2024 Regular Session

To: Apportionment and Elections

By: Representative Sanford

House Bill 1658



     SECTION 1.  Section 23-15-239, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-239.  (1)  The executive committee of each county, in the case of a primary election, or the election commissioners of each county, in the case of all other elections, in conjunction with the circuit clerk, shall, in the years in which counties conduct an election, sponsor and conduct, not less than five (5) days before each election, not less than four (4) hours and not more than eight (8) hours of poll manager training to instruct poll managers as to their duties in the proper administration of the election and the operation of the polling place.  Any poll manager who completes the online training course provided by the Secretary of State shall only be required to complete two (2) hours of in-person poll manager training.  No poll manager shall serve in any election unless he or she has received these instructions once during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date upon which the election is held; however, nothing in this section shall prevent the appointment of an alternate poll manager to fill a vacancy in case of an emergency.  The county executive committee or the election commissioners, as appropriate, shall train a sufficient number of alternates to serve in the event a poll manager is unable to serve for any reason.

     (2)  (a)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the county executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform all of the duties required of the county executive committee, the circuit clerk or the county election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chair of the county election commission, as appropriate.  The county executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of the agreement.

          (b)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the municipal executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform all of the duties required of the municipal executive committee, the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chair of the municipal election commission, as appropriate.  The municipal executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of the agreement.

     (3)  The board of supervisors and the municipal governing authority, in their discretion, may compensate poll managers who attend these training sessions.  The compensation shall be at a rate of not less than the federal hourly minimum wage and not more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per hour.  Poll managers shall not be compensated for more than sixteen (16) hours of attendance at the training sessions regardless of the actual amount of time that they attended the training sessions.

     (4)  The time and location of the training sessions required pursuant to this section shall be announced to the general public by posting a notice thereof at the courthouse and by delivering a copy of the notice to the office of a newspaper having general circulation in the county five (5) days before the date upon which the training session is to be conducted.  Persons who will serve as poll watchers for candidates and political parties, as well as members of the general public, shall be allowed to attend the sessions.

     (5)  Subject to the following annual limitations, the election commissioners shall be entitled to receive a per diem in the amount of One Hundred Ten Dollars ($110.00), to be paid from the county general fund, for every day or period of no less than five (5) hours accumulated over two (2) or more days actually employed in the performance of their duties for the necessary time spent in conducting training sessions as required by this section:

          (a)  In counties having less than fifteen thousand (15,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than five (5) days per year;

          (b)  In counties having fifteen thousand (15,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census but less than thirty thousand (30,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than eight (8) days per year;

          (c)  In counties having thirty thousand (30,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census but less than seventy thousand (70,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than ten (10) days per year;

          (d)  In counties having seventy thousand (70,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census but less than ninety thousand (90,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than twelve (12) days per year;

          (e)  In counties having ninety thousand (90,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census but less than one hundred seventy thousand (170,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than fifteen (15) days per year;

          (f)  In counties having one hundred seventy thousand (170,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census but less than two hundred thousand (200,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than eighteen (18) days per year;

          (g)  In counties having two hundred thousand (200,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census but less than two hundred twenty-five thousand (225,000) residents according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than nineteen (19) days per year;

          (h)  In counties having two hundred twenty-five thousand (225,000) residents or more according to the latest federal decennial census, not more than twenty-two (22) days per year.

     (6)  Election commissioners shall claim the per diem authorized in subsection (5) of this section in the manner provided for in Section 23-15-153(6).

     (7)  (a)  To provide poll manager training, the Secretary of State has developed a single, comprehensive poll manager training program to ensure uniform, secure elections throughout the state.  The program includes online training on all state and federal election laws and procedures and voting machine opening and closing procedures.

          (b)  County poll managers who individually access and complete the online training program, including all skills assessments, at least five (5) days before an election shall be defined as "certified poll managers," and entitled to a "Certificate of Completion."

          (c)  At least one (1) certified poll manager shall be appointed by the county election officials to work in each polling place in the county during each general election.

     SECTION 2.  Section 23-15-266, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-266.  (1)  A county or municipal executive committee shall be eligible to enter into written agreements with a circuit or municipal clerk or a county or municipal election commission as provided for in Section 23-15-239(2), 23-15-265(2), 23-15-267(4), 23-15-333(4), 23-15-335(2) or 23-15-597(2), only if the political party with which such county or municipal executive committee is affiliated:

          (a)  Has cast for its candidate for Governor in the last two (2) gubernatorial elections ten percent (10%) of the total vote cast for governor; or

          (b)  Has cast for its candidate for Governor in three (3) of the last five (5) gubernatorial elections twenty-five percent (25%) of the total vote cast for Governor.

