Mississippi Legislature
2004 Regular Session

Daily Action Report for 01/30/04

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House: Introductions

HB 694  Motor fuel taxes; delay diversion of portion to Gaming    Miles
        Counties Bond Sinking Fund.                            
           01/30 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 695  Filing fees; revise for chancery and circuit court        Blackmon
        complaints and petitions.                              
           01/30 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 696  Workers' compensation; provide that professional fire     Holland
        fighters and law enforcement officers shall receive    
        extra for employment injury.                           
           01/30 (H) Referred To Insurance
HB 697  Health Care Expendable Fund; Treasurer shall deposit      Moody
        2004 tobacco settlement installment payment into.      
           01/30 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 698  Gaming license fee; provide temporary increase and        Smith (27th)
        distribute to nongaming counties.                      
           01/30 (H) Referred To Gaming;Ways and Means
HB 699  Gaming license fee; increase and distribute portion to    Smith (27th)
        nongaming counties.                                    
           01/30 (H) Referred To Gaming;Ways and Means
HB 700  State and School Employees Health Insurance; provide      Smith (27th)
        that state pay all costs for retired public school     
           01/30 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 701  State and School Employees Health Insurance; state pay    Smith (27th)
        full cost for employees drawing PERS disability        
           01/30 (H) Referred To Insurance;Appropriations
HB 702  Cellular phones; create misdemeanor offense for causing   Smith (27th)
        accident while using.                                  
           01/30 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 703  Retirement; merge Highway Patrol Retirement System into   Guice
        the Public Employees' Retirement System.               
           01/30 (H) Referred To Appropriations
HB 704  Contractors; revise liability insurance requirements      Guice
        for certain.                                           
           01/30 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 705  Income tax; provide a credit for employers that incur     Whittington
        costs to promote employee physical fitness.            
           01/30 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 706  Income tax; provide tax credit for contributions to       Whittington
        schools for use in providing physical fitness or other 
        health programs.                                       
           01/30 (H) Referred To Ways and Means
HB 707  Implied consent; issue warrant for arrest of defendant    Dedeaux
        when scire facias issued.                              
           01/30 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 708  Candidate qualifying fees; revise.                        Dedeaux
           01/30 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 709  Campaign finance disclosure report; revise requirements   Dedeaux
        and impose penalty for failure to comply.              
           01/30 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 710  MS Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification      Dedeaux
        Board; limit number of members from same appraisal     
           01/30 (H) Referred To Judiciary B
HB 711  Hospitals; create ombudsman group to review complaints    Fleming
        filed by or on behalf of residents of.                 
           01/30 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services;Appropriations
HB 712  Clean Indoor Air Act; create.                             Fleming
           01/30 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 713  Partisan elections; abolish and provide for               Barnett
           01/30 (H) Referred To Apportionment and Elections
HB 714  Physicians; require background check and fingerprinting   Barnett
        for initial licensure of.                              
           01/30 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 715  Physicians; Board of Medical Licensure may make renewal   Barnett
        applications available by electronic means.            
           01/30 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 716  Municipal surplus property; authorize governing           Robinson (63rd)
        authorities to engage a realtor to sell property and   
        receive compensation.                                  
           01/30 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB 717  Infant Mortality Task Force; change Governor's            Moody
        appointments of voting members of.                     
           01/30 (H) Referred To Public Health and Human Services
HB 718  Municipal employees; authorize governing authorities to   Evans
        deduct organization or association dues with employee  
           01/30 (H) Referred To Municipalities
HB 719  Justice court judges; base salary on population           Mayhall
        according to latest federal decennial census.          
           01/30 (H) Referred To Fees and Salaries of Public Officers
HB 720  State tax system; create task force to study.             Clark
           01/30 (H) Referred To Ways and Means;Appropriations
HB 721  Regional planning commissions; authorize to acquire and   Dedeaux
        dispose of property.                                   
           01/30 (H) Referred To County Affairs
HR  17  Lymphedema D-Day; recognize its observance on March 6,    Mims
           01/30 (H) Referred To Rules

