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HB 13 Punitive damages; provide cap for small business. Blackmon 10/14 (H) Referred To Select Committee on Civil Justice Reform HB 14 Loans; define "other charges" and provide remedy for Blackmon contracting/receiving unlawful "other charges." 10/14 (H) Referred To Select Committee on Civil Justice Reform HB 15 Damages; limit punitive damage awards for certain small Eads businesses. 10/14 (H) Referred To Select Committee on Civil Justice Reform HB 16 Damages; limit punitive damages awards. Eads 10/14 (H) Referred To Select Committee on Civil Justice Reform
SB2014 Civil Justice System; enact general reform. Little 10/14 (H) Referred To Select Committee on Civil Justice Reform
SR 22 Commend the Community Organization for Health Frazier Awareness. 10/14 (S) Referred To Rules
SB2014 Civil Justice System; enact general reform. Little 10/14 (S) Motion to Reconsider Tabled 10/14 (S) Transmitted To House
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