2004 1st Extraordinary Session

To: Rules

By: Representative Formby, Dedeaux, Broomfield, Compretta, Cummings, Ellington, Fredericks, Frierson, Guice, Ishee, Janus, Patterson, Peranich, Pierce, Upshaw

House Concurrent Resolution 1

(As Adopted by House and Senate)


     WHEREAS, the United States has a proud tradition of leadership in space exploration and scientific discovery; and

     WHEREAS, the United States' exploration of space has led to technological advances that improve our lives in countless ways; and

     WHEREAS, on January 14, 2004, President George W. Bush announced a new vision for United States space exploration, with the goal of returning humans to the moon within the next decade and extending a human presence across our solar system; and

     WHEREAS, the President's fiscal year 2005 budget request for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is $1  billion higher than the previous year's request and would redirect $11 billion in the existing funding to provide a total $12 billion  over five years to help address the space exploration vision; and

     WHEREAS, in early June 2004, the President's Commission on Implementation of the United States Space Exploration Policy will issue its recommendations on how to implement the exploration vision; and

     WHEREAS, for more than 40 years, the State of Mississippi has played an important role in the United States' space program, with the John C. Stennis Space Center located in Hancock County, Mississippi, serving as the nation's primary rocket propulsion testing facility; and

     WHEREAS, every United States astronaut who has traveled in space has flown on engines tested at the Stennis Space Center, from the Saturn V engines that took Apollo astronauts to the moon, to the Space Shuttle main engines that have orbited the earth since 1981; and

     WHEREAS, Stennis Space Center also manages NASA's Earth Science application program, using results from Earth Science research and remote sensing satellites to enable more informed decisions in disaster management, community planning, environmental quality and natural resources; and

     WHEREAS, Mississippi universities and companies have, likewise, played a major role in providing a skilled engineering and scientific work force and in conducting research and development required to perform the important missions of NASA and other resident agencies at Stennis Space Center; and

     WHEREAS, the State of Mississippi is committed to continuing its contributions to the nation's space program by maximizing the taxpayers investments in the propulsion testing infrastructure and buffer zone at Stennis Space Center, as well as the investments in Mississippi university research programs, and in supplying a technically competent work force; and

     WHEREAS, these capabilities located within the State of Mississippi will continue to be important elements in carrying out NASA's future mission:

     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN, That we support NASA's goal of returning humans to the moon and pursuing human exploration of Mars and the solar system; that we support continued funding of human space flight, Earth Science and other NASA programs, as well as continued funding of the space-related infrastructure at the John C. Stennis Space Center, and we hereby encourage the Congress of the United States to enact and fully fund the proposed budget for the Space Exploration Program as submitted in the fiscal year 2005 budget, which will enable the United States and the State of Mississippi to remain leaders in exploration and development of space.

     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be furnished to the Governor of the State of Mississippi, members of the Mississippi congressional delegation, the Director of the John C. Stennis Space Center, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and to the members of the Capitol Press Corps.