House Bill No. 556
BY: Representatives Harness, Holloway (76th)
AMEND after line 106 by inserting the following as a new section:
SECTION 2. With the approval of the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, the real property and structural improvements situated thereon, located upon the campus of Alcorn State University, designated for use as the residential dwelling of the university's president shall be classified as residential and not as a commercial property, for purposes of allowing any corporation, partnership or individual licensed under Chapter 59, Title 73, Mississippi Code of 1972, as a residential builder to procure contracts for residential construction or residential improvements, as defined in Section 73-59-1, upon such real property of the university, notwithstanding the limitations on height and square footage parameters of the residential dwelling's floorplan stipulated in Section 73-59-19.
Further, amend by renumbering the succeeding section accordingly.
Further, amend the title to conform.