Mississippi Legislature
2004 Regular Session


As of 05/10/04 at 08:40

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HB 262  Retirement; PERS and Highway Patrol members may retire    Fleming
        regardless of age with 20 years of service.            
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 273  Retirement; PERS members may increase employee's          Fleming
        contribution rate and receive higher benefits.         
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
HB 703  Retirement; merge Highway Patrol Retirement System into   Guice
   %    the Public Employees' Retirement System.               
           03/09 (H) Died In Committee
SB2018  Retirement; law enforcement officers, fire fighters or    Walls
        emergency service employees may retire after 20 years' 
           03/09 (S) Died In Committee
SB2177  Retirement; certain employees of the Department of        Harden
        Corrections many retire after 20 years of service.     
           03/09 (S) Died In Committee
SB2392  PERS; provide that elected officials who retire after     Ross
        the first of the month due to expiration of term will  
        not be penalized.                                      
           03/09 (S) Died In Committee

End Of Document