2022 Regular Session

To: Insurance

By: Representative Arnold

House Bill 1380



     SECTION 1.  Section 83-9-3, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     83-9-3.  (1)  No policy of accident and sickness insurance shall be delivered or issued for delivery to any person in this state unless:

          (a)  The entire money and other considerations therefor are expressed therein; and

          (b)  The time at which the insurance takes effect and terminates is expressed therein; and

          (c)  It purports to insure only one (1) person, except that a policy may insure, originally or by subsequent amendment, upon the application of an adult member of a family who shall be deemed the policyholder, any two (2) or more eligible members of that family, including husband, wife, dependent children or any children under a specified age which shall not exceed nineteen (19) years, and any other person dependent upon the policyholder; and

          (d)  The style, arrangement and overall appearance of the policy give no undue prominence to any portion of the text, and unless every printed portion of the text of the policy and of any endorsements or attached papers is plainly printed in lightfaced type of a style in general use, the size of which shall be uniform and not less than ten-point with a lowercase unspaced alphabet length not less than one-hundred-twenty-point (the "text" shall include all printed matter except the name and address of the insurer, name or title of the policy, the brief description if any, and captions and subcaptions); and

          (e)  The exceptions and reductions of indemnity are set forth in the policy and, except those which are set forth in Section 83-9-5, are printed, at the insurer's option, either with the benefit provision to which they apply, or under an appropriate caption such as "Exceptions" or "Exceptions and Reductions," provided that if an exception or reduction specifically applies only to a particular benefit of the policy, a statement of such exception or reduction shall be included with the benefit provision to which it applies; and

          (f)  Each such form, including riders and endorsements, shall be identified by a form number in the lower left-hand corner of the first page thereof; and

          (g)  It contains no provision purporting to make any portion of the charter, rules, constitution or bylaws of the insurer a part of the policy unless such portion is set forth in full in the policy, except in the case of the incorporation of, or reference to, a statement of rates or classification of risks, or short-rate table filed with the commissioner.

     (2)  No individual or group policy covering health and accident insurance (including experience-rated insurance contracts, indemnity contracts, self-insured plans and self-funded plans), or any group combinations of these coverages, shall be issued by any commercial insurer doing business in this state which, by the terms of such policy, limits or excludes payment because the individual or group insured is eligible for or is being provided medical assistance under the Mississippi Medicaid Law.  Any such policy provision in violation of this section shall be invalid.

     (3)  No individual or group policy covering health and accident insurance (including experience-rated insurance contracts, indemnity contracts, self-insured plans and self-funded plans) or any group combinations of these coverages, shall be issued by any commercial insurer doing business in this state, which, by the terms of such policy, limits or restricts the insured's ability to assign the insured's benefits under the policy to a licensed health care provider that provides health care services to the insured.  Commercial insurers doing business in this state shall honor an assignment for a period of one (1) year starting from the initial date of an assignment.  Any such policy provision in violation of this subsection shall be invalid.

     (4)  If any policy is issued by an insurer domiciled in this state for delivery to a person residing in another state, and if the official having responsibility for the administration of the insurance laws of such other state shall have advised the commissioner that any such policy is not subject to approval or disapproval by such official, the commissioner may, by ruling, require that such policy meet the standards set forth in subsection (1) of this section and in Section 83-9-5.

     (5)  The commissioner shall collect and pay into the special fund in the State Treasury designated as the "Insurance Department Fund" the following fees for services provided under this section:

              FORM                                        FEE

     Each individual policy contract, including

revisions................................................ $15.00

     Each group master policy or contract, including

revisions................................................ 15.00

     Each rider, endorsement or amendment, etc............. 10.00

     Each insurance application where written application

is required and is to be made a part of the policy or

contract................................................. 10.00

     Each questionnaire...................................   7.00

     Charge for resubmission where payment is not included

with original submission..................................   5.00

     Additional charge for tentative approval same as above.

     (6)  In order to expedite and become more efficient in reviewing and approving accident and health form and rate filings, the commissioner may establish an expedited form and rate review procedure whereby insurers may elect to pay reasonable actuarial fees directly to a department-approved actuarial service in exchange for an expedited review of form and rate filings by the  actuarial service.  The commissioner may make such reasonable rules and regulations concerning the expedited procedure, and may set reasonable fees for the actuarial services provided.  This provision shall not abridge any other authority granted to the commissioner by law, including the authority to collect the filing fees prescribed by this section.

