2018 Regular Session

To: Judiciary B

By: Representative Arnold

House Bill 282



     SECTION 1.  (1)  Any person found in contempt for failure to pay child support, imprisoned for such failure, and who does not have an electronic monitoring device for contempt for failure to pay child support at the time of such imprisonment shall be brought before the court within twenty-four (24) hours of imprisonment to assess the amount of any child support payments owed by the person and to determine whether the person is employed.  If the person is employed, the court shall enter an order for commitment for electronic house arrest with an intensive supervision program as provided by Sections 47-5-1001 through 47-5-1015, and release the person from imprisonment no more than forty-eight (48) hours after the initial imprisonment for contempt for failure to pay child support.  The person shall remain on electronic house arrest until the person becomes current with all child support payments.

     If the court determines that the person is not employed, the court, at its discretion, may refer the person for placement in a state, county or municipal restitution, house arrest as provided in this section, or restorative justice center or program, provided such person meets the qualifications prescribed in Section 99-37-19.

     (2)  The provisions of this section may not be applied to any person who is before the court for contempt for failure to pay child support, and:

          (a)  The person is on house arrest with an electronic monitoring device because the person was found in contempt for failure to pay child support; or

          (b)  The person has been on house arrest with an electronic monitoring device for contempt for failure to pay child support with an electronic monitoring device within the past twelve (12) months.

     SECTION 2.  Section 9-1-17, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     9-1-17.  The Supreme, circuit, chancery and county courts and the Court of Appeals shall have power to fine and imprison any person guilty of contempt of the court while sitting, but the fine shall not exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each offense, nor shall the imprisonment continue longer than thirty (30) days. If any witness refuse to be sworn or to give evidence, or if any officer or person refuse to obey or perform any rules, order, or judgment of the court, such court shall have power to fine and imprison such officer or person until he shall give evidence, or until the rule, order, or judgment shall be complied with.

     At the discretion of the court, any person found in contempt for failure to pay child support and imprisoned therefor may be referred for placement in a state, county or municipal restitution, house arrest as provided in Section 1 of this act, or restorative justice center or program, provided such person meets the qualifications prescribed in Section 99-37-19.

     SECTION 3.  Section 9-5-87, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     9-5-87.  The chancery court, or the chancellor in vacation, or judge granting the writ, shall have power to punish any person for breach of injunction, or any other order, decree, or process of the court, by fine or imprisonment, or both, or the chancellor or judge granting the writ may require bail for the appearance of the party at the next term of the court to answer for the contempt; but such person shall be first cited to appear and answer.  And any person so punished by order of the chancellor in vacation, may on five (5) days' notice to the opposite party, apply to a judge of the Supreme Court, who, for good cause shown, may supersede the punishment until the meeting of the said chancery court.

     At the discretion of the court, any person found in contempt for failure to pay child support and imprisoned therefor may be referred for placement in a state, county or municipal restitution, house arrest as provided by Section 1 of this act, or restorative justice center or program, provided such person meets the qualifications prescribed in Section 99-37-19.

     SECTION 4.  Section 47-5-1003, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     47-5-1003.  (1)  An intensive supervision program may be used as an alternative to incarceration for offenders who are not convicted of a crime of violence pursuant to Section 97-3-2 as selected by the court * * *and, for juvenile offenders as provided in Section 43-21-605 and for persons who are held in contempt for failure to pay child support.  Any offender convicted of a sex crime shall not be placed in the program.

     (2)  The court may place the defendant on intensive supervision, except when a death sentence or life imprisonment is the maximum penalty which may be imposed by a court or judge.

     (3)  To protect and to ensure the safety of the state's citizens, any offender who violates an order or condition of the intensive supervision program may be arrested by the correctional field officer and placed in the actual custody of the Department of Corrections.  Such offender is under the full and complete jurisdiction of the department and subject to removal from the program by the classification hearing officer.

     (4)  When any circuit or county court places an offender in an intensive supervision program, the court shall give notice to the Mississippi Department of Corrections within fifteen (15) days of the court's decision to place the offender in an intensive supervision program.  Notice shall be delivered to the central office of the Mississippi Department of Corrections and to the regional office of the department which will be providing supervision to the offender in an intensive supervision program.