     (2)  If a county or municipal executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the circuit or municipal clerk or the county or municipal election commission authorizing the circuit or municipal clerk or the county or municipal election commission to perform all of the duties required of the county or municipal executive committee, the circuit or municipal clerk or the county or municipal election commission shall enter into that agreement.  

     SECTION 3.  Section 23-15-335, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-335.  (1)  The county executive committee shall designate a person whose duty it shall be to distribute all necessary ballots for use in a primary election, and shall designate one (1) among the poll managers at each polling place to receive and receipt for the blank ballots to be used at that place.  When the blank ballots are delivered to a local poll manager, the distributor shall take from the local poll manager a receipt therefor signed in duplicate by both the distributor and the poll manager, one (1) of which receipts the distributor shall deliver to the circuit clerk and the other shall be retained by the local poll manager and the last mentioned duplicate receipt shall be enclosed in the ballot box with the voted ballots when the polls have been closed and the votes have been counted.  The printer of the ballots shall take a receipt from the distributor of the ballots for the total number of the blank ballots delivered to the distributor.  The printer shall secure all ballots printed by him or her in such a safe manner that no person can procure them or any of them, and he or she shall deliver no blank ballot or ballots to any person except the distributor above mentioned, and then only upon his or her receipt therefor as above specified.  The distributor of the blank ballots shall so securely hold the same that no person can obtain any of them, and he or she shall not deliver any of them to any person other than to the authorized local poll managers and upon their respective receipts therefor.  The executive committee shall see to it that the total blank ballots delivered to the distributor, shall correspond with the total of the receipts executed by the local poll managers.

     (2)  (a)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the county executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform all of the duties required of the county executive committee, the circuit clerk or the county election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chair of the county election commission, as appropriate.  The county executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

          (b)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the municipal executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform all of the duties required of the municipal executive committee, the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chair of the municipal election commission, as appropriate.  The municipal executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

     (3)  Any person charged with any of the duties prescribed in this section who shall willfully or with culpable carelessness violate the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

     SECTION 4.  Section 23-15-265, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-265.  (1)  The county executive committee of each county shall meet not less than two (2) weeks before the date of any primary election and appoint the poll managers for same, all of whom may be members of the same political party.  The number of poll managers appointed by the county executive committee shall be the same number as election commissioners are allowed to appoint pursuant to Sections 23-15-231 and 23-15-235.  If the county executive committee fails to meet on the date named, supra, further notice shall be given of the time and place of meeting.

     (2)  (a)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the county executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform all of the duties required of the county executive committee, the circuit clerk or the county election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chair of the county election commission, as appropriate.  The county executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of the agreement.

          (b)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the municipal executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform all of the duties required of the municipal executive committee, the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chair of the municipal election commission, as appropriate.  The municipal executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

     SECTION 5.  Section 23-15-267, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-267.  (1)  The ballot boxes provided by the election commissioners in each county shall be used in primary elections, and the county executive committees shall distribute them to the voting precincts of the county before the time for opening the polls, in the same manner, as near as may be, as that provided for in general elections. 

     (2)  The boxes shall be securely sealed and locked beginning at the start of voting on election day until the end of voting on election day; and the box shall be kept by one (1) of the poll managers, and the poll manager having the box shall carefully keep it, and neither open it himself or herself nor permit it to be done, nor permit any person to have any access to it throughout voting during election day.  The box shall not be removed from the polling place after the polls are open until the polls close and the count is completed.  

     (3)  After each election, the ballot boxes shall be delivered to the clerk of the circuit court of the county for preservation; and he or she shall keep them for future use, and, when called for, deliver them to the election commissioners.

     (4)  (a)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the county executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform all of the duties required of the county executive committee, the circuit clerk or the county election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chair of the county election commission, as appropriate.  The county executive committee shall notify the State Executive Committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

          (b)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the municipal executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform all of the duties required of the municipal executive committee, the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chair of the municipal election commission, as appropriate.  The municipal executive committee shall notify the State Executive Committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

     (5)  The person, or persons, whose duty it is to comply with the provisions of this section and who shall fail, or neglect, from any cause, to deliver the boxes or any of them as herein provided shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) and be imprisoned in the county jail of the residence of the person, or persons, who violates any of the provisions of this section, for a period of not less than thirty (30) days or more than six (6) months, and fined not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).

