House Bill No. 1311
BY: Representatives Scoggin, Harris
Amend on line 49 by striking "(a)".
Further, amend on line 50 by inserting after the word "for" the following:
"reducing or".
Further, amend on lines 53-55 by striking "and if a local industry or business or a state agency agrees to reimburse the college for the entire amount of the out-of-state tuition that will be waived under the policy".
Further, amend on line 59 by inserting the following after the period:
Any policy adopted by the board of trustees of a community or junior college under the authority of this subsection shall include minimum criteria for student eligibility for the out-of-state tuition reduction or waiver.
Further, amend by striking lines 60-67.
Further, amend the title to conform.