2022 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Representative Carpenter
WHEREAS, upon the conclusion of an estimable career of 38 years, we honor the exemplary and outstanding service of Major General Billy M. Nabors, whom the Mississippi National Guard has awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for exceptionally meritorious service over a long and distinguished career in the service of his country, state and the United States Air Force and the men and women of the Mississippi National Guard; and
WHEREAS, Major General Nabors serves as the Assistant Adjutant General and Commander of the Mississippi Air National Guard, accountable to the Adjutant General for directing Air National Guard operations and establishing policy to ensure the combat readiness and mission capability of the 186th Air Refueling Wing, 172nd Airlift Wing and Combat Readiness Training Center; and
WHEREAS, additionally, Major General Nabors serves as the state Assistant Adjutant General, providing oversight of the Mississippi National Guard Human Resources and State Resources Offices and advises the Adjutant General on full-time issues affecting the National Guard; and
WHEREAS, commissioned through Officer Training School, Major General Nabors graduated Undergraduate Pilot Training at Columbus Air Force Base in 1985, whereafter he served eight years in active duty as a T-37 instructor for Air Training Command, and KC-135A/R aircraft commander for Strategic Air Command, before transitioning in 1992 to the Mississippi Air National Guard's 186th Air Refueling Wing, where he held command at all levels and served two tours as Pacific Tanker Task Force Commander; and
WHEREAS, upon undertaking his newly assigned command post with the Mississippi Air National Guard, Major General Nabors also managed the National Guard Bureau's Project Liberty program and led three unit aircraft conversions; and
WHEREAS, a command pilot in the KC-135A/R, C-27J and C-12, he is a combat veteran of Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Kosovo and Enduring/Iraqi Freedom, Major General Nabors served as Chief of Staff, Mississippi Air National Guard immediately prior to his appointment to the current position from which he now retires; and
WHEREAS, the President of the United States of America, authorized by an Act of Congress on July 9, 1918, has awarded the Distinguished Service Medal to Major General Billy M. Nabors for exceptionally meritorious service in a duty of great responsibility; and
WHEREAS, from August 4, 2018, to March 6, 2022, Major General Nabors distinguished himself as the Assistant Adjutant General-Air, during which time his outstanding leadership enabled the Wings to accomplish over 13,800 contingency flying hours, offloading more than 38,000,000 pounds of aviation fuel and transporting 32,900 tons of critical supplies across the globe; and
WHEREAS, his intrepid leadership has provided oversight of the execution of over $257 Million of operations and maintenance monies and $16 Million in sustainment, renovation, maintenance and military construction expenditures, guaranteeing the continuous improvement of all three Mississippi Air National Guard installations, while concurrently providing inimitable support to the State of Mississippi during the COVID-19 pandemic, by providing 225 Airmen for over one year of testing and vaccination site manning, administering 226,000 virus tests and 750,000 vaccinations in the daily manning of 307 testing and vaccination sites; and
WHEREAS, Major General Nabors managed the stand-up of Mississippi's first Dual Status Command during the Delta Variant response, managing two Title-10 medical teams and one Title-32 medical team in the provision of in-hospital support; and
WHEREAS, while managing boots on the ground for COVID-19 support and mediation, Major General Nabors drafted the Mississippi Air National Guard's first force management and recruiting and retention policies that not only ensures the continued ability of the Mississippi Air National Guard to be a force provider of mission ready Airmen, but also guarantees that all Mississippi Airmen have a vested connection to their unit, while simultaneously growing and progressing in their careers; and
WHEREAS, Major General Nabors has made great strides to raise awareness regarding the many benefits of diversity and inclusion at all levels of the command through an innovative approach to target awareness, garnering the Mississippi Air National Guard Command Team the 2020 Air National Guard Goldfein-Wright Inclusive Leadership Award; and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the House of Representatives to recognize the zealous dedication of public servants like Major General Nabors' rapport, who has brought honor to his military service, his nation, and to the State of Mississippi:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend and congratulate Major General Billy M. Nabors for his exemplary and outstanding service to the men and women of the Mississippi National Guard and extend to him and his family best wishes for future success as he enjoys the lighter years of retirement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to Major General Billy M. Nabors and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.