Mississippi Legislature
2004 3rd Extraordinary Session

Daily Action Report for 11/10/04

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House: Referred Other House

SC 502  Commend the life and legacy of Dr. Julius John "J.J."     Dawkins
        Hayden, Jr.                                            
           11/10 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 503  Commend life of Col. Lawrence Roberts, former Tuskegee    Hewes
        Airman, and expressing sympathy of the Legislature.    
           11/10 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 504  Commend Judy Rhodes.                                      Gordon
           11/10 (H) Referred To Rules
SC 505  Commend the life and legacy of public service of former   Nunnelee
        Senator Perrin Purvis.                                 
           11/10 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Signed By The Speaker

HC   1  William Moore Townsend; commend as a hero.                Mayo
           11/10 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Floor Actions

HC   1  William Moore Townsend; commend as a hero.                Mayo
           11/10 (S) Adopted
           11/10 (S) Immediate Release
           11/10 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 502  Commend the life and legacy of Dr. Julius John "J.J."     Dawkins
        Hayden, Jr.                                            
           11/10 (S) Adopted
           11/10 (S) Immediate Release
           11/10 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 503  Commend life of Col. Lawrence Roberts, former Tuskegee    Hewes
        Airman, and expressing sympathy of the Legislature.    
           11/10 (S) Adopted
           11/10 (S) Immediate Release
           11/10 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 504  Commend Judy Rhodes.                                      Gordon
           11/10 (S) Adopted
           11/10 (S) Immediate Release
           11/10 (S) Transmitted To House
SC 505  Commend the life and legacy of public service of former   Nunnelee
        Senator Perrin Purvis.                                 
           11/10 (S) Adopted
           11/10 (S) Immediate Release
           11/10 (S) Transmitted To House

Senate: Signed By The President

HC   1  William Moore Townsend; commend as a hero.                Mayo
           11/10 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 11/22/04 at 07:40.

End Of Document
