Mississippi Legislature
2005 Regular Session

House Labor Committee

As of 04/26/05 at 08:51

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HB 141  Genetic testing and discrimination; prohibit by           Fleming
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 144  Employers; prohibit from asking on an employment          Fleming
        application whether applicant is a convicted felon.    
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 145  Wages; require Mississippi employers to pay wages of no   Fleming
   %    less than 15% above federal minimum wage.              
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 450  Union workers; create certain rights concerning use of    Robinson (84th)
        union dues.                                            
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 453  Unemployment compensation benefits; clarify eligibility   Bounds
        for employees of temporary help contracting firm.      
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 455  Employers; prohibit firing employee who loses time from   Fleming
        work because responded to an emergency as a volunteer. 
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 456  Employers; prohibit those that rent single dwelling to    Fleming
        its employees from deducting more than a certain       
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 457  Employers; require those that rent factory-built homes    Fleming
        to employees to maintain with state and federal        
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 458  Fair Pay Act of 2005; create.                             Fleming
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 459  Employment at will; abolish and establish the Good        Fleming
        Faith in Employment Act.                               
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 461  Unemployment insurance; provide to employees who leave    Fleming
        work due to domestic violence.                         
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 463  Unemployment compensation; exempt required coverage for   Pierce
        independent service providers for funeral homes.       
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 477  Employees; employers provide unpaid break time and        Dedeaux
        private location to express breast milk for child.     
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 701  Mississippi Department of Labor; establish and create     Evans
        appointed position of Commissioner of Labor.           
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 953  Victims of violence; require employers to grant leave.    Blackmon
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 962  Mississippi Human Relations Act of 2005; create to        Robinson (63rd)
        promote equal opportunity for all.                     
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 964  Unemployment compensation; conform to federal law         Moss
   %    certain employer transfers of experience and rates.    
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB 965  Unemployment compensation; reduce rates for certain       Moss
  $%    employers and impose workforce training assessment     
           02/23 (H) Died In Committee
HB1314  Unemployment compensation benefits; clarify eligibility   Bounds
        for employees of temporary help contracting firm.      
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1319  Unemployment compensation benefits; eliminate week's      Evans
   %    waiting period for eligibility.                        
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1524  Immigration; enact certain state measures.                Moore
   %       02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1540  Unemployment compensation; increase benefits over next    Franks
        four years.                                            
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1549  Unemployment compensation; revise provision for when an   Brown
        employer must apply for refund.                        
           02/01 (H) Died In Committee
HB1553  Immigration; enact certain state measures to regulate.    Moore
   %       02/01 (H) Died In Committee
SB2480  Unemployment compensation employer contribution rate      Robertson
 *$%    reduction and workforce training assessment; provide   
        for (MDES).                                            
           03/23 Approved by Governor

KEY: * = Amended % = 3/5ths Vote Required V = Vetoed
  $ = Revenue @ = Exempted From Deadline P = Partially Vetoed

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