     The courts may not require an offender to participate in the intensive supervision program during a term of probation or post-release supervision.

     (5)  The Department of Corrections shall provide to the Oversight Task Force all relevant data regarding the offenders participating in the intensive supervision program including the number of offenders admitted to the program annually, the number of offenders who leave the program annually and why they leave, the number of offenders who are arrested or convicted annually and the circumstances of the arrest and any other information requested.

     SECTION 5.  Section 93-5-23, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     93-5-23.  When a divorce shall be decreed from the bonds of matrimony, the court may, in its discretion, having regard to the circumstances of the parties and the nature of the case, as may seem equitable and just, make all orders touching the care, custody and maintenance of the children of the marriage, and also touching the maintenance and alimony of the wife or the husband, or any allowance to be made to her or him, and shall, if need be, require bond, sureties or other guarantee for the payment of the sum so allowed.  Orders touching on the custody of the children of the marriage shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 93-5-24.  For the purposes of orders touching the maintenance and alimony of the wife or husband, "property" and "an asset of a spouse" shall not include any interest a party may have as an heir at law of a living person or any interest under a third-party will, nor shall any such interest be considered as an economic circumstance or other factor.  The court may afterwards, on petition, change the decree, and make from time to time such new decrees as the case may require.  However, where proof shows that both parents have separate incomes or estates, the court may require that each parent contribute to the support and maintenance of the children of the marriage in proportion to the relative financial ability of each.  In the event a legally responsible parent has health insurance available to him or her through an employer or organization that may extend benefits to the dependents of such parent, any order of support issued against such parent may require him or her to exercise the option of additional coverage in favor of such children as he or she is legally responsible to support.

     Whenever the court has ordered a party to make periodic payments for the maintenance or support of a child, but no bond, sureties or other guarantee has been required to secure such payments, and whenever such payments as have become due remain unpaid for a period of at least thirty (30) days, the court may, upon petition of the person to whom such payments are owing, or such person's legal representative, enter an order requiring that bond, sureties or other security be given by the person obligated to make such payments, the amount and sufficiency of which shall be approved by the court.  The obligor shall, as in other civil actions, be served with process and shall be entitled to a hearing in such case.

     At the discretion of the court, any person found in contempt for failure to pay child support and imprisoned therefor may be referred for placement in a state, county or municipal restitution, house arrest as provided in Section 1 of this act or restorative justice center or program, provided such person meets the qualifications prescribed in Section 99-37-19.

     Whenever in any proceeding in the chancery court concerning the custody of a child a party alleges that the child whose custody is at issue has been the victim of sexual or physical abuse by the other party, the court may, on its own motion, grant a continuance in the custody proceeding only until such allegation has been investigated by the Department of Human Services.  At the time of ordering such continuance, the court may direct the party and his attorney making such allegation of child abuse to report in writing and provide all evidence touching on the allegation of abuse to the Department of Human Services.  The Department of Human Services shall investigate such allegation and take such action as it deems appropriate and as provided in such cases under the Youth Court Law (being Chapter 21 of Title 43, Mississippi Code of 1972) or under the laws establishing family courts (being Chapter 23 of Title 43, Mississippi Code of 1972).

     If after investigation by the Department of Human Services or final disposition by the youth court or family court allegations of child abuse are found to be without foundation, the chancery court shall order the alleging party to pay all court costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the defending party in responding to such allegation.

     The court may investigate, hear and make a determination in a custody action when a charge of abuse and/or neglect arises in the course of a custody action as provided in Section 43-21-151, and in such cases the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem for the child as provided under Section 43-21-121, who shall be an attorney.  Unless the chancery court's jurisdiction has been terminated, all disposition orders in such cases for placement with the Department of Human Services shall be reviewed by the court or designated authority at least annually to determine if continued placement with the department is in the best interest of the child or public.

     The duty of support of a child terminates upon the emancipation of the child.  The court may determine that emancipation has occurred pursuant to Section 93-11-65.

     Custody and visitation upon military temporary duty, deployment or mobilization shall be governed by Section 93-5-34.

