



Cmte Sub for House Bill No. 1392


BY: Representative Deweese


     AMEND on line 10 by striking "brought forward" and inserting in lieu thereof "amended".

     AMEND FURTHER on lines 45 and 74 by striking "2024" and inserting in lieu thereof "2025".

     AMEND FURTHER by inserting the following language after the word "place" on line 48:

              ", and such treatment or assessment may be made with the use of telemedicine as defined in Section 83-9-351".

     AMEND FURTHER by inserting the following after the period on line 85:

     "The Department of Insurance shall publish such rates on its website within ten (10) days of the ambulance service provider and a county, municipality or special purpose district or authority executing a contract that establishes the rates, or within ten (10) days of the approval or establishment of an ordinance or regulation enacted by the county, municipality or special purpose district or authority that establishes the rates.

     AMEND FURTHER by adding the following language after the word "charges" on line 93:

     "; provided, however, that if the rates described in subparagraph (i) of this paragraph (b) are the lesser rates, whether or not the payor pays such lesser rates, the ambulance service provider's billed charges shall be included in the explanation of benefits documenting the allowed payment amount and shall be deemed to be the amount of payment allowed for each service for purposes of the emergency ambulance services provisions of Section 43-13-117". 

     AMEND FURTHER by inserting the following language after "(4)" on line 102:  "The ambulance service provider shall be paid in accordance with the assignment of benefits as provided in law, and"

     AMEND FURTHER on line 107 by striking the following:  "July 1, 2025, and shall stand repealed on June 30, 2025" and insert in lieu thereof the following:  "passage, and shall stand repealed one day before passage."

     AMEND title to conform.