



Senate Bill No. 3044


BY: Representative McCarty


     Amend on lines 9, 137 and 140 by striking the word "attendance" and inserting in lieu thereof: "membership".

     Further amend on line 199 by inserting before the period, the following:

"or any funds made available to a school district or charter school for such purposes from any federal, state, public or private entity".

     Further amend on line 251 by inserting after "(1)", the following:  "(a)".

     Further amend on line 262 by inserting after the period, the following:

"However, unexpended amounts of any monies unrelated to the Coronavirus Relief Fund, whether appropriated by the Legislature or donated by any public or private entity, remaining in the fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the Budget Contingency Fund or the State General Fund, and any investment earnings or interest earned on amounts in the grant program fund shall be deposited to the credit of the grant program fund.

          (b) If on December 29, 2020, there are unexpended Coronavirus Relief Fund monies remaining in the fund, those funds shall lapse into the Budget Contingency Fund, to be transferred, by the State Fiscal Officer, into the Unemployment Compensation Fund on or before December 30, 2020."