House: Floor Actions

HR  14  Sergeant Jonathan W. Lambert; commend life of.            McCoy
           01/30 (H) Adopted
           01/30 (H) Immediate Release

House: Signed By The Speaker

SC 528  Petty Officer First Class Betty Townsend; commend         Jackson (32nd)
        military service.                                      
           01/30 (H) Enrolled Bill Signed

Senate: Introductions

SB2359  Seat belt law; violation is primary offense.              Harden
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2360  Emergency health powers; expand.                          Dawkins
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2361  Counties; authorize to contract with professional land    Posey
           01/30 (S) Referred To County Affairs
SB2362  Random drug testing; require for TANF recipients.         Cuevas
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2363  Mothers receiving TANF benefits to identify father(s)     Cuevas
        of eligible children for support purposes; require.    
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2364  School district fiscal year; same as county fiscal        Cuevas
           01/30 (S) Referred To Education
SB2365  Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP); create.        Harden
           01/30 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2366  Substitute teachers may be paid twice per month and       Harden
        while student teaching; authorize.                     
           01/30 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2367  Mississippi Department of Labor and Commissioner of       Harden
        Labor; establish.                                      
           01/30 (S) Referred To Labor;Appropriations
SB2368  Traffic violations; repeal sunset provisions for adult    Dearing
        safety course.                                         
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2369  Garnishment; authorize payments in justice court to go    Posey
        directly to plaintiff or his attorney.                 
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2370  Notaries public; protect immigrants from false or         Tollison
        misleading advertising.                                
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2371  Supreme Court; revise timing of election of certain       Ross
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2372  Suffrage; restore to Ronald Bailey.                       Harden
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2373  Professional engineers and surveyors; reenact and         Kirby
        revise licensing laws.                                 
           01/30 (S) Referred To Business and Financial Institutions
SB2374  Computer and electronic waste; require management plan    Dawkins
        for recycling and disposal.                            
           01/30 (S) Referred To Environment Prot, Cons and Water Res
SB2375  Solid waste; prohibit disposal of cell phones in solid    Dawkins
           01/30 (S) Referred To Environment Prot, Cons and Water Res
SB2376  Charter schools; create new process for establishing.     Chaney
           01/30 (S) Referred To Education;Appropriations
SB2377  Appointments to executive agency boards and               Dawkins
        commissions; to be made from new Mississippi           
        congressional districts.                               
           01/30 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2378  Anhydrous ammonia; make unlawful to break valve on tank   Hyde-Smith
        with intent to steal anhydrous ammonia.                
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2379  Reimbursable emergency room visits under Medicaid;        Cuevas
        require copayment by patient.                          
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2380  Nursing facility bed assessment for Medicaid program;     Carmichael
        authorize variable system based on number of Medicaid  
        patients served.                                       
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Appropriations
SB2381  Workers' Compensation Self-insurer Guaranty               Kirby
        Association; create separate associations for          
        individual and group.                                  
           01/30 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2382  Tuition-free attendance at any state IHL or community     Butler
