2025 Regular Session

To: Public Health and Human Services; Appropriations A

By: Representative Creekmore IV

House Bill 572



     SECTION 1.  (1)  For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed in this subsection unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

          (a)  "Community mental health center" means a facility authorized under Section 41-19-33, Mississippi Code of 1972. 

          (b)  "Mental health employee" means a person who is (i) employed full-time as an employee in the state mental health system and (ii) holds a professional credential through the Department of Mental Health's Division of Professional Licensure and Certification.  For the purposes of this paragraph (a), "full-time" means working the equivalent of at least thirty (30) hours of service per week for twelve (12) consecutive months.

          (c)  "State mental health system" means the eleven (11) programs that are operated and/or administered by the Department of Mental Health and/any programs that are operated and/or administered by community mental health centers. 

     (2)  There is established the "Mental Health Employee  Retention Loan Repayment Program" for persons employed as mental health employees to be administered by the Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board.

     (3)  Subject to the availability of funds, an eligible applicant for an initial award must have:

          (a)  Legal residency in the State of Mississippi;

          (b)  Gained employment within the last year for the first time as a mental health employee; and

          (c)  Outstanding qualifying educational loans, received at any point during the recipients postsecondary education career, which may include the principal, interest and related expenses such as the required interest premium on the unpaid balances of government and commercial loans obtained by the recipient for educational expense.

     (4)  Persons who have received funds from state-forgivable loan programs established under Mississippi law, or who are in default or delinquent on any federal, state, local or commercial qualifying educational loan, shall not be eligible for the program.

     (5)  Recipients in the program shall be selected on a first-come, first-served basis from all eligible applicants.  The Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board shall renew eligible applicants approved in prior years only if the renewal applicant continues to meet the standards set forth in this section, and the renewal applicant has not received full funding provided by subsection (6) of this section.

     (6)  Awards for recipients who are employed as a mental health employee may be a maximum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) for each year of employment up to three (3) years.

     (7)  A recipient shall not be penalized for ending employment as a mental health employee if the recipient begins working again as a mental health employee during the year on which the award is based and is employed for the time required in subsection (11) of this section.

     (8)  Awards shall be granted on a year-to-year basis, and recipients have no obligation to seek a subsequent award.

     (9)  Awards shall be paid annually, after the expiration of the year of employment for which the award was granted, to the recipient's lender or loan service provider, to be applied to the outstanding balance.  Monies paid by the recipient or on the recipient's behalf toward qualifying educational loans before payment of the award shall not be eligible for reimbursement through the program.

     (10)  During the employment year for which the award is granted, a recipient shall at all times keep the Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board informed of any changes to the recipient's current, correct and complete employment information and status.

     (11)  A recipient must be employed as a mental health employee for the entire twelve (12) months of the year on which the award is based.  Recipients who fail to fulfill the year of employment on which the award was based forfeit any right to the award.

     (12)  The Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board, in collaboration with the Department of Mental Health and any other applicable state agency as determined by the Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board, shall attempt to track award recipients under this program through their third employment year, unless the recipient leaves employment as a mental health employee at an earlier date.  Data collected shall include each recipients' place of employment and any other pertinent information necessary to determine the efficacy of the program in retaining mental health employees in the State of Mississippi.

     (13)  The Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board shall promulgate regulations necessary for the proper administration of this section, including setting a fiscal year policy for the program and application dates and deadlines.

     (14)  There is created in the State Treasury a special fund to be designated as the "Mental Health Employee Retention Loan Repayment Fund", which shall consist of funds deposited therein under Section 27-69-75, Mississippi Code of 1972, and funds from any other source designated for deposit into such fund.  The fund shall be maintained by the State Treasurer as a separate and special fund, separate and apart from the General Fund of the state.  Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any investment earnings or interest earned on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.  Monies in the fund shall be used by the Mississippi Postsecondary Education Financial Assistance Board, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the purpose of paying awards under the Mental Health Employee Retention Loan Repayment Program created in this section.

     (15)  This section shall stand repealed on July 1, 2029.

     SECTION 2.  Section 27-7-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-7-15.  (1)  For the purposes of this article, except as otherwise provided, the term "gross income" means and includes the income of a taxpayer derived from salaries, wages, fees or compensation for service, of whatever kind and in whatever form paid, including income from governmental agencies and subdivisions thereof; or from professions, vocations, trades, businesses, commerce or sales, or renting or dealing in property, or reacquired property; also from annuities, interest, rents, dividends, securities, insurance premiums, reinsurance premiums, considerations for supplemental insurance contracts, or the transaction of any business carried on for gain or profit, or gains, or profits, and income derived from any source whatever and in whatever form paid.  The amount of all such items of income shall be included in the gross income for the taxable year in which received by the taxpayer.  The amount by which an eligible employee's salary is reduced pursuant to a salary reduction agreement authorized under Section 25-17-5 shall be excluded from the term "gross income" within the meaning of this article.

     (2)  In determining gross income for the purpose of this section, the following, under regulations prescribed by the commissioner, shall be applicable:

          (a)  Dealers in property.  Federal rules, regulations and revenue procedures shall be followed with respect to installment sales unless a transaction results in the shifting of income from inside the state to outside the state.

          (b)  Casual sales of property.

              (i)  Prior to January 1, 2001, federal rules, regulations and revenue procedures shall be followed with respect to installment sales except they shall be applied and administered as if H.R. 3594, the Installment Tax Correction Act of 2000 of the 106th Congress, had not been enacted.  This provision will generally affect taxpayers, reporting on the accrual method of accounting, entering into installment note agreements on or after December 17, 1999.  Any gain or profit resulting from the casual sale of property will be recognized in the year of sale.

