



Senate Bill No. 2201


BY: Senator(s) McMahan


     AMEND by inserting the following after line 19 as a new paragraph:

          (c)  Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this subsection, a municipality may adopt, enact, or enforce an ordinance authorizing the use of automated recording equipment or systems to enforce compliance with traffic laws within designated school zones during posted school hours.  Such equipment or systems may be used to detect and record violations related to speed limits or traffic signals to enhance the safety of children, pedestrians, and school personnel.

     FURTHER, AMEND by inserting the following after line 29 as a new subsection (3):

     (3)  Any automated recording equipment or system used under the exemption in subsection (1)(c) shall meet the following requirements:

          (a)  Be clearly marked with signage indicating the presence of automated enforcement within the school zone;

          (b)  Operate only during posted school hours or when children are visibly present in the area;

          (c)  Capture clear photographic or video evidence of violations, including the vehicle's license plate, photo of the driver, and speed at the time of the offense; and

          (d)  Allow for a process in which motorists can contest citations issued under this provision.