2024 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Representatives Massengill, Creekmore IV

House Resolution 102


     WHEREAS, Beulah Baptist Church, reverently referred to as "the Lighthouse on the Hill", is blessed to celebrate the momentous occasion of its 175th year anniversary; and

     WHEREAS, the church's origin began in August 1848, when 10 Christians, who were driven by their desire to collectively worship, searched their hearts and agreed to form the United Baptist Church of Beulah; and

     WHEREAS, William Hale addressed the initial members of the newly formed church and met on the second Sunday of each month, while conducting church business on the preceding Saturday; and

     WHEREAS, due to the generosity of the Collins family, the church held its first meeting at McNair Springs on land donated by the Collins family; and

     WHEREAS, around 1872, the second church was a log church that was built across the road with a path leading down the hill to the spring; and

     WHEREAS, the third church was a white frame church that was built sometime around 1904, with only one room and glorious hard wooden benches; and

     WHEREAS, in the 1800s through the early 1900s, the church was very strict and exacted disciplinary action to its members as evidenced in the church's historical records which show people being called before the church for drinking, swearing and dancing; and

     WHEREAS, until the early 1940s, the church held a service for preaching once a month, then twice a month, but was able to start full time church services in the 1960s; and

     WHEREAS, in 1958, the big white church was torn down and by 1978, a mere 20 years, the first brick church was built, and after continued growth, the church outgrew that building and the present church has been remodeled; and

     WHEREAS, the longevity and constant evolution of this church evidence the faithfulness and dedication of generations of members of Beulah Baptist Church as many other churches have come and gone since Beulah Baptist Church was created; and

     WHEREAS, steadfast and immovable, only a few churches in Union County are older than Beulah, however, Beulah can boast that it has never closed its doors, even during the Civil War, World Wars I and II, and many other drastic times; and

     WHEREAS, only literal "acts of God" resulting in bad weather and impossible roads have kept the church from having regular services; and

     WHEREAS, the families of the church are just as steadfast, to this date, some families in the church have ancestors who attended Beulah dating back to the early 1850s; and

     WHEREAS, many amazing and anointed pastors have lead the sheep of Beulah Baptist Church since its founding, and Pastor Marty Merritt, is no exception, as he will guide the congregation in celebration of its 175th year anniversary; and

     WHEREAS, in hard times, good times, Beulah Baptist Church continues to be a "Lighthouse on the Hill":

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Beulah Baptist Church, reverently known as the "Lighthouse on the Hill," in Myrtle, Mississippi, on the momentous occasion of its 175th anniversary, and extend our best wishes to the Pastor, Elders, Deacons and the Congregation for continued prosperity.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Pastor Marty Merritt, the Beulah Baptist Church leadership, and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.