              (ii)  From and after January 1, 2001, federal rules, regulations and revenue procedures shall be followed with respect to installment sales except as provided in this subparagraph (ii).  Gain or profit from the casual sale of property shall be recognized in the year of sale.  When a taxpayer recognizes gain on the casual sale of property in which the gain is deferred for federal income tax purposes, a taxpayer may elect to defer the payment of tax resulting from the gain as allowed and to the extent provided under regulations prescribed by the commissioner.  If the payment of the tax is made on a deferred basis, the tax shall be computed based on the applicable rate for the income reported in the year the payment is made.  Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (iii) of this paragraph (b), deferring the payment of the tax shall not affect the liability for the tax.  If at any time the installment note is sold, contributed, transferred or disposed of in any manner and for any purpose by the original note holder, or the original note holder is merged, liquidated, dissolved or withdrawn from this state, then all deferred tax payments under this section shall immediately become due and payable.

              (iii)  If the selling price of the property is reduced by any alteration in the terms of an installment note, including default by the purchaser, the gain to be recognized is recomputed based on the adjusted selling price in the same manner as for federal income tax purposes.  The tax on this amount, less the previously paid tax on the recognized gain, is payable over the period of the remaining installments.  If the tax on the previously recognized gain has been paid in full to this state, the return on which the payment was made may be amended for this purpose only.  The statute of limitations in Section 27-7-49 shall not bar an amended return for this purpose.

          (c)  Reserves of insurance companies.  In the case of insurance companies, any amounts in excess of the legally required reserves shall be included as gross income.

          (d)  Affiliated companies or persons.  As regards sales, exchanges or payments for services from one to another of affiliated companies or persons or under other circumstances where the relation between the buyer and seller is such that gross proceeds from the sale or the value of the exchange or the payment for services are not indicative of the true value of the subject matter of the sale, exchange or payment for services, the commissioner shall prescribe uniform and equitable rules for determining the true value of the gross income, gross sales, exchanges or payment for services, or require consolidated returns of affiliates.

          (e)  Alimony and separate maintenance payments.  The federal rules, regulations and revenue procedures in determining the deductibility and taxability of alimony payments shall be followed in this state.

          (f)  Reimbursement for expenses of moving.  There shall be included in gross income (as compensation for services) any amount received or accrued, directly or indirectly, by an individual as a payment for or reimbursement of expenses of moving from one (1) residence to another residence which is attributable to employment or self-employment.

     (3)  In the case of taxpayers other than residents, gross income includes gross income from sources within this state.

     (4)  The words "gross income" do not include the following items of income which shall be exempt from taxation under this article:

          (a)  The proceeds of life insurance policies and contracts paid upon the death of the insured.  However, the income from the proceeds of such policies or contracts shall be included in the gross income.

          (b)  The amount received by the insured as a return of premium or premiums paid by him under life insurance policies, endowment, or annuity contracts, either during the term or at maturity or upon surrender of the contract.

          (c)  The value of property acquired by gift, bequest, devise or descent, but the income from such property shall be included in the gross income.

          (d)  Interest upon the obligations of the United States or its possessions, or securities issued under the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916, or bonds issued by the War Finance Corporation, or obligations of the State of Mississippi or political subdivisions thereof.

          (e)  The amounts received through accident or health insurance as compensation for personal injuries or sickness, plus the amount of any damages received for such injuries or such sickness or injuries, or through the War Risk Insurance Act, or any law for the benefit or relief of injured or disabled members of the military or naval forces of the United States.

          (f)  Income received by any religious denomination or by any institution or trust for moral or mental improvements, religious, Bible, tract, charitable, benevolent, fraternal, missionary, hospital, infirmary, educational, scientific, literary, library, patriotic, historical or cemetery purposes or for two (2) or more of such purposes, if such income be used exclusively for carrying out one or more of such purposes.

          (g)  Income received by a domestic corporation which is "taxable in another state" as this term is defined in this article, derived from business activity conducted outside this state.  Domestic corporations taxable both within and without the state shall determine Mississippi income on the same basis as provided for foreign corporations under the provisions of this article.

          (h)  In case of insurance companies, there shall be excluded from gross income such portion of actual premiums received from an individual policyholder as is paid back or credited to or treated as an abatement of premiums of such policyholder within the taxable year.

          (i)  Income from dividends that has already borne a tax as dividend income under the provisions of this article, when such dividends may be specifically identified in the possession of the recipient.

          (j)  Amounts paid by the United States to a person as added compensation for hazardous duty pay as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States in a combat zone designated by Executive Order of the President of the United States.

          (k)  Amounts received as retirement allowances, pensions, annuities or optional retirement allowances paid under the federal Social Security Act, the Railroad Retirement Act, the Federal Civil Service Retirement Act, or any other retirement system of the United States government, retirement allowances paid under the Mississippi Public Employees' Retirement System, Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol Retirement System or any other retirement system of the State of Mississippi or any political subdivision thereof.  The exemption allowed under this paragraph (k) shall be available to the spouse or other beneficiary at the death of the primary retiree.

          (l)  Amounts received as retirement allowances, pensions, annuities or optional retirement allowances paid by any public or governmental retirement system not designated in paragraph (k) or any private retirement system or plan of which the recipient was a member at any time during the period of his employment.  Amounts received as a distribution under a Roth Individual Retirement Account shall be treated in the same manner as provided under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.  The exemption allowed under this paragraph (l) shall be available to the spouse or other beneficiary at the death of the primary retiree.

