

House Bill NO. 1273

By Representative(s) Flaggs, Howell

AMEND by inserting the following after the period on line 24: "Any interest that accrues in the fund shall remain in the fund, and at the end of the fiscal year any monies remaining in the fund shall not lapse into the General Fund but shall remain in the fund until July 1, 2001, at which time such remaining funds shall lapse into the General Fund."

AMEND FURTHER by deleting lines 38 through 41 in their entirety.

AMEND FURTHER by deleting line 49 in its entirety and inserting the following: "and after July 1, 2000."

AMEND FURTHER the title by deleting the language beginning with the word "TO" on line 3 through the word "AND" on line 6, and by inserting the following after the word "REPEALER" ON LINE 6: "ON THE DATE THE MONIES IN THE FUND WILL LAPSE INTO THE GENERAL FUND"