HB 191 State and School Employees Health Insurance Plan; Formby * require certain prior participation and delete provisions covering life insurance. 04/02 (H) Died On Calendar HB 410 Medicaid; reinstate eligibility for PLAD group, levy Morris * % additional taxes and assessment on tobacco products for. 03/01 (S) Died In Committee HB 524 University or community college students; clarify Peranich * residence status. 04/20 Approved by Governor HB 597 Students; require those in Grades 7 through 12 to Broomfield maintain certain grades to participate in athletics. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB 894 Deer hunting; create pilot project in certain counties Robinson (84th) allowing hunting over grain. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB1000 Budget; amend certain statutes to provide more money in Stringer * @ General Fund for appropriation. 04/07 (H) Died In Conference HB1175 MS State Veterans' Home; rename home in Jackson the Holland General Hilton R. "Jack" Vance Veterans' Home. 03/14 Approved by Governor HB1215 Deer; allow hunting over bait subject to rules and Bentz * regulations of Commission on Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks. 03/31 (S) Died In Conference HB1232 Optional retirement program; expand investments Stringer % available to participants to include mutual funds. 03/14 Approved by Governor HB1233 PERS investments; allow investments in types of Stringer * investments not specifically listed. 03/23 Approved by Governor HB1408 State funds; provide for transfers of special funds Stringer * into BCF, and transfers among categories for certain agencies. 03/28 (H) Died In Conference HB1409 Fees; provide for new and increased fees to be charged Stringer * % by state agencies for services provided. 03/01 (S) Died In Committee HB1576 Income tax; increase amount of National Guard and Franks $% Reserve Forces compensation excluded from gross income. 02/23 (H) Died In Committee HB1579 Appropriation; Medicaid; Additional for FY2005. Stringer * 02/24 (S) Declined to Grant Conference HB1634 Appropriation; reappropriation; DFA - Bureau of Stringer Building; FY05. 03/21 Approved by Governor HC 10 Elbert R. Hilliard; commend upon retirement. Bondurant 01/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 17 Jalin Wood; commend on being Miss Mississippi 2004. Taylor 01/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 44 Mrs. Almeta Covington Snowden; commend life of. Robinson (84th) 04/07 (S) Died In Committee HC 78 Master Sergeant Sean Michael Cooley; commend life of. Parker 03/10 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 84 Army Private First Class James Diamond; commend life Rogers (61st) and personal sacrifices of. 03/25 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 92 Suspend deadlines for introduction; unemployment Evans compensation; increase benefits, delete waiting period, reduce employer tax rates, provide workforce training. 04/07 (H) Died In Committee HC 101 Charlie Capps; commend dedicated service upon McCoy retirement. 03/30 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 102 Suspend deadlines for introduction; raise additional Watson revenue for FY 2006. 04/07 (H) Died In Committee HC 111 2005 Regular Session; extend session, suspend deadlines Brown * for appropriation conference reports, and set date of sine die. 03/31 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 116 Suspend deadlines for further consideration of HB 693, Stringer HB 1000 and SB 2845; amend budget statutes and provide for transfers. 04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 7 Purple Heart Recognition Day; recognize August 7, 2005, Carlton in Mississippi. 01/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 25 Dr. Vernon Clyde Muse; commend upon 26 years of Weathersby service. 03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 30 850th Transportation Company; commend each soldier in Carlton recognition of their service. 04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 36 Morgan Freeman; commend career and congratulate on Reynolds winning Oscar. 03/14 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 53 Horace C. Holmes; commend upon retirement as President Moak of Southwest Mississippi Community College. 03/25 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 59 Lonnie Thigpen, Sr.; commend upon retirement. Stringer 03/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 69 Budget; urge Senate to join House in raising revenues Watson * for. 03/23 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 78 Bobby Moody; commend legislative service of. Bondurant 03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 83 John Moor; commend on being named Leflore-Greenwood Whittington 2005 Young Farmer of the Year. 03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 93 Officer Thomas D. Catchings; commend life of upon his Coleman (65th) passing. 03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 96 V-E Day; recognize 60th anniversary. Chism 03/31 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 103 Representative May Whittington; commend on being named Brown 2005 American School Counselor Association Legislator of the Year. 04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
KEY: | * = Amended | % = 3/5ths Vote Required | V = Vetoed |
$ = Revenue | @ = Exempted From Deadline | P = Partially Vetoed |
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