          (m)  National Guard or Reserve Forces of the United States compensation not to exceed the aggregate sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for any taxable year through the 2005 taxable year, and not to exceed the aggregate sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) for any taxable year thereafter.

          (n)  Compensation received for active service as a member below the grade of commissioned officer and so much of the compensation as does not exceed the maximum enlisted amount received for active service as a commissioned officer in the Armed Forces of the United States for any month during any part of which such members of the Armed Forces (i) served in a combat zone as designated by Executive Order of the President of the United States or a qualified hazardous duty area as defined by federal law, or both; or (ii) was hospitalized as a result of wounds, disease or injury incurred while serving in such combat zone.  For the purposes of this paragraph (n), the term "maximum enlisted amount" means and has the same definition as that term has in 26 USCS 112.

          (o)  The proceeds received from federal and state forestry incentive programs.

          (p)  The amount representing the difference between the increase of gross income derived from sales for export outside the United States as compared to the preceding tax year wherein gross income from export sales was highest, and the net increase in expenses attributable to such increased exports.  In the absence of direct accounting, the ratio of net profits to total sales may be applied to the increase in export sales.  This paragraph (p) shall only apply to businesses located in this state engaging in the international export of Mississippi goods and services.  Such goods or services shall have at least fifty percent (50%) of value added at a location in Mississippi.

          (q)  Amounts paid by the federal government for the construction of soil conservation systems as required by a conservation plan adopted pursuant to 16 USCS 3801 et seq.

          (r)  The amount deposited in a medical savings account, and any interest accrued thereon, that is a part of a medical savings account program as specified in the Medical Savings Account Act under Sections 71-9-1 through 71-9-9; provided, however, that any amount withdrawn from such account for purposes other than paying eligible medical expense or to procure health coverage shall be included in gross income.

          (s)  Amounts paid by the Mississippi Soil and Water Conservation Commission from the Mississippi Soil and Water Cost-Share Program for the installation of water quality best management practices.

          (t)  Dividends received by a holding corporation, as defined in Section 27-13-1, from a subsidiary corporation, as defined in Section 27-13-1.

          (u)  Interest, dividends, gains or income of any kind on any account in the Mississippi Affordable College Savings Trust Fund, as established in Sections 37-155-101 through 37-155-125, to the extent that such amounts remain on deposit in the MACS Trust Fund or are withdrawn pursuant to a qualified withdrawal, as defined in Section 37-155-105.

          (v)  Interest, dividends or gains accruing on the payments made pursuant to a prepaid tuition contract, as provided for in Section 37-155-17.

          (w)  Income resulting from transactions with a related member where the related member subject to tax under this chapter was required to, and did in fact, add back the expense of such transactions as required by Section 27-7-17(2).  Under no circumstances may the exclusion from income exceed the deduction add-back of the related member, nor shall the exclusion apply to any income otherwise excluded under this chapter.

          (x)  Amounts that are subject to the tax levied pursuant to Section 27-7-901, and are paid to patrons by gaming establishments licensed under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act.

          (y)  Amounts that are subject to the tax levied pursuant to Section 27-7-903, and are paid to patrons by gaming establishments not licensed under the Mississippi Gaming Control Act.

          (z)  Interest, dividends, gains or income of any kind on any account in a qualified tuition program and amounts received as distributions under a qualified tuition program shall be treated in the same manner as provided under the United States Internal Revenue Code, as amended.  For the purposes of this paragraph (z), the term "qualified tuition program" means and has the same definition as that term has in 26 USCS 529.

          (aa)  The amount deposited in a health savings account, and any interest accrued thereon, that is a part of a health savings account program as specified in the Health Savings Accounts Act created in Sections 83-62-1 through 83-62-9; however, any amount withdrawn from such account for purposes other than paying qualified medical expenses or to procure health coverage shall be included in gross income, except as otherwise provided by Sections 83-62-7 and 83-62-9.

          (bb)  Amounts received as qualified disaster relief payments shall be treated in the same manner as provided under the United States Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

          (cc)  Amounts received as a "qualified Hurricane Katrina distribution" as defined in the United States Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

          (dd)  Amounts received by an individual which may be excluded from income as foreign earned income for federal income tax purposes.

          (ee)  Amounts received by a qualified individual, directly or indirectly, from an employer or nonprofit housing organization that are qualified housing expenses associated with an employer-assisted housing program.  For purposes of this paragraph (ee):

              (i)  "Qualified individual" means any individual whose household income does not exceed one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median gross income (as defined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development), adjusted for household size, for the area in which the housing is located.

              (ii)  "Nonprofit housing organization" means an organization that is organized as a not-for-profit organization under the laws of this state or another state and has as one of its purposes:

                   1.  Homeownership education or counseling;

                   2.  The development of affordable housing; or

                   3.  The development or administration of employer-assisted housing programs.

              (iii)  "Employer-assisted housing program" means a separate written plan of any employer (including, without limitation, tax-exempt organizations and public employers) for the exclusive benefit of the employer's employees to pay qualified housing expenses to assist the employer's employees in securing affordable housing.

              (iv)  "Qualified housing expenses" means:

                   1.  With respect to rental assistance, an amount not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) paid for the purpose of assisting employees with security deposits and rental subsidies; and

                   2.  With respect to homeownership assistance, an amount not to exceed the lesser of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) or six percent (6%) of the purchase price of the employee's principal residence that is paid for the purpose of assisting employees with down payments, payment of closing costs, reduced interest mortgages, mortgage guarantee programs, mortgage forgiveness programs, equity contribution programs, or contributions to homebuyer education and/or homeownership counseling of eligible employees.