        college; authorize for students with at least 3.0 GPA. 
           01/30 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2383  Educational leave program for medical residents;          Harden
        authorize Department of Mental Health to implement.    
           01/30 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration;Appropriations
SB2384  Fire fighters; authorize to keep badge and helmet upon    Cuevas
           01/30 (S) Referred To Appropriations
SB2385  Mississippi Civic Literacy Act; enact.                    Hewes
           01/30 (S) Referred To Education
SB2386  Mississippi Veterans Monument Commission; reenact and     Carmichael
        extend the date of repeal (RP).                        
           01/30 (S) Referred To Veterans and Military Affairs;Appropriations
SB2387  MEMA; authorize to enter into long-term leases with       Carmichael
        other state/federal agencies.                          
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Property;Appropriations
SB2388  Collection of debt for services provided at licensed      Dawkins
        hospitals; provide certain restrictions on.            
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare;Judiciary, Division A
SB2389  Specialized programs offered by hospitals; impose CON     Dawkins
        moratorium on.                                         
           01/30 (S) Referred To Public Health and Welfare
SB2390  Major Economic Impact Act; increase bonds authorized      Brown
        for certain projects under.                            
           01/30 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2391  MS Workers' Compensation Law; declare intent of           Hewes
        impartial construction.                                
           01/30 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2392  PERS; provide that elected officials who retire after     Ross
        the first of the month due to expiration of term will  
        not be penalized.                                      
           01/30 (S) Referred To Finance
SB2393  MS Fire Personnel Minimum Standards and Certification     Kirby
        Board; revise composition of.                          
           01/30 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2394  Insurance rebate monies; request investigation if use     Kirby
        is inconsistent with state law.                        
           01/30 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2395  Courts, trial; eliminate running in herd for certain      Tollison
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2396  Medical Malpractice Insurance Availability Plan;          Kirby
        authorize Tort Claims Board to borrow money to purchase
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division A
SB2397  Animal cruelty; create felony level of offense.           Dearing
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2398  Seat belt law; make primary offense, revise aggregate     Frazier
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2399  Mississippi Fire Prevention Code; require compliance      Kirby
        for permits to construct private correctional          
           01/30 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2400  Driver's license; additional $1 for Keep Mississippi      Butler
        Beautiful for litter prevention.                       
           01/30 (S) Referred To Highways and Transportation
SB2401  Hotels and lodging houses; revise fire protection and     Kirby
        safety laws.                                           
           01/30 (S) Referred To Insurance
SB2402  Sheriff; authorize Coahoma County to supplement salary.   Jackson (11th)
           01/30 (S) Referred To Fees, Salaries and Administration
SB2403  Sexual battery; conform statute of limitations to that    Burton
        for rape.                                              
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2404  Vulnerable adults; revise sexual battery and fondling.    Burton
           01/30 (S) Referred To Judiciary, Division B
SB2405  Manufactured homes; establish continuing education        Kirby
        requirements for license of dealers and transporters.  
           01/30 (S) Referred To Insurance
SC 533  Commend Kim LaFontaine; recipient of 2003 Milken Family   Kirby
        National Educator Award.                               
           01/30 (S) Referred To Rules

