Mississippi Legislature
2005 Regular Session


As of 04/04/05 at 08:38

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HB  80  Nonpartisan Judicial Election Act; repeal and enact       Fleming
   %    partisan judicial elections.                           
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 107  Election; repeal Nonpartisan Judicial Election Act.       Denny
   %       02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 358  Partisan elections; abolish and provide for               Barnett
   %    preferential.                                          
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 642  Partisan judicial elections; provide for and repeal       Green
   %    Nonpartisan Judicial Election Act.                     
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 732  Campaign Finance Disclosure Law; clarify "contribution"   Reynolds
        and require disclosure of certain loans made to        
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 944  Nonpartisan Judicial Election Act; repeal.                Moore
   %       02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 955  Campaign Finance Disclosure Law; clarify "contribution"   Reynolds
        and require disclosure of certain loans made to        
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1102  Campaign Finance Disclosure; revise with limits.          Reynolds
 *         03/28 (H) Died In Conference
HB1346  Campaign finance reform; revise to clarify                Reynolds
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1394  Elections; establish open primary and abolish partisan.   Staples
   %       02/01 (H) Died In Committee
SB2001  Elections; enact open primary and abolish partisan        Little
   %    primaries.                                             
           02/01 (S) Died In Committee
SB2164  Elections; enact open primary and abolish partisan        Browning
   %    primaries.                                             
           02/01 (S) Died In Committee
SB2912  Campaign contributions; clarify definition of             Williamson
           02/01 (S) Died In Committee

KEY: * = Amended % = 3/5ths Vote Required V = Vetoed
  $ = Revenue @ = Exempted From Deadline P = Partially Vetoed

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