2024 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Tate, Barnett, Barrett, Berry, Blackmon, Blackwell, Blount, Boyd, Branning, Brumfield, Bryan, Butler, Carter, Chassaniol, Chism, DeBar, DeLano, England, Fillingane, Frazier, Harkins, Hickman, Hill, Hopson, Horhn, Jackson, Johnson, Jordan, Kirby, Ladner, McCaughn, McLendon, McMahan, Michel, Norwood, Parker, Parks, Polk, Rhodes, Robinson, Seymour, Simmons (12th), Simmons (13th), Sparks, Suber, Thomas, Thompson, Turner-Ford, Whaley, Wiggins, Williams, Younger

Senate Resolution 95


     WHEREAS, it is with great respect that we remember the military service of KT Robbins of Olive Branch, Mississippi, who landed with his amphibious force on Utah Beach in Normandy, France, on June 9, 1944, three days after D-Day in World War II; and

     WHEREAS, KT Robbins was born on July 4, 1921, in Union County, Mississippi, where he grew up working the farm with his parents.  He left the farm and high school in 1939 to voluntarily join the U.S. Army.  He was in the 26th Infantry, 21st Division.  He entered the Army as Infantry, and completed his basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia.  KT was later assigned to lead a Bakery Division, where he moved between France, Iceland, England and Germany, serving under Patton's 3rd Army during WWII; and

     WHEREAS, the following describes his Normandy and post-war service:  KT landed on D-Day+3 in Normandy, entering through Utah Beach.  He waited onboard the ship for his turn, as he watched his fellow soldiers storm the beaches of Normandy ahead of him.  There were 800 ships waiting off the Normandy shore.  He talks about hearing guns and seeing the large explosions from the fighting on the beach.  As his company drove their trucks of equipment off the ship, onto the beach at Normandy, the ocean water came into their trucks.  The beach was a terrible sight from the battle just fought.  His company advanced about 20 miles inland and spent the night, sleeping on the ground under trees.  Here they joined Patton's 3rd Army; and

     WHEREAS, while stationed in Metz, France, he met a young French girl and fell in love.  Sadly, their time together was short, and the Army soon moved him quickly to other locations, then returned him to the USA in 1945.  Without today's ability to easily connect through technology, the couple heartbreakingly lost touch for 75 years; and

     WHEREAS, upon returning to America, he met and married his love, Lillian, and they started Robbins Hardware Store, where he and Lillian worked side by side for 35 years.  KT and Lillian moved to Olive Branch in 1970 where they built their house.  Then he was instrumental in securing the land and the building of Longview Baptist Church, where he still faithfully attends; and

     WHEREAS, KT always wished he had completed high school, so 75 years later, at the age of 96 he got his wish.  He was on schedule to graduate from Hurricane High School in Pontotoc County in 1942, but joined the war effort instead.  Then he later earned his high school degree from DeSoto County schools in 2017; and

     WHEREAS, KT and Lillian were married for 70 years before God called her home.  Several years after the death of Lillian, KT became involved with a veteran's organization called Forever Young Veterans.  This nonprofit organization, among other things, returns veterans to the destinations where they served, allowing them to see that their service did make a difference and to help to heal many wounds for these veterans; and

     WHEREAS, in 2019, Forever Young returned KT and 14 other WWII Veterans to Normandy for the 75th anniversary of D-Day.  There, he saw the beautiful country France has become, replacing his memories of a war-torn country full of death and tragedy.  It was on this trip that, thanks to Forever Young Veterans and French TV reporter, Agnes Vahramian, he was reunited with his first love from all those years ago; and

     WHEREAS, KT continues to live in Olive Branch in the home that he and Lillian built.  Today, at 102 years of age, KT continues to serve his God, his church, his community and neighbors and his country.  He serves as a great example to all who know him; and

     WHEREAS, his legacy is a strong and free America, and for his WWII service as part of the "Greatest Generation" and a lifetime of selfless contributions, a grateful state thanks him:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby remember the legacy of WWII, D-Day+3 Normandy Veteran KT Robbins of Olive Branch, Mississippi, and thank him for his service and extend to KT and his family the best wishes of the Senate for future happiness.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to KT Robbins and his family, forwarded to Forever Young Veterans and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.