2019 Regular Session
To: Rules
By: Senator(s) Norwood, Blackmon, Frazier, Simmons (12th), Barnett, Dearing, Jackson (32nd)
WHEREAS, Dr. Mark G. Hardy, Sr., has announced his retirement. Dr. Hardy is a seasoned Administrator with over 30 years of service in higher education with senior-level administrative experience as Provost and Vice President. Dr. Hardy is an ordained Elder with experience as Assistant Pastor, Worship Coordinator, Educator, Author and Composer with service to the church as Minister of Music, Trustee, Deacon, Guest Speaker and Church Organist; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Hardy joined the faculty at Jackson State University as Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology in 1987. During his 26 years at Jackson State, he served in a number of administrative positions, including Chair of the Department of Biology, Associate Dean and Dean for the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, and later Provost/Vice President for the Division of Academic Affairs. He also served as Site Coordinator for the Mississippi Alliance for Minority Participation (MAMP) Program and Director for the Office for Naval Research (ONR) Program. He was active in JSU's Faculty Senate, serving as Departmental Faculty Senator, Faculty Senate Secretary, Vice President and President; and
WHEREAS, in 2013, Dr. Hardy retired from Jackson State University and was appointed Vice President for Academic Affairs at Tennessee State University (TSU). There he oversees the College of Agriculture, Human and Natural Sciences, College of Business, College of Education, College of Engineering, College of Health Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, College of Life and Physical Sciences, College of Public Service and Urban Affairs, Honors College, School of Graduate Studies and Research, Division of International Studies and the Division of Library. He also has fiduciary responsibility for the Division of Academic Affair's (DAA) budget (state and federal grants funded) and physical resources; and
WHEREAS, after 30 years of service in higher education, Dr. Hardy retired from Tennessee State University in December 2017 to relocate back to Mississippi. At that time, he returned to his local church, Liberal Trinity, where he continued service on the Deacon Board and working in his calling as an Ordained Elder. Since returning home, he has founded the MGH Bible Study series and been an invited speaker at several local churches, including Davis Temple Church of God in Christ (COGIC), New Jerusalem COGIC, and Macedonia Ministries Worship Center. He continues to minister from time to time at Liberal Trinity and actively participates in the men's Sunday School class. He is currently Professor Emeritus at Jackson State University and an Educational/Spiritual Advisor; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Hardy accepted Christ as his personal savior in 1974 and was baptized in the Holy Ghost that same year. He has been a lifelong member of the Liberal Trinity Church of God in Christ in Jackson, Mississippi. He joined the Liberal Trinity Youth Choir at an early age and became the church's Drummer during his teenage years. As a young adult, he also played drums for the District 1 COGIC Choir in Jackson, Mississippi, and Southern Mississippi's 1st Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction State Choir. Dr. Hardy also served as Church Organist for Easter Temple COGIC. In 1983, he authored and composed the Mississippi Gospel Award-Winning Album "Don't Give Up" while serving as Minister of Music for Greater Collins COGIC. He loves the COGIC and has remained active in the church throughout his academic career. In 1982, he moved to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to work on his doctorate and while there served as Organist for the then-Beirne Avenue COGIC, and was Guest Organist for True Light COGIC in Huntsville, Alabama. After he completed his educational pursuits, Dr. Hardy returned to Liberal Trinity in 1987, where Bishop Hollis Musgrove appointed him Church Organist and Minister of Music. He also served as a member of the Deacon Board, as well as the Trustee Board. Dr. Hardy accepted the call to the ministry in 2011 and became a licensed minister and later received his ordination by Bishop Jerry L. Maynard, Tennessee, Fourth Jurisdiction. In 2013, he united with the Cathedral of Praise Church of God in Christ under the pastorship of Bishop Maynard after moving to Nashville, Tennessee, to work at Tennessee State University. He served there as a Worship Coordinator and Assistant Pastor responsible for the Men in Action for Christ Ministry; and
WHEREAS, Dr. Hardy enjoys a distinguished career as a Churchman, Educator and Administrator. In 1984, he received two Mississippi Gospel Music Awards for Best New Album. He received a 2008 and 2011 Outstanding Citizen in the City of Jackson and State of Mississippi Award from the Jackson City Council. He is married to the former Ms. Vivian D. Lewis and is the father of two daughters and two sons: Jessica, Viviauna, Gary and Austin; and
WHEREAS, we pay tribute to the talent, academic mentorship and church leadership of this most public-spirited citizen of Mississippi, who has brought honor to his university, his church, his community and to the State of Mississippi:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby recognize the outstanding academic, administrative and church career of Dr. Mark G. Hardy, Sr., former Provost for Jackson State University, on the occasion of his retirement, and extend the best wishes of the Legislature to Dr. Hardy and his family through retirement.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Dr. Mark Hardy, forwarded to the President of Jackson State University, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.