HB 104 Union workers; create certain rights concerning use of Ketchings union dues. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee HB1036 Mississippi Department of Labor; establish and create Evans appointed position of Commissioner of Labor. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee HB1282 Union workers; create certain rights concerning use of Robinson (84th) union dues. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee HB1295 Mississippi Skill Standards Board; create as advisory Clark board on industry standards. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee HB1326 Mississippi Training and Education Marketing Board; Clark establish. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee HC 58 Amend Constitution; require Legislature to establish a Evans Mississippi Department of Labor. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee SB2011 Labor organizations; prohibit from giving money to White (29th) members to give to political activities. 02/05 (S) Died In Committee SB2217 Campaign contributions; prohibit use of union dues for. White (29th) 02/05 (S) Died In Committee SB2572 Mississippi Department of Labor; establish and create Harden elected position of Commissioner of Labor. 02/05 (S) Died In Committee SB2653 Mississippi Training and Education Marketing Board and Burton Advisory Council; establish. 02/05 (S) Died In Committee SB2655 Mississippi Skill Standards Advisory Board; establish. Burton 03/05 (H) Died In Committee SB2847 Labor; establish a MS Department of Labor-Management Johnson (38th) Relations. 02/05 (S) Died In Committee SB2954 MS Training and Education Marketing Bd and Special Task Horhn Force for Economic Development Planning; create. 02/05 (S) Died In Committee
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