          (ff)  For the 2010 taxable year and any taxable year thereafter, amounts converted in accordance with the United States Internal Revenue Code, as amended, from a traditional Individual Retirement Account to a Roth Individual Retirement Account.  The exemption allowed under this paragraph (ff) shall be available to the spouse or other beneficiary at the death of the primary retiree.

          (gg)  Amounts received for the performance of disaster or emergency-related work as defined in Section 27-113-5.

          (hh)  The amount deposited in a catastrophe savings account established under Sections 27-7-1001 through 27-7-1007, interest income earned on the catastrophe savings account, and distributions from the catastrophe savings account; however, any amount withdrawn from a catastrophe savings account for purposes other than paying qualified catastrophe expenses shall be included in gross income, except as otherwise provided by Sections 27-7-1001 through 27-7-1007.

          (ii)  Interest, dividends, gains or income of any kind on any account in the Mississippi Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Trust Fund, as established in Chapter 28, Title 43, to the extent that such amounts remain on deposit in the ABLE Trust Fund or are withdrawn pursuant to a qualified withdrawal, as defined in Section 43-28-11.

          (jj)  Subject to the limitations provided under Section 27-7-1103, amounts deposited into a first-time homebuyer savings account and any interest or other income earned attributable to an account and monies or funds withdrawn or distributed from an account for the payment of eligible costs by or on behalf of a qualified beneficiary; however, any monies or funds withdrawn or distributed from a first-time homebuyer savings account for any purpose other than the payment of eligible costs by or on behalf of a qualified beneficiary shall be included in gross income.  For the purpose of this paragraph (jj), the terms "first-time homebuyer savings account," "eligible costs" and "qualified beneficiary" mean and have the same definitions as such terms have in Section 27-7-1101.   

          (kk)  Amounts paid by an agricultural disaster program as compensation to an agricultural producer, cattle farmer or cattle rancher who has suffered a loss as the result of a disaster or emergency, including, but not limited to, the following United States Department of Agriculture programs: 

              (i)  Livestock Forage Disaster Program;

              (ii)  Livestock Indemnity Program;

              (iii)  Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honey Bees and Farm-raised Fish Program;

              (iv)  Emergency Conservation Program;

              (v)  Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program;

              (vi)  Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Pilot Insurance Program;

              (vii)  Annual Forage Pilot Program;

              (viii)  Livestock Risk Protection Insurance Program; and

              (ix)  Livestock Gross Margin Insurance Plan.

          (ll)  Amounts received as advances and/or grants under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act.

          (mm)  Any and all cancelled indebtedness provided for under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act and the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.

          (nn)  Amounts received as payments under Section 27-3-85.

          (oo)  Amounts received as grants under the 2020 COVID-19 Mississippi Business Assistance Act.

          (pp)  Amounts received as grants under Section 57-1-521.

          ( * * *rrqq)  Amounts received as grants under the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant Program and Restaurant Revitalization Fund authorized by the Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act, and amended by the American Rescue Plan Act.

          ( * * *ssrr)  Amounts received as grants under the Mississippi Agriculture Stabilization Act.

          (ss)  Awards for loan repayment assistance made under the Mental Health Employee Retention Loan Repayment Program created in Section 1 of this act.

     (5)  Prisoners of war, missing in action-taxable status.

          (a)  Members of the Armed Forces.  Gross income does not include compensation received for active service as a member of the Armed Forces of the United States for any month during any part of which such member is in a missing status, as defined in paragraph (d) of this subsection, during the Vietnam Conflict as a result of such conflict.

          (b)  Civilian employees.  Gross income does not include compensation received for active service as an employee for any month during any part of which such employee is in a missing status during the Vietnam Conflict as a result of such conflict.

          (c)  Period of conflict.  For the purpose of this subsection, the Vietnam Conflict began February 28, 1961, and ends on the date designated by the President by Executive Order as the date of the termination of combatant activities in Vietnam.  For the purpose of this subsection, an individual is in a missing status as a result of the Vietnam Conflict if immediately before such status began he was performing service in Vietnam or was performing service in Southeast Asia in direct support of military operations in Vietnam.  "Southeast Asia," as used in this paragraph, is defined to include Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and waters adjacent thereto.

          (d)  "Missing status" means the status of an employee or member of the Armed Forces who is in active service and is officially carried or determined to be absent in a status of (i) missing; (ii) missing in action; (iii) interned in a foreign country; (iv) captured, beleaguered or besieged by a hostile force; or (v) detained in a foreign country against his will; but does not include the status of an employee or member of the Armed Forces for a period during which he is officially determined to be absent from his post of duty without authority.

          (e)  "Active service" means active federal service by an employee or member of the Armed Forces of the United States in an active duty status.

          (f)  "Employee" means one who is a citizen or national of the United States or an alien admitted to the United States for permanent residence and is a resident of the State of Mississippi and is employed in or under a federal executive agency or department of the Armed Forces.

          (g)  "Compensation" means (i) basic pay; (ii) special pay; (iii) incentive pay; (iv) basic allowance for quarters; (v) basic allowance for subsistence; and (vi) station per diem allowances for not more than ninety (90) days.

          (h)  If refund or credit of any overpayment of tax for any taxable year resulting from the application of this subsection (5) is prevented by the operation of any law or rule of law, such refund or credit of such overpayment of tax may, nevertheless, be made or allowed if claim therefor is filed with the Department of Revenue within three (3) years after the date of the enactment of this subsection.

