2019 Regular Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Kirby, Harkins, Caughman, Blackwell, Browning, Burton, Chassaniol, Clarke, Dearing, DeBar, Fillingane, Frazier, Jackson (15th), Jackson (32nd), Jolly, Massey, McMahan, Michel, Parker

Senate Concurrent Resolution 507

(As Adopted by Senate)


     WHEREAS, Representative Ray Rogers, who has served as the Public Address Announcer at Pearl High School football games for 55 years, stepped down when the Pirates' ended their 2018 season; and

     WHEREAS, Representative Ray Rogers (District 61) was the first Pearl "Pirate" quarterback and is the namesake of "Ray Rogers Stadium" on the campus of Pearl High School; and

     WHEREAS, Rogers' connections to the Pearl High School football program are lengthy and strong.  When Pearl High formed its first football team in 1949, Rogers was a junior.  In the summer of 1948, the future student body of Pearl High School assembled in what was to be the gym of their new school, now the old Pearl High School.  They met to vote on the colors and mascot.  One person of the student body suggested a "Pirate" mascot and the vote was unanimous; the colors were to be navy blue and old gold.  Ray Rogers, who is today "The Voice of the Pirates" and then a sophomore at Pearl High School, was part of this group.  The next school year, the Pirates had their first football season.  With a difficult ten-game schedule and players with little experience, Ray Rogers led the "Fighting Pirates" as quarterback and captain through Pearl's first football season.  With Brandon as their last game, a rivalry was started which would stay for more than a half-century.  Since the 1940s, Pearl High School has upheld a tradition of excellence; and

     WHEREAS, Ray took the first snap in Pearl history during a 20-0 win over Bentonia.  He met his wife, Shirley, in high school, and they married her senior year.  Rogers also helped pick Pearl's mascot and the school's colors, navy blue and gold.  Both came from a tattoo; and

     WHEREAS, Ray has been dedicated to the history and spirit of Pearl High School since his days as a student and football player.  He has not missed a game in 35 years and only missed one-half of a home game and one away game in 50 years, including the day of his daughter's wedding where he wore earphones to keep up with the progress of the Pearl v. Meridian game (Pearl won); and

     WHEREAS, Rogers was selected to the All-State Team his senior season when the Pirates went 6-3.  An outstanding all-around athlete, he played professional baseball in the minor league for six years in the old Cotton States League before he settled down to work and raise his family with his wife of 66 years, Shirley.  Even then, Rogers' desire to compete continued.  He played semi-pro baseball eight years, and in 1985 was inducted into the Mississippi Semi-Pro Baseball Hall of Fame; and

     WHEREAS, Representative Rogers became the Public Address Announcer at Pearl High football games in 1964 because of his distinctive voice.  In addition to announcing at the football games, Rogers also introduced the Pearl High School Band at halftimes.  When the Pirates travelled to the away games, Ray and Shirley went.  They travelled all over the state, from Tupelo to D'Iberville, and from Meridian to Vicksburg.  Just before halftime, Ray would walk from the visitors' side to the press box on the home team side, introduce the Pearl Marching Band and then return to the visitors' side; and

     WHEREAS, when Pearl won its first football State Title last year, the Pirates presented Rogers with a Championship Ring and a helmet signed by every member of the team.  It now rests above his fireplace.  John Perry, Pearl Pirates' Head Football Coach pinned a photo behind his desk of him and Rogers from the postgame celebration; and

     WHEREAS, in the past 55 years, thousands of players, band members and fans in the stands heard the "Voice of the Pirates" describe the action; and

     WHEREAS, we pay tribute and cherish fondly the legacy of this most public-spirited member of the Mississippi Legislature whose enormous civic energy for his home community is the fabric of Pearl High School and Pearl and brings honor to the State of Mississippi:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby extend the recognition and congratulations of the Mississippi Legislature to Representative Ray Rogers (District 61) on the occasion of his 55th Anniversary and retirement as the "Voice of the Pearl Pirates."

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution be presented to Ray Rogers and his family, to Pearl High School on the occasion of Ray's retirement, and made available to the Capitol Press Corps.