2000 Third Extraordinary Session

To: Rules

By: Senator(s) Simmons

Senate Resolution 1

(As Adopted by Senate)


WHEREAS, Pastor Roderick Mitchell of Cleveland, MS, is the Founder and Pastor of The New Life Church, Inc. Since its inception in 1994, the ministry, by the grace and mercy of God has prospered to become a multi-faceted, multi-talented, multi-ethnic ministry that is making a difference in the Mississippi Delta area; and

WHEREAS, Pastor Mitchell flows in a strong anointing of teaching the Word of God! The anointing stirs the hearts of people to a level of faith and joy concerning God's Word that they long to experience; he is evaluated as an energetic speaker, outgoing leader, high achiever with a strong belief in the Gospel of Jesus and the Principles of God's Kingdom, consequently, he travels extensively, ministering to clergy, victim service advocates, students and church congregations alike; his deep healing approach to ministry transcends cultural and denominational barriers; and

WHEREAS, Pastor Roderick Mitchell has over 22 years of ministry from 1978 to present, over 14 years of pastoral experience, 1986 to present; frequent speaking engagements and presentations at more than 200 national, state and local conferences, churches and training seminars encouraging the building of the Kingdom of God; he is the radio host of 95.3 FM, Sunday Morning Program - 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., entitled: "Walking Through The Word"; he is married to the former Mary Butler; they have been blessed with one child, Isaac; and

WHEREAS, his education: Doctor of Apostolic Ministry, Institute for Teaching God's Word Theological Seminary, Rockdale, Texas, June 7, 1997; Master of Biblical Studies, Institute for Teaching God's Word Theological Seminary, Rockdale, Texas, June 7, 1997; Teaching Certification in Bible and Bible Related Subjects, Institute for Teaching God's Word, Theological Seminary, Rockdale, Texas, June 7, 1997; Master of Christian Counseling, Triune Biblical University, Longview, Washington, May 1997; Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education, Salutatorian, Triune Biblical University, Longview, Washington, May 1995; Biology Major, Mississippi Valley State University, Itta Bena, Mississippi, 1985-1986; Associate Degree in General Studies, Central Texas College, Killeen, Texas, 1979-1982; General Studies, John F. Kennedy Memorial High School, Mount Bayou, Mississippi, 1975; and his professional experience: December 1995 to Present: CEO & Executive Director over Exodus Center for Life's Programs: New Life Counseling Center; Preparing Our Sons for Manhood: Salvaging The Seed; GED & Adult Literacy; Teenage Pregnancy; Job Skills; Mississippi Women's Economic and Entrepreneurial Project; Faith & Family: MASH Batterer Program; Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault; Court Advocacy; Support Our Students (SOS) Afterschool Program: Perfected Praise Day Care; It's Moses Time - Summer Youth Program; and Speaker Bureau, Cleveland, Mississippi; March 1994 to Present: Full Time - Founder & Pastor, The New Life Church, Inc., Cleveland, Mississippi; November 1994 to 1996: Coordinator for Male Health Initiate Program, Delta Health Center, Inc., Mound Bayou, Mississippi; March 1986 to December 1993: Full Time - Pastor, Mount Pilgrim M.B. Church, Cleveland, Mississippi; August 1975 to August 1979: Sergeant (E-5), United States Army, Honorary Discharge; and

WHEREAS, highlights of his affiliations and awards: Certification of Honor given by the State of Texas House of Representatives, May 31, 1997; National Crime Victims Service Award, the highest federal honor for victim advocacy, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Program: Office for Victims of Crime, Washington, D.C., presented by Vice President Al Gore and U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, April 18, 1997; Amy Clayton's Volunteer of the Year Award, presented by the 1997 Crime Victims' Rights Forum for the State of Mississippi, April 17, 1997; City of Greenville, "Proclamation for Outstanding Victim Assistance" in the Washington & Bolivar Counties area and throughout the State of Mississippi, 1995; Dean of Curriculum, Bolivar County Educational Association, 1993 to present; Regional Coordinator for the Mississippi National Day of Prayer, 14 counties, 1995; Advisor, Delta Women Aglow, 1993 to present; President, Bolivar County Educational Association, 1988 to 1992; Pastor of the Year, Progressive Business Women of Cleveland, 1988; Man of the Year, Progressive Business Women of Cleveland, 1988; and

WHEREAS, it is with great pride that we recognize the accomplishments and dedicated charitable and civic service of this Mississippian:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, That we do hereby commend Reverend Roderick Mitchell of Cleveland, Mississippi, Founder of The New Life Church and the Exodus School of the Bible, for his considerable and dedicated charitable and civic service to his fellowman, and wish him continued success in his future endeavors.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be presented to Rev. Mitchell and his family and be made available to the Capitol Press Corps.