HB 950 Historic cemeteries; authorize sheriff to use prison Ellis * labor to maintain. 03/05 (S) Died In Committee HB1289 Port Gibson Battlefield; authorize transfer of certain Middleton property to Department of Archives and History. 03/20 Approved by Governor HB1609 Historical monuments and state flag; cannot be changed Chism without 2/3 vote of the Legislature. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee HB1655 Jacinto Courthouse in Alcorn County; authorize Moss % Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks to acquire. 02/05 (H) Died In Committee HB1725 Bonds; issue general obligation bonds for repair and Ishee $% renovation of Beauvoir Visitors Center. 02/27 (H) Died In Committee HB1837 Bonds; issue bonds to provide additional funds for the Smith (39th) *$% Mississippi Community Heritage Preservation Grant Fund. 04/09 Approved by Governor HB1845 Bonds; issue general obligations bonds for the Eaton $% Mississippi's 10 Most Endangered Historic Places Fund. 02/27 (H) Died In Committee SB2142 Confederate historic structures; unlawful to destroy or White (29th) remove. 02/05 (S) Died In Committee SB2574 Port Gibson Battlefield; authorize transfer of two Posey additional tracts of land to Department of Archives and History. 03/05 (H) Died In Committee
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