Senate: Floor Actions

SC 507  Dr. Arthur Guyton; commend life and legacy of research.   Dawkins
           01/30 (S) Adopted
SC 509  Former Senator Troy Watkins; commend life of public       Dearing
           01/30 (S) Adopted
SC 510  Commend life of famous attorney, actor and WWII veteran   Dawkins
        Boyce Holleman.                                        
           01/30 (S) Adopted
SC 511  Commend John A. Bull, Lawrence County Superintendent of   Hyde-Smith
           01/30 (S) Adopted
SC 518  Dr. George Warren Byrne; commend life.                    Dawkins
           01/30 (S) Adopted
SC 526  Horace B. Labat, Sr.; commend life.                       Dawkins
           01/30 (S) Adopted
SC 529  Commend Nadine Leatherwood, "Tutor of the Year 2003."     Little
           01/30 (S) Adopted
SN   1  George Edwards, Brandon, Mississippi, Mississippi State   GOVERNOR
        Board of Contractors, as a residential builder for the 
        unexpired term ending May 29, 2007.                    
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   2  Willie J. Green, Brandon, Mississippi, MS Prison          GOVERNOR
        Industries Act Corporation, representing the State At  
        Large for the unexpired term ending May 5, 2006.       
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   3  Willie Richard, Ashland, Mississippi, Mississippi State   GOVERNOR
        Board of Contractors, as a water and sewer contractor  
        for the unexpired term ending May 29, 2007.            
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   4  Clarence Lewis Maholmes, Jackson, Mississippi, Miss.      GOVERNOR
        Business and Finance Corporation, for the unexpired    
        term ending March 30, 2006.                            
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   5  Bennie Lee Adkins, Philadelphia, Mississippi, Barber      GOVERNOR
        Examiners Board, for the unexpired term ending June 30,
        2005, representing the Third Congressional District.   
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   6  Mike Harrell, Ridgeland, Mississippi, Mississippi State   GOVERNOR
        Board of Contractors, as a building contractor,        
        commencing July 1, 2003 for a five-year term ending    
        June 30, 2008.                                         
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   7  Elizabeth A. Twiner, Madison, Mississippi, Board of       GOVERNOR
        Nursing Home Administrators, representing the educator 
        position for the term ending June 25, 2004, vice Mary  
        Louise Coyne.                                          
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   8  Dr. David C. Newell, Meridian, Mississippi, State Board   GOVERNOR
        of Veterinary Medicine, for a five-year term ending May
        22, 2008, representing the First Supreme Court         
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN   9  Vicki L. Bingham, Boyle, Mississippi, Infant Mortality    GOVERNOR
        Force Task, for the unexpired term ending June 30,     
        2005, representing the Second Congressional District.  
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  10  Fred Miller, Jr., Rolling Fork, Mississippi, MS Health    GOVERNOR
        Care Trust Fund & Expendable Fund, for a five-year term
        ending March 1, 2008, representing the Second          
        Congressional District.                                
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  11  Donald Doleac, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Mississippi      GOVERNOR
        State Board of Contractors, representing the electrical
        position commencing July 1, 2003 and ending June 30,   
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  12  Ramona Beardain, Batesville, Mississippi, Infant          GOVERNOR
        Mortality Task Force, representing the First           
        Congressional District for the unexpired term ending   
        June 30, 2005.                                         
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  13  Gary Dewayne Self, Madison, Mississippi, Nursing, Miss.   GOVERNOR
        Bd. of, for a four-year term commencing July 1, 2003   
        and ending July 1, 2007.                               
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  14  Fred D. Johnson, Corinth, Mississippi, Probation and      GOVERNOR
        Parole Board, commencing May 1, 2003 and serving a term
        that is at the will and pleasure of the Governor.      
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  15  Margaret S. Heath, Columbus, Mississippi, Nursing,        GOVERNOR
        Miss. Bd. of, representing a nurse in clinical practice
        for a four-year term commencing July 1, 2003 and ending
        July 1, 2007.                                          
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  16  Larry B. Aycock, M.D., McComb, Mississippi, State Board   GOVERNOR
        of Medical Licensure, representing the Second Supreme  
        Court District for the unexpired term ending June 30,  
        2008, vice Henry J. Sanders, M.D.                      
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  17  Thomas Aplin, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Boiler &          GOVERNOR
        Pressure Vessel Safety, representing a company licensed
        to insure and insuring in this state boilers and       
        pressure vessels for the unexpired term ending July 29,
        2004, vice Smith.                                      
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  18  Fred McMurry, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Miss. Business    GOVERNOR
        Finance Corp., for the unexpired term ending March 30, 
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  19  Ronnie Sleeper, Corinth, Mississippi, Mississippi Home    GOVERNOR
