth Congressional
           01/25 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SN  95  Dr. Clyde Edwin Taylor, Starkville, Mississippi, State    GOVERNOR
        Board of Veterinary Medicine, five-year term ending    
        April 22, 2009, representing Third Supreme Court       
           01/25 (S) Referred To Agriculture
SN  96  Billy Ellington (Bill) Graves, Jr., Grenada,              GOVERNOR
        Mississippi, Board of Animal Health, unexpired term    
        ending July 31, 2007, representing Mississippi         
        Independent Meat Packers Association.                  
           01/25 (S) Referred To Agriculture
SN  97  Gregory Alan Howell, Brookhaven, Mississippi, licensed    GOVERNOR
        veterinarian to the Board of Animal Health, unexpired  
        term ending July 31, 2007.                             
           01/25 (S) Referred To Agriculture
SR   8  Commend Tina Aultman for her commitment to fulfilling     Lee (47th)
        her dream of obtaining a college education.            
           01/25 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Double Referred Reports

SB2143  Ad valorem school tax collections; clarify additional     Chaney
        levy for collection costs and revise deadline for      
        transmitting tax collections.                          
           01/25 (S) DR - TSDP: ED To FI
SB2272  State Board of Education expend federal funds for         Chaney
        licensed teachers; clarify authority.                  
           01/25 (S) DR - TSDP: ED To AP
SB2377  Taxation; income tax credit incentives for certain        Moffatt
        activities at brownfield sites.                        
           01/25 (S) DR - TSDP: EP To FI
SB2538  Individual On-Site Wastewater Disposal System; remove     Moffatt
        repealer and clarify duties of the Department of       
           01/25 (S) DR - TSDPCS: EP To PH
SB2692  Child support guidelines based on adjusted gross          Doxey
        income; increase.                                      
           01/25 (S) DR - TSDPCS: PH To JB
SB2931  MS Disability Resource Commission; establish.             Nunnelee
           01/25 (S) DR - TSDP: PH To AP