          (i)  The provisions of this subsection shall be effective for taxable years ending on or after February 28, 1961.

     (6)  A shareholder of an S corporation, as defined in Section 27-8-3(1)(g), shall take into account the income, loss, deduction or credit of the S corporation only to the extent provided in Section 27-8-7(2).

     SECTION 3.  Section 27-69-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-69-3.  When used in this chapter:

          (a)  "State" means the State of Mississippi as geographically defined, and any and all waters under the jurisdiction of the State of Mississippi.

          (b)  "State Auditor" means the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Mississippi, or his legally appointed deputy, clerk or agent.

          (c)  "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Revenue of the Department of Revenue, and his authorized agents and employees.

          (d)  "Person" means any individual, company, corporation, partnership, association, joint venture, estate, trust, or any other group, or combination acting as a unit, and the plural as well as the singular, unless the intention to give a more limited meaning is disclosed by the context.

          (e)  "Consumer" means a person who comes into possession of tobacco for the purpose of consuming it, giving it away, or disposing of it in any way by sale, barter or exchange.

          (f)  "Tobacco" means any cigarettes, cigars, cheroots, stogies, smoking tobacco (including granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other kinds and forms of tobacco, or substitutes therefor, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for smoking in a pipe or cigarette) and including plug and twist chewing tobacco and snuff, when such "tobacco" is manufactured and prepared for sale or personal consumption.  The term "tobacco" also includes vapor products.  All words used herein, except vapor products, shall be given the meaning as defined in the regulations of the Treasury Department of the United States of America.  The term "tobacco" also includes heated tobacco products.

          (g)  "First sale" means and includes the first sale, or distribution of such tobacco in intrastate commerce, or the first use or consumption of such tobacco within this state.

          (h) "Drop shipment" means and includes any delivery of tobacco received by any person within this state, when payment for such tobacco is made to the shipper, or seller by or through a person other than a consignee.

          (i)  "Distributor" includes every person, except retailers as defined herein, in the state who manufactures or produces tobacco or who ships, transports, or imports into this state, or in any manner acquires or possesses tobacco, and makes a first sale of the same in the state.

          (j)  "Wholesaler" includes dealers, whose principal business is that of a wholesale dealer or jobber, who is known to the retail trade as such, and whose place of business is located in Mississippi or in a state which affords reciprocity to wholesalers domiciled in Mississippi, who shall sell any taxable tobacco to retail dealers only for the purpose of resale.

          (k)  "Retailer" includes every person, other than a wholesale dealer, as defined above, whose principal business is that of selling merchandise at retail, who shall sell, or offer for sale tobacco to the consumer.  The sale of tobacco in quantity lots by retailers to other retailers, transient vendors, or other persons, shall not be construed as wholesale and shall not qualify such retailer for a permit as a wholesaler.

          (l)  "Dealer" includes every person, firm, corporation or association of persons, except retailers as defined herein, who manufacture tobacco for distribution, for sale, for use or for consumption in the State of Mississippi.

     The word "dealer" is further defined to mean any person, firm, corporation or association of persons, except retailers as defined herein, who imports tobacco from any state or foreign country for distribution, sale, use, or consumption in the State of Mississippi.

          (m)  "Distributing agent" includes every person in the state who acts as an agent of any person outside the State of Mississippi, by receiving tobacco in interstate commerce, and storing such tobacco in this state subject to distribution, or delivery upon order from the person outside the state to distributors, wholesalers, retailers and dealers.

          (n)  "Transient vendor" means and includes every person commonly and generally termed "peddlers" and every person acting for himself, or as an agent, employee, salesman, or in any capacity for another, whether as owner, bailee, or other custodian of tobacco, and going from person to person, dealer to dealer, house to house, or place to place, and selling or offering for sale at retail or wholesale tobacco, and every person who does not keep a regular place of business open at all times in regular hours, and every person who goes from person to person, dealer to dealer, house to house, or place to place, and sells or offers for sale tobacco which he carries with him, and who delivers the same at the time of, or immediately after the sale, or without returning to the place of business operations (a permanent place of business within the state) between the taking of the order and the delivery of the tobacco, or

     All persons who go from person to person, house to house, place to place, or dealer to dealer, soliciting orders by exhibiting samples, or taking orders, and thereafter making delivery of tobacco, or filling the order without carrying or sending the order to the permanent place of business, and thereafter making delivery of the tobacco pursuant to the terms of the order, or

     All persons who go from person to person, place to place, house to house, or dealer to dealer, carrying samples and selling tobacco from samples, and afterwards making delivery without taking and sending an order therefor to a permanent place of business for the filling of the order, and delivery of the tobacco, or the exchange of tobacco having become damaged or unsalable, or the purchase by tobacco of advertising space, or

     All persons who have in their possession, or under their control, any tobacco offered, or to be offered for sale or to be delivered, unless the sale or delivery thereof is to be made in pursuance of a bona fide order for the tobacco, to be sold or delivered, the order to be evidenced by an invoice or memorandum.

          (o)  "Contraband tobacco" means all tobacco found in the possession of any person whose permit to engage in dealing in tobacco has been revoked by the commissioner; and any cigarettes found in the possession of any person to which the proper tax stamps have not been affixed; and any cigarettes improperly stamped when found in the possession of any person; and all other tobacco upon which the excise tax has not been paid.

          (p)  "Sale" means an exchange for money or goods, giving away, or distributing any tobacco as defined in this chapter.

          (q)  "Forty-eight (48) hours" and "seventy-two (72) hours" means two (2) calendar days and three (3) calendar days, respectively, excluding Sundays and legal holidays.

