Mississippi Legislature
2002 Regular Session

Representative Loyd B. Roberson

District 37

As of 01/08/03 at 08:46

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HB 581  Bonds; issue general obligation bonds to provide funds    McCoy
 *$%    for Small Municipalities and Limited Population        
        Counties Fund.                                         
           04/09 Approved by Governor
HB 596  Universities; require information to students on total    Roberson
        educational cost per student.                          
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB 617  Abortions; physicians performing in clinics must be       Fillingane
        board certified in OB/GYN.                             
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB 618  Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP); establish.     Fillingane
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB 619  School bus turnarounds; authorize counties to gravel      Fillingane
        and maintain for private school buses.                 
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB 865  Beaver Control Program; increase county contribution;     Stringer
 *      revise advisory board membership.                      
           03/20 Approved by Governor
HB1260  Implied consent; authorize private companies to offer     Creel
   %    driver improvement programs.                           
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1386  Health insurance; PERS design and administer plan to      Stringer
    @   provide for all retirees, with partial cost subsidy.   
           04/30 Approved by Governor
HB1405  Gun manufacturers; prohibit political subdivisions from   Cameron
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1527  Distinctive motor vehicle license tag; authorize          Janus
   %    issuance to Bronze Star and Silver Star recipients.    
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HB1739  Ad valorem taxation; revise manner of determining true    Moak
  $%    value of aquaculture.                                  
           03/28 Approved by Governor
HC  42  Amend Constitution; Constitution not construed as         Fillingane
        granting right to have abortion.                       
           02/05 (H) Died In Committee
HC  77  Recognize February 6, 2002, as "Ronald Reagan Day".       Ellington
           04/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 118  Commend Judge Michael P. Mills.                           McBride
           04/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed
HC 119  Commend Starkville High School Football Team on winning   Ellis
        State Championship.                                    
           04/02 (S) Enrolled Bill Signed

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