     (7)  No individual or group policy covering health and accident insurance (including experience-rated insurance contracts, indemnity contracts, self-insured plans and self-funded plans) or any group combinations of these coverages, shall be issued by any commercial insurer doing business in this state, which, by the terms of such policy, imposes a premium surcharge or any other premium differential based on the vaccination or nonvaccination of an individual for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

     ( * * *78)  From and after July 1, 2016, the expenses of this agency shall be defrayed by appropriation from the State General Fund and all user charges and fees authorized under this section shall be deposited into the State General Fund as authorized by law.

     ( * * *89)  From and after July 1, 2016, no state agency shall charge another state agency a fee, assessment, rent or other charge for services or resources received by authority of this section.

     SECTION 2.  Section 25-15-15, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     25-15-15.  (1)  The board is authorized to determine the manner in which premiums and contributions by the state agencies, local school districts, colleges, universities, community/junior colleges and public libraries shall be collected to provide the self-insured health insurance program for employees as provided under this article.  The state shall provide fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the above life insurance plan for all active full-time employees.  The state shall provide one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the health insurance plan for active full-time employees initially employed before January 1, 2006, except as otherwise provided in this section.  For active full-time employees initially employed on or after January 1, 2006, the state shall provide one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of a basic level of health insurance, except as otherwise provided in this section, and the employees may pay additional amounts to purchase additional benefits or levels of coverage offered under the plan.  The board, if determined to be necessary, may assess active full-time employees a portion of the active employee premium in an amount not to exceed Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per month, notwithstanding any language in this section to the contrary.  All active full-time employees shall be given the opportunity to purchase coverage for their eligible dependents with the premiums for such dependent coverage, as well as the employee's fifty percent (50%) share for his life insurance coverage, to be deductible from the employee's salary by the agency, department or institution head, which deductions, together with the fifty percent (50%) share of such life insurance premiums of such employing agency, department or institution head from funds appropriated to or authorized to be expended by the employing agency, department or institution head, shall be deposited directly into a depository bank or special fund in the State Treasury, as determined by the board.  These funds and interest earned on these funds may be used for the disbursement of claims and shall be exempt from the appropriation process. 

     (2)  The state shall provide annually, by line item in the Mississippi Library Commission appropriation bill, such funds to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of health insurance under the State and School Employees Health Insurance Plan, or any lesser percentage of the cost that is not assessed to the employees by the board, for full-time library staff members in each public library in Mississippi initially employed before January 1, 2006.  For full-time library staff members initially employed on or after January 1, 2006, the state shall provide one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of a basic level of health insurance under the State and School Employees Health Insurance Plan, or any lesser percentage of the cost that is not assessed to the employees by the board, and the employees may pay additional amounts to purchase additional benefits or levels of coverage offered under the plan.  The commission shall allot to each public library a sufficient amount of those funds appropriated to pay the costs of insurance for eligible employees.  Any funds so appropriated by line item which are not expended during the fiscal year for which such funds were appropriated shall be carried forward for the same purposes during the next succeeding fiscal year.  If any premiums for the health insurance and/or late charges and interest penalties are not paid by a public library in a timely manner, as defined by the board, the Mississippi Library Commission, upon notice by the board, shall immediately withhold all subsequent disbursements of funds to that public library.

     (3)  The state shall annually provide one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the health insurance plan, or any lesser percentage of the cost that is not assessed to the employees by the board, for public school district employees who work no less than twenty (20) hours during each week and regular nonstudent school bus drivers, if such employees and school bus drivers were initially employed before January 1, 2006.  For such employees and school bus drivers initially employed on or after January 1, 2006, the state shall provide one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of a basic level of health insurance under the State and School Employees Health Insurance Plan, or any lesser percentage of the cost that is not assessed to the employees by the board, and the employees may pay additional amounts to purchase additional benefits or levels of coverage offered under the plan.  Where federal funding is allowable to defray, in full or in part, the cost of participation in the program by district employees who work no less than twenty (20) hours during the week and regular nonstudent bus drivers, whose salaries are paid, in full or in part, by federal funds, the allowance under this section shall be reduced to the extent of such federal funding.  Where the use of federal funds is allowable but not available, it is the intent of the Legislature that school districts contribute the cost of participation for such employees from local funds, except that parent fees for child nutrition programs shall not be increased to cover such cost.

