HB 261 Attorney General; extend repealer on designation of Ford deputies as counsel for Department of Marine Resources. 03/07 (H) Died In Committee HB 485 Civil Rights Division; establish in the Office of the Watson Attorney General. 03/07 (H) Died In Committee HB 728 Attorney General Investigators; clarify law enforcement Compretta designation and allow retirees to retain sidearm. 03/07 (H) Died In Committee HB 732 Special unmarked vehicles; include Attorney General's Compretta Office in agencies for which purchases may be made. 04/04 (S) Died In Committee SB2983 Attorney General; revise retaining outside counsel. Jackson 03/07 (S) Died In Committee SB2992 Environmental Quality; remove authority of DEQ to hire Dawkins attorneys and require Attorney General to provide legal counsel to department. 03/07 (S) Died In Committee SB2993 Tax commission; Attorney General to provide legal Dawkins services for. 03/07 (S) Died In Committee
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