        Corporation, representing the Third Supreme Court      
        District for the unexpired term ending May 23, 2006.   
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  20  Mary Ann Bearman, Madison, Mississippi, Nursing, Miss.    GOVERNOR
        Bd. of, representing a consumer of health services for 
        a four-year tem commencing July 1, 2003 and ending July
        1, 2007.                                               
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  21  Richard Brown, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Barber           GOVERNOR
        Examiners Board, representing the Fifth Congressional  
        District for the unexpired term ending June 30, 2004,  
        vice Dale E. Bazor.                                    
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  22  Gloria Dansby-Giles, Jackson, Mississippi, Licensed       GOVERNOR
        Professional Counselors, Bd of Examiners, representing 
        the Second Congressional District commencing June 30,  
        2003 and ending June 30, 2006.                         
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  23  Alvin L. Felts, Jr., Waveland, Mississippi, Dental        GOVERNOR
        Examiners, representing the Fifth Dental District for a
        six-year term ending June 30, 2009.                    
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  24  Bill Graves, Winona, Mississippi, Animal Health, Board    GOVERNOR
        Of, representing the meat packer's position commencing 
        August 31, 2003 and ending August 31, 2007.            
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  25  Howard McWhirter, Pontotoc, Mississippi, Animal Health,   GOVERNOR
        Board of, representing the veterinary position         
        commencing July 31, 2003 and ending July 31, 2007.     
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  26  Rodger Sturgis, Enid, Mississippi, Animal Health, Board   GOVERNOR
        of, representing the pork breeder's position commencing
        July 31, 2003 and ending July 31, 2007.                
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  27  Cathy Walker, Saucier, Mississippi, Nursing, Miss. Bd.    GOVERNOR
        of, representing the licensed pratical nurse position  
        commencing July 1, 2003 and ending July 1, 2007, vice  
        Ricky Brown.                                           
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  28  Jim Anderson, Brandon, Mississippi, Animal Health,        GOVERNOR
        Board of, representing the beef cattle breeder position
        for the unexpired term ending July 31, 2005.           
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  29  Douglas Cole, Ph.D., Greenville, Mississippi,             GOVERNOR
        Mississippi State Board of Psychology, representing the
        professional practice position for a five-year term    
        ending June 30, 2008.                                  
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  30  Stella M. Johnson, Tupelo, Mississippi, Bd Examiners      GOVERNOR
        Soc Wkrs & Marriage/Fam Therapists, as a licensed      
        social worker for the unexpired term ending June 30,   
        2007, vice McAuley.                                    
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  31  Margaret ("Wootsie") Tate, Picayune, Mississippi, MS      GOVERNOR
        Prison Industries Act Corporation, as a representative 
        of the agriculture industry for the unexpired term     
        ending May 5, 2005.                                    
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  32  Samuel W. Walker, Jr., Madison, Mississippi, MS           GOVERNOR
        Industries for the Blind, representing finance or a    
        related field for the unexpired term ending June 30,   
        2005, vice Douglas Sanders.                            
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  33  Lynn C Patrick, Diamondhead, Mississippi, MS Department   GOVERNOR
        of Information Technology Services, for the unexpired  
        term ending June 30, 2008.                             
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  34  Lanelle Glover, Meridian, Mississippi, Education, St.     GOVERNOR
        Board of, representing the First Supreme Court District
        for the unexpired term ending June 30, 2007, vice A. M.
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  36  Carol Burnett, Ocean Springs, Mississippi, Ms             ATTORNEY GENERAL
        Commission On Status Of Women, begining July 1, 2003   
        and ending June 30, 2007.                              
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To A.G.
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  37  Paul Fugate, Jackson, Mississippi, Miss. Business         TREASURER
        Finance Corp., beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June  
        30, 2009.                                              
           01/30 (S) Appt Returned To Treasurer
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return
SN  38  Dr. Phillip T. Merideth, Jackson, Mississippi, Medical    GOVERNOR
        Licensure, unexpired term ending June 30, 2008,        
        representing the First Supreme Court District, vice Dr.
        Robert R. Smith.                                       
           01/30 (S) Appointment Returned To Gov
           01/30 (S) Notified of Return

Senate: Signed By The President

SC 528  Petty Officer First Class Betty Townsend; commend         Jackson (32nd)
        military service.                                      
           01/30 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed

Information pertaining to this report was last updated on 05/10/04 at 08:57.

End Of Document
