HB 535 Amplified sound; prohibit certain sound amplification Turner * in certain public areas. 02/08 (H) Failed HB 584 Workers' compensation; provide employer the right to Formby require an autopsy in death cases. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB 761 Municipal annexations; prohibit use of municipal funds Hamilton (109th) to obtain annexations. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB 771 Scenic streams; designate portion of Escatawpa River in Parker George and Jackson Counties eligible for nomination to scenic streams program. 03/14 Approved by Governor HB 796 Municipal annexation; require approval by majority of Hamilton (109th) electors in territory to be annexed. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB 837 Scenic streams; designate portion of Red Creek in Parker Stone, George & Jackson Counties as eligible for scenic streams program nomination. 03/14 Approved by Governor HB 842 Alcohol and Tobacco sales to minors; prohibit reduction Hamilton (109th) of penalties. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB 887 Deer hunting; establish separate seasons for Parker * southeastern part of state. 04/20 Approved by Governor HB1014 Bonds; authorize additional use of bonds issued for the Hamilton (109th) % Port of Pascagoula. 02/01 (H) Died In Committee HB1175 MS State Veterans' Home; rename home in Jackson the Holland General Hilton R. "Jack" Vance Veterans' Home. 03/14 Approved by Governor HB1592 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for a space, Dedeaux $% science and education center in Hancock County. 02/23 (H) Died In Committee HB1594 Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act; revise Dedeaux $% definition of the term "project" and authorize issuance of bonds. 02/23 (H) Died In Committee HB1600 Bonds; increase amount authorized for certain Parker $% Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks projects. 02/23 (H) Died In Committee HB1638 Appropriation; Department of Transportation. Miles * 04/07 (H) Died In Conference HB1649 Appropriation; Department of Marine Resources. Frierson * 04/07 (H) Died In Conference HB1652 Appropriation; State Forestry Commission. Eaton * 04/07 (H) Died On Calendar HB1653 Appropriation; State Board of Registration for Eaton * Foresters. 04/07 (H) Died On Calendar HB1654 Appropriation; Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Eaton * 04/07 (H) Died In Conference HB1661 Appropriation; Insurance Department. Capps * 04/07 (H) Died On Calendar HB1662 Appropriation; State Fire Academy. Capps * 04/07 (H) Died On Calendar HB1663 Appropriation; Department of Human Brown * Services-Consolidated. 04/07 (H) Died In Conference HB1664 Appropriation; Rehabilitation Services - Consolidated. Brown * 04/07 (H) Died In Conference HB1753 Jackson County; authorize to donate funds to soup Guice * kitchens in the county. 04/07 (S) Died In Committee HB1767 Jackson County; authorize to take certain actions to Guice * provide and improve water and sewer services in the county. 04/20 Approved by Governor HC 10 Elbert R. Hilliard; commend upon retirement. Bondurant 01/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 17 Jalin Wood; commend on being Miss Mississippi 2004. Taylor 01/19 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 44 Mrs. Almeta Covington Snowden; commend life of. Robinson (84th) 04/07 (S) Died In Committee HC 67 Mark Cumbest; commend upon being named recipient of the Hamilton (109th) 2005 Who's Who in Business Award. 03/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 78 Master Sergeant Sean Michael Cooley; commend life of. Parker 03/10 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 84 Army Private First Class James Diamond; commend life Rogers (61st) and personal sacrifices of. 03/25 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HC 101 Charlie Capps; commend dedicated service upon McCoy retirement. 03/30 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 7 Purple Heart Recognition Day; recognize August 7, 2005, Carlton in Mississippi. 01/28 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 8 Beverly Janet Smith; commend upon retirement. Parker 01/21 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 16 Howard Duer; commend contributions and services of. Hamilton (109th) 02/16 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 25 Dr. Vernon Clyde Muse; commend upon 26 years of Weathersby service. 03/02 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 30 850th Transportation Company; commend each soldier in Carlton recognition of their service. 04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 36 Morgan Freeman; commend career and congratulate on Reynolds winning Oscar. 03/14 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 53 Horace C. Holmes; commend upon retirement as President Moak of Southwest Mississippi Community College. 03/25 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 78 Bobby Moody; commend legislative service of. Bondurant 03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 93 Officer Thomas D. Catchings; commend life of upon his Coleman (65th) passing. 03/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 96 V-E Day; recognize 60th anniversary. Chism 03/31 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed HR 103 Representative May Whittington; commend on being named Brown 2005 American School Counselor Association Legislator of the Year. 04/03 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed
KEY: | * = Amended | % = 3/5ths Vote Required | V = Vetoed |
$ = Revenue | @ = Exempted From Deadline | P = Partially Vetoed |
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