     SECTION 6.  Section 23-15-333, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-333.  (1)  The county executive committee shall have printed all necessary ballots, for use in primary elections.  The county executive committee shall have printed all necessary absentee ballots forty-five (45) days before the election as required by law.  The ballots shall contain the names of all the candidates to be voted for at the election, and there shall be left on each ballot one (1) blank space under the title of each office for which a nominee is to be elected; and in the event of the death of any candidate whose name shall have been printed on the ballot, the name of the candidate duly substituted in the place of the deceased candidate may be written in such blank space by the voter.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this section, the order in which the titles to the various offices shall be printed, and the size, print and quality of the paper of the ballot is left to the discretion of the county executive committee.  Provided, however, that in all cases the arrangement of the names of the candidates for each office shall be alphabetical.  No ballot shall be used except those so printed.

     (2)  The titles for the various offices shall be listed in the following order:

          (a)  Candidates, electors or delegates for the following national offices:

              (i)  President of the United States of America;

              (ii)  United States Senator or United States Representative;

          (b)  Candidates for the following statewide offices:  Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Treasurer, Auditor of Public Accounts, Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce, Commissioner of Insurance;

          (c)  Candidates for the following state district offices:  Mississippi Transportation Commissioner, Public Service Commissioner, District Attorney;

          (d)  Candidates for the following legislative offices:  Senator and House of Representatives;

          (e)  Candidates for countywide office;

          (f)  Candidates for county district office.

     The order in which the titles for the various offices are listed within each of the categories listed in paragraphs (e) and (f) are left to the discretion of the county executive committee.  Candidates' names shall be listed alphabetically under each office by the candidate's last name.

     (3)  If after the deadline to qualify as a candidate for an office, only one (1) person has duly qualified to be a candidate for the office in the primary election, the name of that person shall be placed on the ballot; provided, however, that if not more than one (1) person has duly qualified to be a candidate for each office on the primary election ballot, the election for all offices on the ballot shall be dispensed with and the appropriate executive committee shall declare each candidate as the party nominee if the candidate meets all the qualifications to hold the office.

     (4)  (a)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the county executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform all of the duties required of the county executive committee, the circuit clerk or the county election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chair of the county election commission, as appropriate.  The county executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

          (b)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the municipal executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform all of the duties required of the municipal executive committee, the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chair of the municipal election commission, as appropriate.  The municipal executive committee shall notify the state executive committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of such agreement.

     SECTION 7.  Section 23-15-597, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     23-15-597.  (1)  The county executive committee shall meet  no later than one (1) week from the day following each primary election to receive and canvass the returns that must be made within the time fixed by law for returns of general elections and declare the result, and announce the name of the nominees for county and county district offices and the names of those candidates to be submitted to the second primary.  The vote for state, state district offices and legislative offices shall be tabulated by precincts and certified to and returned to the State Executive Committee, such returns to be mailed by registered letter or any safe mode of transmission within thirty-six (36) hours after the returns are canvassed and the result ascertained.  The State Executive Committee shall meet one (1) week from the day following the first primary election held for state, state district offices and legislative offices, and shall proceed to canvass the returns and to declare the result, and announce the names of those nominated for the different offices in the first primary and the names of those candidates whose names are to be submitted to the second primary election.  The State Executive Committee shall also meet one (1) week from the day on which the second primary election was held and receive and canvass the returns for state and district offices, if any, and legislative offices, if any, voted on in the second primary.  An exact and full duplicate of all tabulations by precincts as certified under this section shall be filed with the circuit clerk of the county who shall safely preserve the same in his or her office.

     (2)  (a)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the county executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform any of the duties required of the county executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the county executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the circuit clerk or the county election commission authorizing the circuit clerk or the county election commission to perform all of the duties required of the county executive committee, the circuit clerk or the county election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the county executive committee and the circuit clerk or the chair of the county election commission, as appropriate.  The county executive committee shall notify the State Executive Committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of the agreement.

          (b)  If it is eligible under Section 23-15-266, the municipal executive committee may enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform any of the duties required of the municipal executive committee pursuant to this section.  If the municipal executive committee elects to enter into a written agreement with the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission authorizing the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission to perform all of the duties required of the municipal executive committee, the municipal clerk or the municipal election commission shall enter into that agreement.  Any agreement entered into pursuant to this subsection shall be signed by the chair of the municipal executive committee and the municipal clerk or the chair of the municipal election commission, as appropriate.  The municipal executive committee shall notify the State Executive Committee and the Secretary of State of the existence of the agreement.

     SECTION 8.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2024.