HB 511 Appropriation; Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory; Holland authorize transfer certain monies among several categories. 03/16 Approved by Governor HB 660 Board of Animal Health, Veterinary Diagnostic Board and Ford * % State Veterinarian; reenact and extend repealer. 04/16 Approved by Governor HB 807 Mississippi Bird Dealers Licensing Act; change Holland % administration of to Board of Animal Health and the State Veterinarian. 02/02 (H) Died In Committee HB1434 Certified Animal Euthanasia Technicians; authorize Holden % Board of Veterinary Medicine to regulate. 02/02 (H) Died In Committee HB1470 Animal supplies and feed; bring forward certain Mitchell % sections for purposes of amendment. 02/02 (H) Died In Committee SB2328 MS Bd of Animal Health and Veterinary Diagnostic Bd; Ross * extend repealer. 03/29 (S) Died In Conference SB2548 MS Bird Dealers Licensing Act; change administration Thames % of. 03/02 (H) Died In Committee SB2569 Certified Animal Euthanasia Technicians; authorize MS Hamilton % Board of Veterinary Medicine to regulate. 03/02 (H) Died In Committee SB2727 Appropriation; Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory; Stogner authorize transfer certain monies among several categories. 02/24 (S) Died In Committee
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