     (4)  The state shall provide annually, by line item in the community/junior college appropriation bill, such funds to pay one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the health insurance plan, or any lesser percentage of the cost that is not assessed to the employees by the board, for community/junior college district employees initially employed before January 1, 2006, who work no less than twenty (20) hours during each week.  For such employees initially employed on or after January 1, 2006, the state shall provide one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of a basic level of health insurance under the State and School Employees Health Insurance Plan, or any lesser percentage of the cost that is not assessed to the employees by the board, and the employees may pay additional amounts to purchase additional benefits or levels of coverage offered under the plan.

     (5)  When the use of federal funding is allowable to defray, in full or in part, the cost of participation in the insurance plan by community/junior college district employees who work no less than twenty (20) hours during each week, whose salaries are paid, in full or in part, by federal funds, the allowance under this section shall be reduced to the extent of the federal funding.  Where the use of federal funds is allowable but not available, it is the intent of the Legislature that community/junior college districts contribute the cost of participation for such employees from local funds.

     (6)  Any community/junior college district may contribute to the cost of coverage for any district employee from local community/junior college district funds, and any public school district may contribute to the cost of coverage for any district employee from nonminimum program funds.  Any part of the cost of such coverage for participating employees of public school districts and public community/junior college districts that is not paid by the state shall be paid by the participating employees, which shall be deducted from the salaries of the employees in a manner determined by the board.

     (7)  Any funds appropriated for the cost of insurance by line item in the community/junior colleges appropriation bill which are not expended during the fiscal year for which such funds were appropriated shall be carried forward for the same purposes during the next succeeding fiscal year. 

     (8)  The board may establish and enforce late charges and interest penalties or other penalties for the purpose of requiring the prompt payment of all premiums for life and health insurance permitted under this chapter.  All funds in excess of the amount needed for disbursement of claims shall be deposited in a special fund in the State Treasury to be known as the State and School Employees Insurance Fund.  The State Treasurer shall invest all funds in the State and School Employees Insurance Fund and all interest earned shall be credited to the State and School Employees Insurance Fund.  Such funds shall be placed with one or more depositories of the state and invested on the first day such funds are available for investment in certificates of deposit, repurchase agreements or in United States Treasury bills or as otherwise authorized by law for the investment of Public Employees' Retirement System funds, as long as such investment is made from competitive offering and at the highest and best market rate obtainable consistent with any available investment alternatives; however, such investments shall not be made in shares of stock, common or preferred, or in any other investments which would mature more than one (1) year from the date of investment.  The board shall have the authority to draw from this fund periodically such funds as are necessary to operate the self-insurance plan or to pay to the insurance carrier the cost of operation of this plan, it being the purpose to limit the amount of participation by the state to fifty percent (50%) of the cost of the life insurance program and not to limit the contracting for additional benefits where the cost will be paid in full by the employee.  The state shall not share in the cost of coverage for retired employees.

     (9)  The board shall also provide for the creation of an Insurance Reserve Fund and funds therein shall be invested by the State Treasurer with all interest earned credited to the State and School Employees Insurance Fund.

     (10)  Any retired employee electing to purchase retired life and health insurance will have the full cost of such insurance deducted monthly from his State of Mississippi retirement plan check or direct billed for the cost of the premium if the retirement check is insufficient to pay for the premium.  If the board determines actuarially that the premium paid by the participating retirees adversely affects the overall cost of the plan to the state, then the board may impose a premium surcharge, not to exceed fifteen percent (15%), upon such participating retired employees who are under the age for Medicare eligibility and who were initially employed before January 1, 2006.  For participating retired employees who are under the age for Medicare eligibility and who were initially employed on or after January 1, 2006, the board may impose a premium surcharge in an amount the board determines actuarially to cover the full cost of insurance.

     (11)  The board may not impose a premium surcharge or any other premium differential upon any class of participant of the plan based on the use or nonuse of tobacco-related products.

     (12)  The board may not impose a premium surcharge or any other premium differential upon any class of participant of the plan based on the vaccination or nonvaccination of an individual for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

     ( * * *1213)  This section shall stand repealed on July 1, * * * 2022 2025.

     SECTION 3.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2022.