     SECTION 6.  Section 93-9-33, Mississippi Code of 1972, is amended as follows:

     93-9-33.  The court also has power, on default as aforesaid, to adjudge the father in contempt and to order him committed to jail in the same manner and with the same powers as in case of commitment for default in giving security.  The commitment of the father shall not operate to stay execution upon the judgment of the bond.  Any father adjudged in contempt for failure to pay child support and committed to jail for such failure shall be brought before the court as provided in Section 1 of this act.

     SECTION 7.  Section 47-5-1001, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     47-5-1001.  For purposes of Sections 47-5-1001 through 47-5-1015, the following words shall have the meaning ascribed herein unless the context shall otherwise require:

          (a)  "Approved electronic monitoring device" means a device approved by the department which is primarily intended to record and transmit information regarding the offender's presence or nonpresence in the home.

          (b)  "Correctional field officer" means the supervising probation and parole officer in charge of supervising the offender.

          (c)  "Court" means a circuit court having jurisdiction to place an offender into the intensive supervision program.

          (d)  "Department" means the Department of Corrections.

          (e)  "House arrest" means the confinement of a person convicted or charged with a crime to his place of residence under the terms and conditions established by the department or court.

          (f)  "Operating capacity" means the total number of state offenders which can be safely and reasonably housed in facilities operated by the department and in local or county jails or other facilities authorized to house state offenders as certified by the department, subject to applicable federal and state laws and rules and regulations.

          (g)  "Participant" means an offender placed into an intensive supervision program.

     SECTION 8.  Section 47-5-1005, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     47-5-1005.  (1)  The department shall promulgate rules that prescribe reasonable guidelines under which an intensive supervision program shall operate.  These rules shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

          (a)  The participant shall remain within the interior premises or within the property boundaries of his or her residence at all times during the hours designated by the correctional field officer.

          (b)  Approved absences from the home may include, but are not limited to, the following:

              (i)  Working or employment approved by the court or department and traveling to or from approved employment;

              (ii)  Unemployed and seeking employment approved for the participant by the court or department;

              (iii)  Undergoing medical, psychiatric, mental health treatment, counseling or other treatment programs approved for the participant by the court or department;

              (iv)  Attending an educational institution or a program approved for the participant by the court or department;

              (v)  Participating in community work release or a community service program approved for the participant by the court or department; or

              (vi)  For another compelling reason consistent with the public interest, as approved by the court or department.

          (c)  Except in case of a medical emergency and approval by the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections, or his designee, or by circuit court order for medical purposes, no participant in the intensive supervision program may leave the jurisdiction of the State of Mississippi.

     (2)  The department shall select and approve all electronic monitoring devices used under Sections 47-5-1001 through 47-5-1015.

     (3)  The department may lease the equipment necessary to implement the intensive supervision program and to contract for the monitoring of such devices.  The department is authorized to select the lowest price and best source in contracting for these services.

     SECTION 9.  Section 47-5-1007, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     47-5-1007.  (1)  Any participant in the intensive supervision program who engages in employment shall pay a monthly fee to the department for each month such person is enrolled in the program.  The department may waive the monthly fee if the offender is a full-time student or is engaged in vocational training.  Juvenile offenders shall pay a monthly fee of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) but not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) based on a sliding scale using the standard of need for each family that is used to calculate TANF benefits.  Money received by the department from participants in the program shall be deposited into a special fund which is hereby created in the State Treasury.  It shall be used, upon appropriation by the Legislature, for the purpose of helping to defray the costs involved in administering and supervising such program.  Unexpended amounts remaining in such special fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned on amounts in such special fund shall be deposited to the credit of the special fund.

     (2)  The participant shall admit any correctional officer into his residence at any time for purposes of verifying the participant's compliance with the conditions of his detention.

     (3)  The participant shall make the necessary arrangements to allow for correctional officers to visit the participant's place of education or employment at any time, based upon the approval of the educational institution or employer, for the purpose of verifying the participant's compliance with the conditions of his detention.

     (4)  The participant shall acknowledge and participate with the approved electronic monitoring device as designated by the department at any time for the purpose of verifying the participant's compliance with the conditions of his detention.

     (5)  The participant shall be responsible for and shall maintain the following:

          (a)  A working telephone line in the participant's home;

          (b)  A monitoring device in the participant's home, or on the participant's person, or both; and

          (c)  A monitoring device in the participant's home and on the participant's person in the absence of a telephone.