          (r)  "Stamp" or "stamping," or the import of such word, when used in this chapter, means any manner of stamp or impression permitted by the commissioner that carries out the purposes of the chapter in clearly indicating upon the packages of cigarettes taxed the due payment of the tax and clearly identifying, by serial number or otherwise, the permittee who affixed the stamp to the particular package.

          (s)  "Manufacturer's list price" means the full sales price at which tobacco is sold or offered for sale by a manufacturer to the wholesaler or distributor in this state without any deduction for freight, trade discount, cash discounts, special discounts or deals, cash rebates, or any other reduction from the regular selling price.  In the event freight charges on shipments to wholesalers or distributors are not paid by the manufacturer, then such freight charges required to be paid by the wholesalers and distributors shall be added to the amount paid to the manufacturer in order to determine "manufacturer's list price."  In the case of a wholesaler or distributor whose place of business is located outside this state, the "manufacturer's list price" for tobacco sold in this state by such wholesaler or distributor shall in all cases be considered to be the same as that of a wholesaler or distributor located within this state.

          (t)  "Heated tobacco products" means a product containing tobacco that produces an inhalable aerosol by (i) heating the tobacco without combustion of the tobacco or (ii) heat generated from a combustion source that only or primarily heats rather than burns the tobacco.

          (u)  "Vapor product" means an electronic product or device that may be used to deliver any aerosolized or vaporized substance to the person inhaling from the product or device, including, but not limited to, an e-cigar, e-cigarillo, e-pipe, vape pen or e-hookah; and includes any cartridge, component, part or accessory of the electronic product or device, whether or not sold separately, and also includes any liquid, capsule, powder or substance intended to be aerosolized, vaporized or otherwise ingested during the use of the electronic product or device, whether or not the substance contains nicotine.  The term "vapor product" does not include (i) a product that is a drug under 21 USCS 321(g)(1); (ii) a product that is a device under 21 USCS 321(h); or (iii) a combination product described in 21 USCS 353(g).

     SECTION 4.  Section 27-69-13, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-69-13.  There is hereby imposed, levied and assessed, to be collected and paid as hereinafter provided in this chapter, an excise tax on each person or dealer in cigarettes, cigars, stogies, snuff, chewing tobacco, * * *and smoking tobacco, vapor products, or substitutes therefor, upon the sale, use, consumption, handling or distribution in the State of Mississippi, as follows:

          (a)  On cigarettes, the rate of tax shall be Three and Four-tenths Cents (3.4˘) on each cigarette sold with a maximum length of one hundred twenty (120) millimeters; any cigarette in excess of this length shall be taxed as if it were two (2) or more cigarettes.  Provided, however, if the federal tax rate on cigarettes in effect on June 1, 1985, is reduced, then the rate as provided herein shall be increased by the amount of the federal tax reduction.  Such tax increase shall take effect on the first day of the month following the effective date of such reduction in the federal tax rate.  Heated tobacco products shall not be taxed as cigarettes under this paragraph (a); however, this exclusion shall not affect heated tobacco products for any purposes related to Section 27-70-1 et seq.

          (b)  On cigars, cheroots, stogies, snuff, chewing and smoking tobacco and all other tobacco products except cigarettes * * *and, heated tobacco products and vapor products, the rate of tax shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the manufacturer's list price.

          (c)  On heated tobacco products, the rate of tax shall be one and twenty-five one-hundredths cents (1.25˘) on each disposable heated tobacco unit or stick sold to be used for consumption by insertion into a heated tobacco product heating system device.

          (d)  On vapor products, the rate of tax shall be twenty-five percent (25%) of the manufacturer's list price.

     No stamp evidencing the tax herein levied on cigarettes shall be of a denomination of less than One Cent (1˘), and whenever the tax computed at the rates herein prescribed on cigarettes shall be a specified amount, plus a fractional part of One Cent (1˘), the package shall be stamped for the next full cent; however, the additional face value of stamps purchased to comply with taxes imposed by this section after June 1, 1985, shall be subject to a four percent (4%) discount or compensation to dealers for their services rather than the eight percent (8%) discount or compensation allowed by Section 27-69-31.

     Every wholesaler shall purchase stamps as provided in this chapter, and affix the same to all packages of cigarettes handled by him as herein provided.

     The above tax is levied upon the sale, use, gift, possession or consumption of tobacco within the State of Mississippi, and the impact of the tax levied by this chapter is hereby declared to be on the vendee, user, consumer or possessor of tobacco in this state; and when said tax is paid by any other person, such payment shall be considered as an advance payment and shall thereafter be added to the price of the tobacco and recovered from the ultimate consumer or user.

     SECTION 5.  Section 27-69-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-69-15.  Any retailer, transient vendor, distributing agent, salesman, or other dealer who shall receive any cigarettes other than from a wholesaler having a permit as herein provided, and not having the necessary stamps already affixed, shall, after the receipt of such cigarettes, within the time limit herein provided, present the same to some wholesaler having such permit, for the affixing of the stamps required, and it shall be the duty of such wholesaler, thereupon and upon the payment to him by such retailer of the face value of the stamps required, to affix the stamps to said cigarettes in the same manner as if the cigarettes were handled and sold by such wholesaler, provided, that such wholesaler, before affixing the stamps, shall require of the retailer, transient vendor, distributing agent, salesman, or other dealer, the original invoice for the cigarettes to be stamped, and such wholesaler shall in each instance note upon the invoice, the denominations and number of stamps affixed to the cigarettes covered by said invoice, the notation to be made in ink, or other manner not easy to erase, at the time the stamps are affixed.

