

Senate Concurrent NO. 581

By Senator(s) Bryan, Jackson, Little, Minor

AMEND by striking all after line 3 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

WHEREAS, it is only fitting that the law enforcement officers who have given their lives in the performance of their duties be remembered with the utmost respect; and

WHEREAS, the State Board of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training, the Mississippi Department of Archives and History and the Bureau of Capitol Facilities have put forth a concerted effort to make an appropriate and meaningful Law Enforcement Memorial a reality; and

WHEREAS, the monument design will be the result of a competition of appropriate designs submitted by architectural firms; and

WHEREAS, the location of the Law Enforcement Memorial should be selected in accordance with construction plans for the new Capitol Complex, which includes a proposed pedestrian mall between the Walter Sillers State Office Building and a newly constructed justice facility; and

WHEREAS, Mississippi's law enforcement officers are worthy of the highest praise:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That we do hereby express the enthusiastic support of the Legislature for the location of the Law Enforcement Officers Memorial adjacent to the proposed pedestrian mall which is to be located between the Walter Sillers State Office Building and the newly constructed justice facility, with the exact location of the memorial to be west of the mall, between the mall and the new justice building.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the pedestrian mall should remain open from George Street to High Street to provide an unobstructed view of the New Capitol Building from Congress Street, and that any other monuments should also be placed to the east or west of the mall.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That we express our appreciation to the State Board of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training, the Mississippi Department of Archives and History and the Bureau of Capitol Facilities for their hard work and dedication to this important project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be forwarded to the State Board of Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Training, the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History and the Executive Director of the Department of Finance and Administration, and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.