     (6)  The participant shall obtain approval from the correctional field officer before the participant changes residence.

     (7)  The participant shall not commit another crime during the period of home detention ordered by the court or department.

     (8)  Notice shall be given to the participant that violation of the order of home detention shall subject the participant to prosecution for the crime of escape as a felony.

     (9)  The participant shall abide by other conditions as set by the court or the department.

     SECTION 10.  Section 47-5-1011, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     47-5-1011.  (1)  Before entering an order for commitment for electronic house arrest, the department shall inform the participant and other persons residing in the home of the nature and extent of the approved electronic monitoring devices by doing the following:

          (a)  Securing the written consent of the participant in the program to comply with the rules and regulations of the program.

          (b)  Advising adult persons residing in the home of the participant at the time an order or commitment for electronic house arrest is entered and asking such persons to acknowledge the nature and extent of approved electronic monitoring devices.

          (c)  Insuring that the approved electronic devices are minimally intrusive upon the privacy of other persons residing in the home while remaining in compliance with Sections 47-5-1001 through 47-5-1015.

     (2)  The participant shall be responsible for the cost of equipment and any damage to such equipment.  Any intentional damage, any attempt to defeat monitoring, any committing of a criminal offense or any associating with felons or known criminals, shall constitute a violation of the program.

     (3)  Any person whose residence is utilized in the program shall agree to keep the home drug and alcohol free and to exclude known felons and criminals in order to provide a noncriminal environment.

     SECTION 11.  Section 47-5-1013, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     47-5-1013.  Participants enrolled in an intensive supervision program shall be required to:

          (a)  Maintain employment if physically able, or full-time student status at an approved school or vocational trade, and make progress deemed satisfactory to the correctional field officer, or both, or be involved in supervised job searches.

          (b)  Pay restitution and program fees as directed by the department.  Program fees shall not be less than Eighty-eight Dollars ($88.00) per month.  The sentencing judge may charge a program fee of less than Eighty-eight Dollars ($88.00) per month in cases of extreme financial hardship, when such judge determines that the offender's participation in the program would provide a benefit to his community.  Juvenile offenders shall not pay a program fee but shall pay a monthly fee as provided in Section 47-5-1007.  Program fees shall be deposited in the special fund created in Section 47-5-1007.

          (c)  Establish a place of residence at a place approved by the correctional field officer, and not change his residence without the officer's approval.  The correctional officer shall be allowed to inspect the place of residence for alcoholic beverages, controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.

          (d)  Remain at his place of residence at all times except to go to work, to attend school, to perform community service and as specifically allowed in each instance by the correctional field officer.

          (e)  Allow administration of drug and alcohol tests as requested by the field officer.

          (f)  Perform not less than ten (10) hours of community service each month.

          (g)  Meet any other conditions imposed by the court to meet the needs of the offender and limit the risks to the community.

     SECTION 12.  Section 47-5-1014, Mississippi Code of 1972, is brought forward as follows:

     47-5-1014.  (1)  Participants who have been in the intensive supervision program since July 1, 2004, whether placed into the program before or after July 1, 2004, shall pay a Fifty Dollar ($50.00) monthly supervision fee to the Mississippi Department of Corrections for their supervision from July 1, 2004, or from the date the participant entered the program after July 1, 2004, until completion of the program, or April 6, 2005, or whichever occurs first.  From and after April 6, 2005, all participants of the intensive supervision program shall pay the fee as established in Section 47-5-1013.

     (2)  The Department of Corrections shall use its best effort to collect the monthly supervision fees in arrearage under this section.

     (3)  A participant's failure to pay the monthly fees in arrearage shall not be deemed a violation of a condition of the program, and the participant shall not be removed from the program for failure to pay the monthly fees in arrearage.

     (4)  This section shall not apply to any fees incurred after April 6, 2005.

     (5)  Any arrearage remaining under this section at the end of the offender's participation in the program shall automatically be reduced to a civil judgment and upon notice by the Department of Corrections shall be recorded with the circuit court clerk in the county wherein the participant resides.  The Department of Corrections and/or the district attorney shall use best efforts to collect the judgment.

     SECTION 13.  This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 2018.