     It is further provided that, in addition hereto, the wholesaler shall keep a separate record of all stamps affixed to taxable cigarettes presented by retailers, transient vendors, distributing agents, salesmen, or other dealers, showing the name of the retailer, transient vendor, distributing agent, salesman, or other dealer, name of the shipper, date of shipper's invoice, the date stamps were affixed, denomination of stamps affixed, and total value of stamps affixed.

     When the request is made to any wholesaler in this state by a retailer, transient vendor, distributing agent, salesman, or other dealer in this state, said request being duly and seasonably made for the affixing of stamps, and the request is accompanied by proper remittance and invoice, and such wholesaler refuses to affix the stamps to cigarettes as requested, said wholesaler shall forfeit to the state a penalty of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each offense, the same to be collected by the commissioner and, in addition thereto, in the discretion of the commissioner, forfeit his permit to handle stamps.  In the event of such refusal on the part of any wholesaler to affix stamps said retailer, transient vendor, distributing agent, salesman, or other dealer may make application to the commissioner for stamps to be placed on the cigarettes upon which the wholesaler refused to affix the stamps, said application to be accompanied by an affidavit from the retailer, transient vendor, distributing agent, salesman, or other dealer, or some other credible person, setting forth the facts, whereupon the commissioner may issue and sell to such retailer, transient vendor, distributing agent, salesman, or other dealer, a sufficient number of stamps to be affixed to the cigarettes.

     Stamps shall not be affixed to any cigarettes except by a wholesale dealer having a permit, except as otherwise provided in this chapter.

     Stamps shall not be required to be affixed to any cigarettes while the same is in interstate commerce.

     Any person who receives cigars, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, vapor products or any other tobacco products except cigarettes from anyone other than a wholesaler having a tobacco permit issued by this state and the excise tax on the tobacco received has not been paid, shall compute the excise tax due the State of Mississippi at the rate prescribed herein on forms furnished by the commissioner for that purpose.  Such report shall be accompanied by the remittance for the tax due and shall be filed with the commissioner within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of the tobacco by such person.

     In no case shall the provisions of this chapter be construed to require the payment of a tax upon any tobacco upon which the tax herein levied has once been paid to the state.

     SECTION 6.  Section 27-69-27, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-69-27.  The payment of the tax imposed by this chapter shall be evidenced by affixing stamps to each individual package of cigarettes usually sold to consumers, as distinguished from cartons or larger units which are composed of a number of individual packages.

     Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the stamp shall be affixed within seventy-two (72) hours after the receipt of the cigarettes by the wholesaler, and within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of the cigarettes by the retailer; provided, that in the case a dealer conducts a wholesale and retail business at one (1) place of business, stamps shall be affixed within forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of the cigarettes.  However, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to tobacco at the point it is purchased at a sale under Section 27-69-56.  The stamp must be so securely affixed as to require the continued application of water or of steam to remove it, or so that it cannot be otherwise removed without destruction or mutilation.

     The excise tax imposed on cigars, smoking tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff, vapor products and all other tobacco products except cigarettes and heated tobacco products shall be computed by the application of the excise tax rate to the manufacturer's list price on all purchases of such tobacco.  The excise tax shall be due and payable on or before the fifteenth day of the month next succeeding the month in which the tax accrues.  The tax shall be filed with the commissioner on forms prescribed by the commissioner.

     Provided, however, manufacturers or other wholesale distributors of tobacco, which are subject to the excise taxes imposed by Section 27-69-13 of this chapter for the privilege of selling or using such tobaccos within this state, who maintain "terminals" or warehouses in which such tobaccos are stored, and who sell only to licensed wholesale dealers within the state who are qualified to purchase and affix the stamps required, may maintain such "spot stocks," intended only for such sales, without affixing the stamps or filing returns and paying the tax.

     Any person desiring to maintain such "terminal" or warehouse, shall make application to the commissioner and obtain a permit to maintain such stocks without affixing stamps thereto, for sale exclusively to out-of-state purchasers, or licensed wholesale dealers within this state, and the commissioner is hereby authorized to grant such permit upon the execution and filing with the commissioner, by the applicant, a bond with surety companies, authorized to do business in Mississippi, as surety thereon, and conditioned for the strict compliance by the applicant, with the following conditions under which said privilege may be granted.

     The person maintaining such stock of untaxed tobacco shall supply to the commissioner monthly, or at such times as the commissioner may require, complete invoices of all tobaccos received, and shall also supply correct invoices of all tobaccos removed from such "terminal" or warehouse, said invoices to contain the correct name and address of all persons to whom such tobacco shall be delivered or consigned, whether within or without the State of Mississippi.

     The penalty of such bond shall be determined by the commissioner, in an amount sufficient to protect the State of Mississippi from any loss of revenue which might occur by reason of the failure of principal to strictly adhere to the requirement that no tobacco would be sold from such stock within the State of Mississippi, except to licensed wholesale dealers.

     SECTION 7.  Section 27-69-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-69-33.  Manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers of cigars, cigarettes * * *or, smoking tobacco or vapor products subject to the tax under this chapter, doing both intrastate and interstate business in such tobacco, must qualify as interstate dealers in such tobacco by applying to the commissioner for permission to engage in such business, and, upon receipt of such permission, he shall be permitted to set aside such part of his stock as may be absolutely necessary for the conduct of such interstate business, without affixing the stamps to cigarettes required by this chapter.  Said interstate stock shall be kept in an entirely separate part of the building, separate and apart from intrastate stock, and the said interstate business shall be conducted by the said wholesale dealer in accordance with rules and regulations to be promulgated by the commissioner.