Senate: Committee Reports

SB2006  Administrative fine for food service establishments       Nunnelee
        operating without a permit; authorize.                 
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2046  Courts; revise certain procedures affecting justice and   Burton
        municipal courts, both civil and criminal.             
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2080  Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP); prohibit      Nunnelee
        plan from denying provider participation under certain 
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2085  State Board of Cosmetology; extend repealer and make      Nunnelee
        technical amendments.                                  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2138  Distinctive motor vehicle license tags; increase the      King
        penalty for fraudulently obtaining disabled veteran    
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2142  School district accounts; superintendent may pay claims   Chaney
        to be ratified by local school board.                  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2186  Vulnerable adults; revise sexual battery and fondling.    Burton
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2193  Driver's license; parent can cancel minor's under age     Michel
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2232  Driver's license; require one year of supervised          Butler
        driving under a temporary permit to be eligible for    
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2237  Death benefits trust fund; include certain homeland       Albritton
        security personnel as beneficiaries.                   
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2238  Crimes; create anti-camcorder piracy act.                 Tollison
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2247  Conversion of unused leave for school district            Chaney
        employees; revise limitations.                         
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2249  Weapons; carry permit exception for justice court         Albritton
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2251  Narcotics agents; remove age limit for new-hires (MBN).   Albritton
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2264  Bad check; conform fees.                                  Michel
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2283  Ambulance service permit requirements to conduct          Little
        membership subscription program; repeal.               
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2305  Obstruction of justice; create as an offense.             Albritton
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2342  Landscape Architectural Practice Law; extend repealer.    Mettetal
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2344  Title pledge lenders; clarify the amount of bond          Mettetal
        required for licensure.                                
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2346  Assault; revise for certain DHS employees (DHS).          Nunnelee
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2350  Failure to stop or yield right-of-way; prescribe          Carmichael
        penalties whenever injury or death results.            
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2417  Uniform Controlled Substance Act; revise schedules in     Nunnelee
        conformity with federal law.                           
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2420  Organ donation; revise protocol and clarify authority     Bryan
        of organ donor.                                        
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2429  Appropriation; Dept. of Public Safety - Highway Patrol    Little
        Trooper Training Class; FY2006.                        
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2437  Salvage certificate of title; insurers are not required   Walley
        to obtain if a motor vehicle is a total loss and 8     
        years old or older.                                    
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2442  Alcoholic beverage; clarify prohibition against sale of   Wilemon
        on the campus of any community college, junior college 
        and university.                                        
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2453  Employee criminal background checks; authorize            Nunnelee
        Department of Human Services to conduct.               
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2465  Public water system corrosion control requirements;       Nunnelee
        extend repealer on.                                    
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2468  Appointments to Southern Regional Education Board;        Chaney
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2498  Administrative fee on withholding orders for child        Nunnelee
        support; delete repealer.                              
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2511  Infant Mortality Task Force; extend repealer.             Nunnelee
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2523  Restitution to victims; extend repealer on authority to   Tollison
        establish centers.                                     
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2524  Sales tax diversion to pay back special funds; delay      Gordon
        for 1 year.                                            
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2532  Small loan licensees; revise maximum closing fee.         Mettetal
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2545  Reckless endangerment; create crime of.                   Tollison
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2547  98% budget limitation for FY 2006; remove.                Gordon
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2555  State's share of oil and gas severance taxes; all to be   Little
        appropriated until 2010.                               
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2575  State Grand Jury Act; extend repealer.                    Tollison
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2599  On-premises wine permit; conform language to Alcoholic    Posey
        Beverage Control Law.                                  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2643  Designated smoking areas in public buildings; UMC not     King
        required to have.                                      
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2645  MS Telecommunication Conference and Training Facility     Gordon *
        Reserve Fund; clarify authorized expenditures.         
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2721  Shellfish; require labels to show country of origin.      Gollott
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2724  Tort liability, charitable activity; include food         Hewes
        donated to needy.                                      
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2730  Office of General Services; increase maximum amount in    Posey
        revolving fund and allow certain expenditures from.    
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2738  Adoption agencies; require to show office location on     Nunnelee
        all advertisements.                                    
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2746  Contractor's sales tax; provide for issuance of a         Robertson
        jeopardy assessment, lien and warrant against certain  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2751  Sales taxes; officer or agent of person responsible for   Robertson
        the payment of taxes are jointly and severally liable  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2753  State Tax Commission; remove requirement that board of    Robertson
        review decisions be approved by the chairman.          
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2754  Sales tax permits; may be revoked for failures by         Robertson
        certain persons to satisfy all tax liabilities to the  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2782  State agency authority to donate to American Red Cross;   Nunnelee
        extend repealer.                                       
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2787  Alcoholic beverages; authorize sale and shipment of       Doxey
        certain wines by out-of-state manufacturers to         
        retailers in this state.                               
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2823  Mechanic's lien; allow for motor vehicle regardless of    Ross
        state in which titled.                                 
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2845  State funds; provide for transfers of special funds       Gordon
        into BCF, and transfers among categories for certain   
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2853  Bonds; authorize additional use of bonds issued for the   Moffatt
        Port of Pascagoula, Mississippi.                       
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2859  Theft; revise various offenses against mercantile         Tollison
        establishments and consumers.                          
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2860  Retirement; constables in PERS must pay all required      Doxey
        contributions, or elect not to pay and not receive     
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2864  Crimes; revise exploitation and abuse or battery of       Tollison
        children and prohibit display of obscene videos in     
        motor vehicles.                                        
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2873  Sales under execution; authorize the State Tax            Robertson
        Commission to accept cash equivalent for.              
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2874  Withholding income for child support administrative       Ross
        fee; extend repealer.                                  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2892  Mississippi Business Finance Corporation; extend repeal   Robertson
        date on its authority to issue bonds to fund economic  
        development projects.                                  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2914  Light wine and beer laws; extend repeal date on           Robertson
        authority of Alcoholic Beverage Control officers to    
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2916  Corporation franchise tax; revise type of notice that     Robertson
        may extend period for examining returns.               
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2927  Real estate; clarify disclosure of nonmaterial facts in   Michel
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2945  Temporary detention; codify Terry stop by peace           Albritton
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SB2964  Income tax; clarify that assessment of penalty for        Robertson
        failure to pay or to file return is permissive (STC).  
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2983  Sales tax; provide penalty for failure to pay on filed    Robertson
        return (STC).                                          
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass
SB2991  Interagency Coordinating Council for Children and         Thames
        Youth; extend repealer on.                             
           01/25 (S) Title Suff Do Pass Comm Sub
SN  90  Steven Natalie Williams, Jackson, Mississippi, State      BOARD OF EDUCATION
        Board of Education as Director, Office of Educational  
        Accountability, term effective January 1, 2005.        
           01/25 (S) Do Advise and Consent

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 04/04/05 at 13:53.

End Of Document
