2022 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Blackmon, Branning, Horhn, Sparks, Thomas

Senate Resolution 6


     WHEREAS, it is written in II Corinthians 4:17, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory," and as such, the grand architect of the universe, the immaculate author and finisher of our soul's destiny, has summoned the mortal presence of dearly beloved, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Daniel, to eternal rest, as she has made life's final transition from earthly travailing to the spirit realm of mighty chieftains and ambassadors, rendering great sorrow and loss to her family and friends; and

     WHEREAS, on Monday, January 17, 2022, the City of Jackson and the entire State of Mississippi lost a wonderful friend, visionary leader, intrepid public servant, criminal justice professional and educational administrator with the passing of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Daniel, born on October 5, 1947, in Shreveport, Louisiana, to her late parents Mr. Frank and Mrs. Pearletta Powell Smith, and there is now a hush in our hearts as we come together to pay our respects to the memory of one who has been called to join that innumerable heavenly caravan; and

     WHEREAS, one who embodied the spirit and miraculous mission of the two biblical icons for whom she was named, and whose steadfast faith ordained it so that they would become the mothers of Christ and the forerunner of Christ respectively, Mary Elizabeth was introduced to the precepts and tenets of Christianity under the wise counsel of her parents, who encouraged her to expand both her religious experience, which compelled her to seek salvation and become a baptized believer at First Missionary Baptist Church in Shreveport at an early age; and

     WHEREAS, educated in the Caddo Parrish School System, Mrs. Daniel completed her formal educational studies at Booker T. Washington High School in 1975, and expanded her academic horizons, by attaining her postsecondary education at Jackson State University where she earned her Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Criminal Justice and, subsequently, undertook doctoral studies in education at Grambling State University; and

     WHEREAS, Mrs. Daniel's persistent desire to have the most inspirationally profound impact within her community was  encompassed and ethically based upon her family and the love of God, as a committed servant, devoted mother, caring and present family member, loyal friend and missioned professional, who believed in the power of education to further the purpose and transform the lives of students; and

     WHEREAS, bearing this purpose in mind, Mrs. Daniel made the decision to make Jackson her permanent home after completing her studies at Jackson State University, and she embarked upon a truly remarkable career journey to fulfill her life's purpose of serving as a beacon of light and inspiration for aspiring youth, families and communities throughout the State of Mississippi; and

     WHEREAS, Mrs. Daniel's career path involved service in the state government as a qualified professional with the Mississippi Secretary of State's Office and Mississippi Attorney General's Office serving under Edwin Pittman, the Jackson Urban League under the leadership of Vernon Jordan, before she transitioned to the private sector as Office Manager for Blackmon and Blackmon Law Firm, each such position prepared her for a return to the public sector of service within her alma mater's Graduate Department of Education, from which she retired with a distinguished and laudable record in 2016, bringing a stellar conclusion to a highly esteemed career of approximately 50 years of advocacy and service of others; and

     WHEREAS, never one to pass on an opportunity to pay a good deed forward, Mrs. Daniel accepted the role of Executive Director of the Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus Foundation for Education and Economic Development (FEED) program, which became a shining star on her personal and professional list of accomplishments; and

     WHEREAS, as Executive Director, Mrs. Daniel capitalized on the rapport she had established with all the various individuals she met during her public and private career endeavors to maximize the nature and level of assistance she would be able to deliver in such capacity, including the creation of a nationally recognized after school program which served 37 counties by providing assistance to more than 500,000 students, and organizing a national bus tour for Mississippi high school juniors and seniors to visit Historically Black Colleges and Universities around the country to gainfully expose them to college life and the limitless possibilities for success beyond high school; and

     WHEREAS, as one who relied heavily on her faith, Mrs. Daniel's kingdom-building commitment remained consistent throughout her Christian service and patronage in life, reflecting her passion for God through her commitment to assisting others and her Christ-like care and concern for the body of Christ as a member of New Hope Baptist Church; and

     WHEREAS, a God-fearing Christian before all other roles she assumed, a devoted wife and nurturing mother and grandmother next, Mrs. Daniel was the living embodiment of a woman of Proverbs 31:10 distinction and possessed the ambitious spirit akin to that of King David, to be a woman after God's own heart, instilling those same values into the lineal fabric of her two daughters and grandchildren, as well as the countless lives of children and families into whom she poured her infinite wisdom; and

     WHEREAS, in Mrs. Daniel's transfiguration from mortality to immortality, she now adorns the raiment of a spiritual bride, awaiting the bridegroom's return in holy anticipation of that wondrous event, as it is written in the book of Revelation 21:1-2: "And I saw a new Heaven and a new earth:  for the first Heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.  And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband"; and

     WHEREAS, though she has traversed the river of life to reunite with those who answered God's summons to life eternal and now beckon her arrival to the celestial shores of Heaven's grandeur, including both of her parents; brother, Eddie Smith; and sister, Joyce Smith Johnson.  The legacy of Mrs. Daniel's memory, which if put to music, would be a majestic symphonic masterpiece composed by the Holy Trinity, will continue to refresh the hearts and fond memories of her beloved survivors, including:  daughters Yolanda M. Daniel and Dr. LaNetra Daniel April; grandchildren, Morgan D. Bryant and William April; great-grandchildren:  Madisyn, London, Dakota and Hunter; siblings:  Johnetta Smith Norman, Frank Smith Jr., Joseph Smith, Leon Smith (Delores) and Clarence Smith (Cynthia); special niece, Tanya B. Tyler; and a host of other relatives and friends; and

     WHEREAS, we encourage the family to find solace from the overwhelming sadness created by the earthly departure of their beloved family member in Revelation 21:4, wherein is recorded, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain:  for the former things are passed away" and renewed in their faith that Mrs. Daniel fulfilled the commandment of II Timothy 4:7 by having fought a good fight, finishing her course and keeping the faith until the hour of her departure was at hand; and

     WHEREAS, it is with sincere humility that we take momentary pause to respectfully acknowledge the enduring legacy of Mrs. Daniel, whose life, like an ember within a glowing ceremonial flame in the pomp and circumstance of sacred tribal consecration, leapt and danced in ritualistic form to the night wind's time and cadence, before yielding itself to the kindred spirits at the glimmer of a new dawn:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby mourn the loss and commemorate the life and legacy of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Daniel, whose life was a fragrant rose adorning the Heavenly Father's botanical garden of this earth's mortal dressing room, permeating the atmosphere with her beauty and aroma, and express sincere and deepest sympathy to  her family and friends upon her passing.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to the family of Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Daniel and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.