     It is further provided that shipment of such merchandise be made only by a railroad, express company, boat line, or motor freight line certified by the Mississippi Public Service Commission as a common carrier, or by registered or insured parcel post.

     It is further provided that any manufacturer, distributor, or wholesaler of cigars, cigarettes * * *or, smoking tobacco or vapor products, engaged in interstate commerce in such tobaccos, shall report to the commissioner on or before the fifteenth day of each month, on forms prescribed by the commissioner, all sales of cigarettes made in interstate commerce during the preceding month to which Mississippi stamps were not affixed.  These reports must be made supplementary to the reports required to be filed by Section 27-69-35 of this chapter.

     Each shipment must be covered by a complete copy of invoice of the consignor, and supported by properly receipted bill of lading of the transportation company, or post office department as specified in the foregoing, and the receipted bills of lading and invoices shall be subject to inspection by the commissioner for a period of three (3) years.

     The commissioner is further authorized to verify the actual delivery to the consignee of such unstamped taxable cigarettes before allowing credit, and for the purpose of such verification, the commissioner may exchange information with the proper authorities of other states as to movement of taxable tobacco to and from other states into and from the State of Mississippi.

     SECTION 8.  Section 27-69-35, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-69-35.  It shall be the duty of every person subject to the provisions of this chapter, to keep an accurate set of records, showing all transactions had with reference to the purchase, sale or gift of cigars, cigarettes * * *,or, smoking tobacco or vapor products, and such person shall keep separately all invoices of cigars, cigarettes * * *or, smoking tobacco or vapor products, and shall keep a record of all stamps purchased, and such records, and all stocks of cigars, cigarettes * * *or, smoking tobacco or vapor products on hand, shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times to the commissioner; provided, however, that all retail dealers, transient vendors, distributing agents, or other dealers purchasing, or receiving cigars, cigarettes, * * *or smoking tobacco or vapor products from without the state, whether the same shall have been ordered through a wholesaler, or jobber in this state, or by drop shipment, or otherwise, shall within five (5) days after receipt of the same, mail a duplicate invoice of all such purchases, or receipts, to the commissioner, and failure to furnish such duplicate invoices shall be deemed a misdemeanor.

     It is further provided that all manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers of cigars, cigarettes * * *or, smoking tobacco or vapor products, who have a permit required by this chapter shall furnish the commissioner with a statement monthly, showing the amount of taxable tobacco received, and must also furnish the commissioner with duplicate invoices covering stamps affixed to drop shipments purchased by retailers.

     In the examination of such books, records, etc., the commissioner shall have the power to administer oaths to any person, and any person answering falsely, under oath, any of such questions, shall be guilty of perjury.

     If any person being so examined, fails to answer questions propounded to him by the commissioner, or if any person, being summoned to appear and answer such questions, shall fail or refuse to do so, or if any person shall fail or refuse to permit the inspection of his stock of merchandise, or invoices, or books, or papers pertaining to any dealers in cigars, cigarettes * * *or, smoking tobacco or vapor products, the commissioner may make such fact known to the circuit court of the county in which such failure or refusal occurs, or judge thereof in termtime or in vacation, by petition, and such circuit court, or judge thereof, shall issue a summons for such person so refusing, returnable on a date to be fixed by said court, or said judge, and on said date, the said circuit court, or the circuit judge, shall proceed to examine into the truth of the matter set out in said petition, and if the same be found to be true, the said circuit court, or circuit judge, shall issue a writ of subpoena duces tecum ordering and directing the person so summoned to bring into court, and exhibit for the inspection of the commissioner, all such books, records, invoices, etc., as the court may deem proper from all the facts and circumstances in the case.  Any person failing or refusing to present such books, records, invoices, etc., or failing or refusing to testify, shall be punished for contempt as provided by Section 9-1-17 of the Mississippi Code of 1972.

     SECTION 9.  Section 27-69-75, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     27-69-75.  All taxes levied by this chapter shall be payable to the commissioner in cash, or by personal check, cashier's check, bank exchange, post office money order or express money order, and shall be deposited by the commissioner in the State Treasury on the same day collected.  No remittance other than cash shall be a final discharge of liability for the tax herein assessed and levied, unless and until it has been paid in cash to the commissioner.

     Except as otherwise provided in this section, all tobacco taxes collected, including tobacco license taxes, shall be deposited into the State Treasury to the credit of the General Fund.  All tobacco taxes collected on vapor products under Section 27-69-13 shall be deposited into the Mental Health Employee Retention Loan Repayment Fund created in Section 1 of this act.

     Wholesalers who are entitled to purchase stamps at a discount, as provided by Section 27-69-31, may have consigned to them, without advance payment, such stamps, if and when such wholesaler shall give to the commissioner a good and sufficient bond executed by some surety company authorized to do business in this state, conditioned to secure the payment for the stamps so consigned.  The commissioner shall require payment for such stamps not later than thirty (30) days from the date the stamps were consigned.

     SECTION 10.  Section 27-69-69, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     27-69-69.  Any municipality within this state, in which any business licensed under the provisions of this chapter, may be carried on, shall have the right to impose upon persons engaged in such business, an annual privilege tax of not more than fifty percent (50%) of the permit fee imposed by Section 27-69-7 of this chapter; provided, however, that no person engaged in the wholesale sale, or distribution of cigars, cigarettes or smoking tobacco taxed by this chapter shall be taxed by any municipality other than that in which the warehouse or wholesale business is located.

     SECTION 11.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2025.